YouTuber Sho Takeyaki reports consultation to police suffering from repeated stalking

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YouTuber・タケヤキ翔、度重なるストーカー被害に遭う 警察への相談を報告

YouTuber Sho Takeyaki, who boasts 1.83 million subscribers, updated the video on February 5th. He reported on the harassment he had suffered so far. [Photo] Sho Takeyaki who reports the damage caused by the same car Sho Takeyaki has been suffering from harassment since his parents' days. At that time, it was said that there were damages such as elementary school students rushing to his parents' house and being asked for autographs, and fans rushing around the house by car. Sho Takeyaki is currently moving, but recently, maybe his address has gone astray, he is always chased by a car of the same model when he goes out by car, and fans are pushing over the intercom. reported. In the video, Sho Takeyaki reports brightly with jokes, but he also says, "It's pretty scary to be called by strangers more than everyone thinks." The scariest story was that the apartment was supposed to be an apartment with an auto lock and the elevator wouldn't work without certification, but suddenly the intercom through the door rang and a woman in her 40s stood. That has been repeated, and he reveals that he is currently working in consultation with the police. Sho Takeyaki is a veteran YouTuber who opened a YouTube channel in 2013, but it is said that the audience will change as the years go by. At first, junior and senior high school students were the main focus, but the viewers are getting older and becoming adults, and recently the damage caused by mischief and harassment has decreased, but on the contrary, the 40s who go above it are stalker. I was terrified of what I was doing. In the past, as a transmission from YouTuber side, Hikakin was damaged by ping pong dash etc. and could only live in a high-rise condominium with good security, and Hajime Syacho "rushed at home" He revealed that he had received it, and Tokai OnAir's Tetsuya and Fischer's Silk Road also confessed the damage caused by the stalker and the assault at home, and sounded a warning bell. YouTuber is one person who should protect privacy, although it may mislead viewers into thinking that it is a close distance due to the tension of the video. He may have some trouble because he is a popular person, but he earnestly wishes for the common sense behavior of the viewer.

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