What is the next -generation surveillance camera that gains popularity not only for costs? ": Introduced one after another for 2020

Increased demand due to corporate productivity improvement measures and trouble countermeasures

 The role of the surveillance camera is changing.Conventional surveillance cameras were mainly for crime prevention, but in recent years, it is expected to be used for various purposes, such as marketing using video analysis and quickly grasping the situation in the event of a disaster.

 For example, at the manufacturing site, a security camera equipped with AI learns the movement of normal workers and machines, and will immediately tell you an abnormality if there is any irregular movement.This can help improve quality control and poor rate.

 In 2020, the need to prevent trouble due to this abnormal detection is particularly increased.In recent years, the number of visitors to Japan has been increasing steadily, and the government has been aiming to exceed 40 million visitors by 20 years.What is worried about it is various troubles with visitors to Japan.If people with different cultures and customs begin to interact widely, the risk of unexpected accidents and incidents will increase.

 Improvement of corporate productivity, trouble for 20 years.For these reasons, demand for surveillance cameras is rapidly increasing in Japan, and the introduction has been continued regardless of public and private sectors.

There are various issues for conventional surveillance cameras ...

 However, the introduction of surveillance cameras remains.The first thing is that it takes less time and time to install.In recent years, the use of IP -type surveillance cameras used by connecting to existing LAN cables has been expanding due to the ease of installation.However, even though it is an IP type, installation in a place without LAN wiring requires a new cable laying as in the conventional analog type, and the installation period must be prolonged for outdoor monitoring.

 As a substitute for cables, there are products that transfer images on commercial wireless networks, but it is a communication cost problem that newly lifted there.The video requires "clearness" and "real time", so it is inevitable that the communication cost to be borne is inevitable.

 Can you use surveillance cameras more easily and cheaply?This would be the true intention of the introduction consideration.In fact, there is a hot service that can respond to these requests.That is the "Trascope", a cloud -based video monitoring service of Marubeni Radio Radio Communication.

 Trascope provides one package of the components required for monitoring, such as a wireless monitoring camera, a video storage location, a network for sending images, and monitors for video confirmation.


Trascope realizes "cheap", "simplicity" and "security"

 The first feature of Trascope is that the amount of data transfer from the camera to the cloud can be optimized locally and the monitoring efficiency can be increased.

コストだけじゃない “総合力”で人気を集める次世代監視カメラとは?:2020年に向けて導入相次ぐ

 Video collected by surveillance cameras is so in the unlikely event that it is not used.However, in the event of an emergency, the target must be confirmed quickly from the huge images.In Trascope, the tasks are solved by linking surveillance cameras, various sensors and clouds.

Specifically, in normal times, while storing images in the SD card in the camera, the video from it is transferred to the cloud by wireless communication only when the sensor detects abnormalities.As a result, the communication costs can be dramatically reduced by not performing wireless communication in normal times, and by consolidating images only in the event of abnormalities, the target video can be easily confirmed.


 President Ken Yamagai, President of Marubeni Radio Communications, said, "Because the sensor is sent to the cloud only to the cloud, the communication cost can be reduced to about one -fifth compared to the conventional wireless surveillance camera.The sensor for the temperature, the presence or absence of contact, and those that detect changes in light are abundant, and it is possible to respond to diverse monitoring needs. The purpose of our company is not just a surveillance camera.It is the realization of a higher value -added monitoring service by sensors and cloud cooperation. "

 In recent years, hacking web cameras is becoming a social problem, but Trascope has also taken its own measures.The video stored on the surveillance camera is converted to a unique format, and it is extremely difficult to use it even if the data is leaked.In addition, Marubeni Radio Communications as an MVNO (virtual mobile communication operator), and realizes secure communication between cameras and clouds that do not go through the Internet by collecting the network of mobile phone operators directly.Furthermore, the communication there is protected by encrypted by its proprietary protocol.

 "We pay special attention to security only for services that secure security. In addition, the unique cloud" Cloudest "provided by the Company is based on the service of Nifty, a domestic cloud business operator.High reliability and availability in the event of a disaster that tends to be needed is also compatible "(President Yamagiwa).

 In the past, monitoring and confirmation of images were often performed in dedicated monitoring rooms, but applications that can be used on devices such as iPads are much more relieved.

Quickly solve trouble by abnormal detection

 The wireless camera provided is a wide range of types, from a cylindrical type of 100 to 4 million pixels to a turning type that allows all -way digital zoom.In addition, the "mobile box" that is used by connecting to a general IP camera is gathered more than the originally expected.This product is a product that extracts functions such as wireless communication, video recording, and sensor linkage from Trascope cameras. By connecting with an existing camera with a wired or wireless LAN, use the same function as Trascope's camera.Is possible.

 TRASCOPE is currently having a track record for various surveillance, such as railways, parking, and large -scale facilities.Among them, the major results are railroad crossings monitoring at railway companies.Railway companies have set up various systems to prevent accidents within a railroad crossing, but when they operate, it is necessary to visually check the status of railroad crossings (the presence or absence of obstacles).It took a lot of time to recover.

 A quick initial response has been realized because the video monitoring in cooperation with the TRASCOPE invading detection sensor has quickly confirmed the images before and after abnormal detection (the situation in the event).

 In addition, coin parking is detected by sensors for riding a car stop, vehicle contact sounds, settlement machines, etc., leading to measures such as reading the license plate and monitoring the vehicle status.

The "defense" surveillance camera is a "attack" tool!


 The "AI Camera" is planning to provide Marubeni Radio Communications this spring as a "trump card" for new use of surveillance cameras.As the name implies, the camera is a product that realizes image analysis by the camera by equipping a US semiconductor manufacturer NVIDIA GPU.

 "AI cameras will provide a variety of support other than monitoring through learning (uploading) image analysis results" (President Yamagiwa).

 In order to improve the analysis accuracy of AI, it is essential to review algorithms through learning in a huge amount of data.Based on this point, Marubeni Radio Communication has already started a joint project with Cru Systems, which is developing surveillance cameras.The content is to register the algorithm before practical use in the cloud, keep learning with AI with an existing camera, and sell algorithm when accuracy is improved to the stage of practical use.

 "Currently, we are developing the application of Cru Systems and AI, but algorithms can be considered for car number authentication, face authentication, flow line analysis, and intruder detection.By distributing digital coupons to regular customers, it can be used as a measure of "attack". In the near future, we are considering providing video analysis solutions including them. "(President Yamagiwa).

 In addition to ensuring security, TRASCOPE provides analysis solutions with surveillance cameras as a new attack on companies.There is no doubt that the presence of the service will increase soon.

