withnews withnews withNews "I want to feel the outside air ..." Library with no lending times.

What I wanted to convey from the book to the masochism from the book

東京都練馬区立石神井図書館で開かれている、一風変わった読書フェアについて取材しました。(画像を加工しています)出典: 石神井図書館提供

Ikuto Kobe


A public library that boasts a huge number of books.It is a valuable facility that can be touched not only for popular new works but also for the famous books of the East and West for free.On the other hand, for various reasons, there are many books that no one can reach.Some facilities hold a unique book fair based on such circumstances."I thought that the important thing was to feel like a book."We talked to the staff who planned a full -fledged event to enrich the reading experience of the people.(WithNews editorial department, Ikuto Kobe)


Excellent pop and copy are "attacking"

Early February.I wanted to browse the materials necessary for the interview, and I was accessing libraries nationwide.However, the results are old, and the results are almost not on the world, so the results are not good.It was a barely hit in the Ishiijin Library, Nerima -ku, Tokyo.Although there is a distance from the house, I decided to go for work.On the day of the visit to the museum, the moment I passed the automatic door at the front entrance, I was faced.In front of the pillar at the end, one tall bookshelf was standing with Dokan.Especially eye -catching was the pop pasted on the top of the shelf."Book of zero lending times".It is written in the character string arranged sideways.It seems to be so stiff enough to emphasize by writing vertically only the "zero" part, and the number of "0" is floated on the back side.I'm attacking ...Involuntarily, I look at it seriously.Furthermore, it was the free material and the illustration attached to the string.A person sitting with a knee is drawn in a gloomy color background.And somehow the head is a book.Around it, such a copy is jumping.

ステイライブラリーをして早3年本棚から引き抜かれる事を心まちにしてこれまで過ごしてまいりました嗚呼、外の空気を感じたい我々 本は読まれる事で輝きますどうぞあなたの手でわたくしに3年ぶりの外の世界を見せてください

When I finished reading the text, the laminated pop glowed white.Did the light of fluorescent light reflect, or have my eyes moisturized?When he noticed, he reached out to one book on the shelf, sat on a chair, and was silently looking at the print.Public library launches a masochistic story with outstanding destructive power.My interest in the gap was poured into the plans' chest.I was worried about the background situation and decided to apply for an interview.

企画展示のポップ。(画像を加工しています)出典: 石神井図書館提供

The book "buried" book stands out

"Lights a variety of collections from a variety of perspectives. That is the best purpose."Director Hirokawa (51) of the Shakujii Library said about the aim of the exhibition.According to Mr. Hirokawa, the museum has been exhibiting books on a specific theme 11 times a year for about a month.This time, the purpose is to focus on books that have never been rented from FY2019 to 2021.It is said that there was such a background in the background."I think that users often go to books that they want to borrow. There is no space to promote all new books, so even if they are on the bookshelf, books are buried.On the other hand, there are some books that you can meet the reader if you stand out.Mr. Hirokawa thought so."As a worker who works in the library, not only will you get familiar with a handful of popular works, but also experience the world of fertility in the back, so focus on books that are not read.It was a story about choosing the book that the staff wants to read. "

普段目立たちづらい本にこそ注目してほしい――。そんな思いが、企画展示の背景にあるという。(画像はイメージ)出典: Getty Images

It is also meaningful for the operating side of the library

There are four staff members who chose books for the "Book of Zero Loan".It took about a month to scrutinize 150 books with Nonjunre.In each case, the borrowers are smooth, and the users have received impressions such as "interesting".According to Hirokawa, this exhibition has a great significance for the library management."What kind of books are in the collection and how attractive they can be picked up? Thinking about this is basic and very important in managing books.Isn't it a good opportunity to review? "

今回の展示には、図書館を利用する側にも、運営する側にも意味があると、廣川館長は語る。(画像はイメージ)出典: Getty Images

Many books that shake the staff's hearts

We also interviewed the staff who actually hit the selection.One of the people in charge, Shino Kosekawa (22), responded.Mr. Kokawa who likes literature and has taken another job once after acquiring a librarian qualification as a student.In May last year, I changed jobs to the Library Distribution Center, a company that outsources the operation of the Ishigamii Library to work on a book.Currently, he has been working on collection and books, and for the first time, he was involved in a monthly exhibition once.It was said that when I chose 40 to 50 books, I realized the fun of encountering unknown books."For example, we have selected a commentary on a famous art work that everyone will know for this exhibition. It is a book with many secret stories, but for some reason it is borrowed by anyone.It wasn't. This was very surprising. "" It was old, the size was too large, the binding was too simple and inconspicuous. For various reasons, there are many books that are not easy to hit.There are many books that I first knew about existence through the selection of books. "This is a war testimony that recorded the lives of people during the war."These books are likely to be in the future. I wanted many people to read it and wanted to line up on the bookshelf. A book about the history that is difficult to get, but needs to know.I put it. I think that is one of the roles of the library. "

「貸出回数ゼロの本」と題された書籍展示コーナー。(画像を加工しています)出典: 石神井図書館提供

There is an interesting book in the genre that is not familiar

It was Mr. Koekawa who invented the excellent copy of Pop.The word "zero lending" alone is not enough to catch the user's heart.It is said that as a result of considering such a book from the book, the expression such as "Stay Library" was inspired."The word" stay home "was born in the trend of the new colon virus. Books are brought to the library and trapped. Somehow it is similar to humans. It is hard to read from the book. It is hard to read.I thought it would be important to take a standpoint. "Books and texts can only be used by someone who can be read by someone.He felt that he wanted to push such a message to the entire surface.I felt that I knew the reason why I was so sorrowful for the strange sentence.There is also the aspect that the thoughts of literature have been used.The symbolic wooden box is placed in the middle of the bookshelf.There is no partition in the foreground, one book is put in, and on the right is an illustration of a book that looks at it with a crumble eyes.Just below that, it is written on a black background with white letters.

どなたもどうかご利用ください 決してご遠慮はありません本棚には、書籍が一冊入るサイズの木箱が設置されている。(画像を加工しています)出典: 石神井図書館提供

This is a passage of Kenji Miyazawa's fairy tale, "Many restaurants with many orders", "Please enter it."In the original, it is written as a word of a flower cat. I felt that there was a gravity as a call from a non -human being."How do you want people who visit the library to enjoy the exhibition?Finally, when I asked, this answer came back."The library is a bookstore that is difficult to pick up in bookstores, and the library can meet old books and specialized books. There are many interesting books in genres that are not usually familiar.I'm glad. "In an era when the print was shouted, it was a wonderful initiative where the spiritual spirit of the books was felt.The exhibition of the Shakujii Library will be held until February 27.

"I want to feel the outside air ..." The request of the library opened with no lending times

