When I introduced a smart lock, I couldn't let go of Apple Watch

 I introduced a smart lock in my home, albeit late.Actually, I have been smaring my home little by little to the timing of replacement of home appliances for several years, but smart locks have been through for a long time.The apartment housing where I live was old and the keys were old, so I could not attach a smart lock with a motor with a motor.

 I was thinking of introducing it when I moved, but if I had no such plans, it came to the present, and I finally got a heavy waist.Because, Candy House, which works on the smart lock "SESAME" series, offers a service that produces and sells special adapters with 3D printers for keys that are usually difficult to install.。I knew it, but I couldn't take it easily, but when I made an inquiry the other day, I realized that I could use an adapter for my key, so I was able to introduce the company's smart lock "Sesame 3".

スマートロックを導入したらApple Watchがますます手放せなくなりました

 The writer tends to forget or lose things, so I have "AirTag" on my keys, but if I don't need to carry the key in the first place, I don't have to worry about losing it.A Wi-Fi module for "SESAME 3" has been introduced, so that the key status can be confirmed from the outside, and an auto lock that automatically closes automatically after a certain time is opened.Now you don't have to worry about closing the key.

 With a smart lock, it is easy to share the key.There is no such opportunity right now, but when you leave a house on a business trip, you can easily issue a key to a nearby friend and see how it looks.You can also check the history of the key opening and closing from the app.You can receive notifications at the time of unlocking, so you can use it to know where your family comes home.The operation of unlocking can be operated by talking to Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, etc. if set in advance.It also holds a smartphone over an NFC tag, unlocked empty -handed using GPS, and also supports the Apple Watch, and I use Apple Watch exclusively.

 By the way, the story changes, but Watchos 7 in the Apple Watch.From 4, you can now support unlocking the iPhone.If the Apple Watch after Series 3 or later is installed, if various conditions are in place, it is now possible to unlock the iPhone with the face authentication even if you are wearing it, but when you use it.This feature is really convenient, and now it's a story of the past that I was frustrated with the passcode input.It's too comfortable to live with the iPhone without Apple Watch.

今では必需品となったApple Watch

 This time, the Apple Watch has become a key to home, and the importance of the author has only increased.Inevitably, the time you put on your arms is getting longer and longer, but the battery is worried about it.Although it is charged in the gap gap, the Apple Watch is now a wallet, a key, and a must to unlock the iPhone.It is troublesome to have the battery run out.Recently, it is customary to carry a magnetic charging cable for Apple Watch along with a mobile battery for smartphones, but in consideration of the risk of losing a cable on the go, a mobile battery integrated with magnetic chargers.I'm thinking of introducing it.

 By the way, the public beta version of WatchOS 8 is now available, but the mindfulness function that helps relieving stress has enhanced, and it is possible to operate the keys of home and car from the wallet app, and cooperate with smart home appliances.It is clear that Apple Watch will not be able to release the Apple Watch more and more from his arms in the future, such as enhanced and will be able to record respiratory rate during sleep.Along with WatchOS 8, I would like to look forward to the new Apple Watch battery, which will probably be released this fall.
