What is the skill training you receive at the driving school?Introducing the flow and contents of each stage

What is skill training?

Skill training conducted at a driving school is training to actually get in a car and acquire driving skills. The course in the driving school is divided into the "first stage" where you learn the basics of driving and the "second stage" where you drive on actual public roads.

Skill training is 50 minutes per period, and by the time you graduate from driving school, you will not receive 15 period training in the first stage (12 time period for AT) and 19 time period for both MT and AT in the second stage. Must not be.

The skills to be acquired are set for each time period, and you can proceed to the next time period only if you receive a stamp that the instructor has recognized that you have reached the skill to proceed to the next step.

What do you learn in the first stage of skill training?

The first stage is training to learn the basics of driving, and at the same time, it is a procedure to obtain a provisional driver's license that enables you to practice on the road. The first stage, which is conducted using a relatively safe driving school course, aims to acquire the following skills.

Skills to acquire in the first stage

In the skill training, tasks are set for each time period, and in the first stage 15 time period training, you will acquire skills related to car operation one by one. However, the training time that can be taken per day in the first stage is up to 2 periods.

Finally, in the only training to confirm the effect of the training, it is confirmed whether or not you have the basic skills necessary for driving, and if you pass, you will be granted permission to take the completion test (provisional exemption skill test). ..

Training periodSkills to acquire
1st period 2nd period・ Safe car getting on and off and correct driving posture ・ Correct handling method of car mechanism and driving device ・ Starting and stopping procedure (1st period is simulator training ・ AT is only 1 period)
3rd period・ Speed ​​adjustment ・ Driving position and course according to the road
4th period・ Start timing and moderate acceleration ・ Stop at the target position
5th period・ Selection of driving position and speed according to the curve ・ Selection of appropriate gear and speed according to driving on the slope ・ Starting on the slope
6th period・ Selection of reverse course ・ Vehicle feeling in a narrow road using a crank road ・ Selection of a course and speed in a crank road
7th period・ Vehicle feeling on a narrow road using an S-shaped road ・ Selection of course and speed on an S-shaped road
8th period・ Change of traffic position and lane according to traffic conditions ・ Avoid obstacles ・ Drive according to signs ・ Read and judge signals
9th period・ Solo driving by wireless instructions centered on reading signs and signals
10th period・ Safe traffic at intersections
11th period・ Solo driving by wireless instructions centered on traffic at intersections
12th period・ Danger avoidance at intersections with poor visibility ・ Passing railroad crossings and safety confirmation
13th period・ Running alone by wireless instruction to review the lessons up to that point
14th period・ Understanding the characteristics of automatic vehicles and how to drive them (no for AT training)
15th period・ Confirmation of the effect of the lesson (Mikiwame)

AT-only lessons will be shortened by 3 periods

When taking the training of AT limited license, some training is omitted because the automatic transmission (AT car) that automatically shifts requires less operation than the manual transmission (MT car) that shifts manually. The first stage training for MT cars is required for 15 hours, while the AT car limited license is for 12 hours.


The advantage of choosing AT training is that the training cost for obtaining a license will be slightly lower because the training time will be shortened. In addition, it is unlikely that the test will fail due to engine stall, so there is the advantage that additional costs will not be incurred. Instead, the disadvantage is that you can only drive AT cars.

How to proceed from the first stage to the second stage?

At the end of the first stage of the lesson, you will receive a lesson called "Mikiwame" to confirm that you have learned the lessons so far. This is a preliminary test for the "completion test (provisional exemption skill test)" that is taken after the first stage, and is a lesson for instructors to determine whether they have the skills to take the completion test. By passing Mikiwame, you will be able to take the completion test.

The completion test is a test to obtain the "provisional driver's license" required for the second stage skill training. If you do not pass the completion test, you will not be able to proceed to the second stage. While the pass / fail of Mikiwame is a rough judgment like normal training, the completion test is strictly graded and the pass / fail is decided.

If you fail the Mikiwame or Completion Test, you must take one or more supplementary lessons before re-examining. Let's thoroughly review the factors that failed in the supplementary lessons and aim to pass the next time.

