The whole picture of the "local 5G" test operation in Antarctica | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

The National Institute of National Location (Gokuchiken) and NEC Netzu Eye (NESIC) have started demonstration experiments on mobile wireless communication systems at Showa Base, utilizing "Local 5G", which can use the 5th generation communication (5g) in regional only.rice field.It is the world's first test operation of local 5G in the Antarctica.The period is until January 2023.

Local 5G base facilities will be installed on the basic observation building roof of the Showa Base, and on the east Angle Island, where the Showa base is located, and on the surrounding sea ice, remote monitoring of images and base facilities that take advantage of the wide bandwidth lines.

世界初、南極で「ローカル5G」試験運用の全容|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

The radio wave uses a 4.8 Gigahertz (Giga 1 billion) band, which is excellent in straightness.By installing it in a well -priced building in the main part of the base, local 5G services have been used in a wide range of bases.

Since the Showa Base installed the Intelt Satellite Communication equipment in 2004, it became possible to use the Internet by constantly transmitting observation data and wired connections.Currently, Wi -Fi (Waifi) can now be used indoors in the main base.

On the other hand, transceiver is almost the only means of communication outdoors, but during the demonstration experiment period, local 5G communication using smartphone terminals is possible outdoors.It leads to the efficiency of the operation of the observation team and the safety of the observation group.

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun February 28, 2022
