What should I do with "fly"?Introducing countermeasures![August 2021 version]

 It will end in August soon, but hot days continue.Speaking of hot days, you may be worried about the "fly (small blay)" that appears in the sink in the kitchen, around the garbage, and the bathroom (bathroom).There are many people who are annoying in the field of view.

 In the first place, what kind of creature is small flies?Let's consider how to take measures not to enter or not.


What kind of creature is "fly" in the first place?

 As the name suggests, the fly is a general term for flies with a length of about 2 mm.There are so many types, and many of the flying flies in Japan belong to the following four subjects.

 Shawojobais are often found around the kitchen and garbage.Showojobae is called "Fruit Fly" in English and is known for fruit lovers.Strictly speaking, it is common to ripe fruits, vegetables and seasonings, so be careful with these garbage, remaining scum and droplets.

 Nomi flies tend to be around the kitchen garbage and animals.Chobae is nocturnal and is often found in bathrooms and sewer pipes.Mushroom buckwheat is easy to appear in the shade and potted plants.

「fruit fly」と呼ばれるショウジョウバエは、熟した果物や野菜が好物で、生ゴミやそれらの残りカスによく集まってきます

Where does the fly come from?

 As mentioned earlier, the fly is several mm long.Therefore, even if you do not leave the entrance or window open, it will invade even from a slight gap in doors, windows and ventilation fans.

気になる「コバエ」どうすればいい? 対策グッズを紹介!【2021年8月版】

 I think, "How about using an insect repellent net (insect repellent net, insect repellent net)?"Introducing a screen door is not safe.


How can I suppress the invasion of the fly?

 What should I do to suppress the invasion of the fly?Here are some measures that are easy to work on.


 Frame basically comes to an environment that lacks cleanliness.Therefore, keeping the sink and bathroom clean is one of the important measures.

 When cleaning the sink, don't forget to clean the dust tray (garbage receiving), drain and triangle corners.Above all, dust tray and triangular corner garbage should be collected frequently.If you prepare a disposable "drainer garbage bag", it is easy to collect garbage.

ダストトレーや三角コーナーの清掃は、汚れがひどくなければ中性洗剤でも大丈夫です。汚れがひどい場合は、塩素系漂白剤やアルカリ性の洗剤を使って掃除することをおすすめします(スポンジなどでこする際は、必ず手袋を装着してください)流し台のダストトレーは、発泡タイプのクリーナーを使った掃除もおすすめです。ゴミをしっかり取り除いてから使いましょう最近は三角コーナーなしで“自立”できる水切りゴミ袋もあります。これを使えば、小まめに生ゴミを捨てるのも楽です(画像はネクスタ「シンク用水切りゴミ袋 スタンドタイプE、出典:Amazon)コバエの種類によっては、排水口のぬめりを求めてやってくることもあります。排水口のパイプ清掃も有効なコバエ対策といえます


 Frame often gathers in garbage.Let's collect garbage frequently.In summer, flying tends to occur in less than a few days.It would be even better if you use a trash can that can be sealed with a lid.If you cannot seal it, tie the garbage bag firmly and seal it.

 Also, the cause of the flies is that you tend to overlook the drinks and bottles of drinks.When throwing it away, please drain well with water.Similarly, it is easy to come to the unwashed dishes, so be sure to wash the dishes as soon as possible.

コバエは生ゴミの臭いに誘われてやってきます。密閉できるゴミ箱に捨てるようにしたいです(画像はアスベル「キッチン生ゴミペール EBAN 11L」のベージュ、出典:Amazon)


 Again, because the body of the fly is very small, it can enter even a little gap.Therefore, by reducing the gap between the entrance and window as much as possible, the invasion of the fly itself can be prevented to some extent.

 For example, the "gap tape" that fills the gap between the doors and windows is originally used for "improving cooling / heating efficiency", "prevention of gaps", and "suppressing the opening and closing of the door and windows".It can also be used to hold down.

 If you are already using an insect repellent net, replace the mesh with a smaller one will make it harder for the fly to enter.It is also effective to use an insect repellent net containing insect repellent ingredients.

 However, it may not be possible to prevent the invasion of the fly in gaps.We recommend that you give priority to the "clean" measures mentioned earlier and then implement it as a further countermeasure.

ドアや窓のすき間を埋める「すき間テープ」は、コバエ侵入対策にも使えます(画像はニトムズ「すきまテープ徳用ロング 2巻パック」、出典:Amazon)網戸用の虫よけ網は「メッシュ」の数字が大きいほど目が細かくなります。一般的な網で使われる「18メッシュ(18#)」(幅1.15mm)でも多くのコバエは防げます。コバエ以外の虫にも効果のある虫よけ成分を含んだ虫よけ網もあります。なお、網戸用の虫よけ網は、取り換えるために必要な資材や工具は原則として別売です。最近は、窓に直接貼り付ける「簡易網戸キット」もよく見かけます(画像はダイオ化成「虫のイヤがる網 20メッシュ 90cm×2m」、出典:Amazon)

What should I do with the invading fly?

 The flying fly is surprisingly noticeable.I also want to eat and drink.If you enter the house, you don't want you to approach as much as possible.However, because of its small size, the fly may have a hard time to get rid of it.

 So, here are some ways to capture and exterminate if a fly is entered.


 The quickest way to capture and exterminate the fly is to use a special catching agent.

 Recently, the number of "non -insecticides", which has released a favorite odor of the fly, and captures the fluff that has been caught by the odor with adhesive, has increased.However, catching agents that do not use insecticide components may not be very effective for chow buckwheat or mushrooms due to their characteristics.If you need to take measures against this fly, we recommend using a catcher or insecticide containing insecticidal components.

最近のコバエ捕獲剤は、殺虫成分を一切使わないタイプが増えています(画像は大日本除虫菊「KINCHO コバエがポットン 吊るタイプ」、出典:Amazon)


 If you want to get rid of the flies that have already been used for garbage, we recommend using an insecticide.Insectors are more effective for chobi flies and mushrooms, which may not be caught with a catch agent.

 Recently, there are some compact insecticides specializing in flies.In some cases, if you spray once, the fly will not approach for a while.


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