How to pass the completion test?

The completion test is scored by a deduction method. Starting from the state of 100 points, points will be deducted if you run the course in the driving school as instructed and there are unsuitable acts, and if you fall below 70 points, you will be rejected and if there is a specific act At that point, the test will be canceled.

The contents of the completion test and the points for passing are explained in detail in the following article.

When you proceed to the second stage, you will go out on the general road and practice as if you were actually driving. Unlike in a driving school, many general vehicles are running on general roads, and there are many signals and signs, so it is necessary to have the ability to read accurate information and to make quick decisions about the situation. The purpose of the second stage is to acquire the following skills.

Skills to acquire in the second stage

In the second stage, as in the first stage, the issues that should be emphasized in each time period are set. In the second half, learning will proceed in an environment that is almost the same as actual driving, such as setting a route by yourself, carrying the same trainees and riding together while taking turns.

The maximum number of lessons per day in the second stage is 3 periods. Although there are some differences in how to proceed depending on the region and driving school, the general lessons per time limit are as follows.

Training periodSkills to acquire
1st period・ Differences between the driving school and the actual road ・ How to check and prepare for driving on the road ・ Practice driving along the actual traffic flow ・ Maintain appropriate speed and inter-vehicle distance
2nd period・ Traffic that matches the shape of the actual road
3rd period・ Change the course of timing according to the surrounding situation
4th period・ Reading signals, signs, and signs
5th period・ Traffic at safe intersections
6th period・ Handling and consideration for pedestrians and bicycles
7th period・ Safe driving according to road and traffic conditions
8th period・ Parking / stopping according to road and traffic conditions (simultaneous training for multiple people)
9th period 10th period・ Danger prediction and danger avoidance with other traffic in mind (simultaneous training for multiple people)
11th period・ How to change direction and parallel park
12th period・ How to change direction ・ Parallel parking ・ Stop by sudden braking and avoid danger
13th period・ You can decide your own driving route and drive safely (simultaneous training for multiple people)
14th period・ Acquisition of driving skills that are highly necessary for each region
15th period 16th period・ Understanding the characteristics of expressways and safe driving methods (simultaneous training for multiple people)
17th period 18th period・ You can decide your own driving route and drive safely.
19th period・ Confirmation of the effect of road training (Mikiwame)

Learn to drive on the highway

The high-speed training provided in the 15th and 16th periods is a training to experience long-distance travel on the highway. In order to take highway training, it is necessary to complete the subject training on highway driving in advance. It is common for two or more trainees to alternate between the outbound and inbound journeys, using two periods in a row.

Highways have a higher speed range than ordinary roads Driving on highways requires more advanced technology. Also, because you may not be able to drive as usual due to fear and tension of speed, depending on the driving school, you may use an AT car that is easy to operate, or you may be able to do a simulated experience using a simulator.

In any of the highway training, in addition to how to use the tollhouse gate and join the highway main line, let's firmly learn how to drive safely on the highway, such as how to change lanes and the appropriate inter-vehicle distance.

If you pass the graduation test, you will soon get a license

At the end of the second stage, we are waiting for a graduation test to confirm that we have the knowledge and skills to drive that we have learned in the previous lessons. In order to take the graduation test, it is necessary to complete the graduation test only in the second stage and complete the pre-graduation test effect measurement (the department test).

In the graduation test, the instructor who drives both in the driving school and on the road, is able to drive in accordance with the regulations, is attentive to other traffic, is not lacking in safety confirmation and operation skills, etc. Will be graded by. The scoring method uses the same deduction method as the completion test, and if you can finish the test with 70 points or more starting from 100 points, you will pass.

Even if you fail, you can take the graduation exam again after taking one or more lessons, just like the first stage completion test. After passing the graduation test, you can get a driver's license on a sunny day if you pass this license test (departmental test) that you can take at a license center with your graduation certificate.

How to pass the completion test?

The following article explains in detail the contents of the graduation test and the points to pass.

Click here for an article about getting a driver's license!

You can get your license in 13 days! How to get a license in the shortest time?

How to pass the effect measurement of the department training in one shot?

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