The story of nearly dying during a university experiment is chilling.When I realized my body was covered in chemicals and glass... (page 1/2)

 While preparing chemicals for a university experiment, a series of mistakes were made that almost led to a fatal accident.

By the time you realize it, it's too late...

 A manga depicting the events that occurred when using the "autoclave", a device that sterilizes under high pressure. Based on Mr. Bell (@bell_bell_55)'s story, a little girl (@youjo_tec) in the lab drew a cartoon.

 Mr. Beruru was more flustered than usual on that day due to a number of troubles, such as machine failure and mold growing on the reagents used. Put the remade reagents in the autoclave in a hurry and wait for the process to finish. After confirming that the pressure has dropped, I try to take out the reagent, but the temperature is still 90 degrees. Although I am not sure, I took it out as "Maybe Yoshi!"

Nearly dying experience during a university experiment The story chills me when I realize my whole body is covered in chemicals and glass... (page 1/2)

 However, the bottles containing the reagents are very hot, and cooling them to room temperature will not be enough for the experiment. So I quickly cooled it with ice in a hurry. When I take a break and look at the reagents, I notice that the contents have expanded and the bottle has cracked.

 Mr. Beruru's vision went black with a bursting sound. He had chemicals all over his body and was wearing shattered glass. Looking back, it seems that the accident was caused by the fact that the lid was tightly closed when the reagent was put into the autoclave, and that the autoclave was quickly frozen with ice.

 In the autoclave process, the air inside the bottle expands, and sudden temperature changes cause the bottle to crack. It is said to have caused an accident.

 The reagent used at that time was of low toxicity, and fortunately he was wearing glasses and a mask, so he was unharmed, but depending on the situation, the results could have been serious.

 On Twitter, "A small mistake when you are impatient or tired can lead to a big accident. Be careful, too." They said that the rotor was loosely fixed and it flew into the air.” “I did the exact same thing when I was a graduate student. My eyes were fine, but my face was burned, and the burns around my elbows left scars for a while.” It makes me reconfirm that I want to do everything possible to ensure safety when conducting experiments.

Work provided by: Little girl in the laboratory (@youjo_tec)

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