What is "CLOMO MDM" that supports the use of smartphones by transportation companies?

Topic The spread of smartphones has changed our daily lives. The same is true for shipping companies. Dedicated equipment and necessary systems that used to be expensive are now becoming cheaper and easier to use thanks to the use of smartphones. Examples include car navigation systems for trucks, movement management systems, and handy terminals.

At the same time, however, the company is concerned about providing drivers with smartphones. The biggest concern is traffic accidents. In the worst case, if a driver uses the smartphone provided by the company while driving, and in the worst case, a fatal accident occurs, the survival of the company itself will be in danger.

MDM (mobile device management) is a system that controls or monitors the use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, and encourages appropriate use by users. Naniwa Transportation (Nishi Ward, Osaka City), a major fashion logistics company, introduces iCubed Systems' "CLOMO MDM". Let's consider the points. (Ryohei Sakata)

What can you do with MDM?

There are a number of reasons why transportation companies issue smartphones to drivers, but you probably don't want to use them outside of work. It is a situation that transportation companies absolutely want to avoid, such as high communication bills as a result of watching video content such as YouTube, and traffic accidents caused by driving while browsing SNS.

MDM has a mechanism for sound use and operation of company-issued mobile devices. Specifically, (1) a mechanism that restricts the functions and apps that can be used and prohibits the use of apps that are not permitted, and (2) how users are using it can be checked at any time on the administrator screen. (3) Predetermining settings and specifications eliminates the hassle of initial settings, and enables batch management and implementation of maintenance required for operation, such as updating apps and OS, on multiple devices. In addition, in the unlikely event of loss, the administrator can remotely delete the information in the terminal or lock the terminal.

Nowadays, when many people use smartphones, even if it is a smartphone provided by the company, it is not easy to change the settings and install your favorite apps when you get it. Call it human nature. That is why it is necessary to introduce MDM for mobile devices provided by the company and prevent them from being used outside of work.

Why Naniwa Transport needed a smartphone for business use

Mr. Yutaka Moriwaki, manager of the system development department (left)

Naniwa Transport was founded in Osaka in 1924 and is a leading company in fashion logistics such as clothes. The company was the first to commercialize “hanger transportation,” which transports clothes on hangers.

The company has had an information systems department for 40 years. The former president (now the chairman) must have had a foresight, as he had been emphasizing the necessity of establishing an in-house system division since then.

As a general rule, systems used in-house, including business systems, should be built from scratch. When considering system updates that accompany business improvements, instead of relying on external system vendors, we will build a system that can be handled by in-house personnel, in order to maintain superiority in business speed. It is said to have a preventative effect.

Exactly, for 40 years, we have been practicing the "internalization of IT human resources" required by the current DX (digital transformation). Drivers have been given handy terminals for some time, and they have been used to inspect products and print slips. I was using a handy terminal made by a domestic manufacturer, but when it became necessary to replace it around 2018 due to aging, Mr. Yutaka Moriwaki, manager of the system development department who has worked for the company for 31 years, said, "From now on, Android (Android) Shouldn't we choose a smart phone for smartphones?"

Handy terminals made by domestic manufacturers have high performance, but the high price of the main unit has been a source of trouble. As a result, Naniwa has installed 700 Android smartphones and plans to add another 130 during the current fiscal year. If this number of units is gathered, the cost reduction effect of the main unit price is very large.

Introducing an Android smartphone without a main unit warranty

Screen of a terminal with CLOMO MDM installed. "The device is managed by your organization" is displayed

The choice of Android as the OS had the effect of making system development easier for the company, which develops business systems in-house. In addition, by changing to smartphones that drivers are accustomed to using, lectures became easier and the number of man-hours required for operational support was reduced.

The company chose a smartphone from Zebra Technologies in the United States. Mr. Moriwaki said that he had been looking for a smartphone for business use that could scan barcodes and QR codes since smartphones began to spread around the world, and that cheap SIMs had become popular. I thought that the handy terminal with it would not be necessary.It was also a point that maintenance costs could be greatly reduced."

Supporting the use of smartphones by shipping companies

Most of the logistics companies that use handy terminals made by domestic manufacturers have signed a maintenance contract that includes a warranty on the main unit. Although the contract price is high, the price of the handy terminal itself is high, so a main unit warranty contract is indispensable in case of emergency.

However, the company omitted the main unit warranty and signed only a maintenance contract in case of failure. The reason is that "if the main unit breaks, you can buy a new one", an idea unique to cheap Android smartphones.

Severely limit non-business use of smartphones

State in which apps that can be used with CLOMO MDM are controlled

The smartphones provided by the company to the drivers are controlled by CLOMO MDM so that only the applications necessary for business, such as cargo tracking and contact "LINE WORKS" (Line Works), can be used. Not only the camera, but also G-mail and web browser cannot be used, and since it uses a SIM dedicated to data communication, it is not possible to make calls.

In the background of introducing MDM, there is a bitter experience in the past. Mr. Moriwaki said, "I think it was about 20 years ago. Our company used to provide drivers with cell phones. Some drivers started talking on the phone and using it as they please."

At that time, the communication method was still MOVA, and even car navigation was still in the process of spreading. built. A mobile phone was necessary for the data communication operation of this system, but there was no MDM at that time, and even if I found a driver I liked, I could only give a verbal warning.

According to Mr. Moriwaki, "As soon as we issued a smartphone this time, there was a driver who tried to change the wallpaper immediately. Of course, it ended in failure thanks to CLOMO MDM." People change, but human nature doesn't change that easily. That's why the device that the company provides to its employees needs a mechanism like MDM to prevent it from being used outside of work.

CLOMO MDM regardless of IT literacy

In the first place, MDM is "a mechanism for efficiently managing terminals such as controlling non-business use as well as security measures against loss or theft". There is no decisive difference in function. There is a difference between usability and support. First, I would like to consider the usability of CLOMO MDM.

"The first person who was in charge of the initial setup and operation of CLOMO MDM at our company was a temporary employee with no system experience. His IT literacy was not particularly high...or rather, his IT literacy was poor. (Mr. Moriwaki)

However, the temporary worker said that he kitted almost all of the 500 units that were added after the initial installation of the 200 units by himself. Let's take a look at what kind of process was required specifically.

Kitting process (1) Insert the SIM card into the smartphone and attach a label for individual identification (2) Turn on the power and set the language and Android OS (3) Google account settings (4) Install CLOMO MDM and account (5) Installation and control settings for required apps using CLOMO MDM (6) Device PIN (password) settings (7) Mobile communication settings (8) Tracking app testing (login, activation, barcode Read)

The point is (5) "Installation of required apps and control settings". CLOMO MDM automatically installs and configures apps by specifying the apps to be installed and setting the control conditions in a profile. Therefore, the time required for kitting per unit was only about 10 minutes. In addition, it is possible to set multiple at the same time, without having to set up one unit at a time.

Emphasis on support, highly rated by users

Then, what about support, which is particularly important?

"Of course, when selecting an MDM, we compared multiple MDMs. As a result, we chose CLOMO MDM because it is reasonably priced and has excellent support," says Mr. Moriwaki. speaks. The management screen of CLOMO MDM has an easy-to-understand user interface, and it is possible to operate intuitively without referring to the manual.

CLOMO MDM management screen. The UI is simple and easy to understand (click to enlarge).

"I believe that emphasizing support is the policy and pride of iCubed Systems," says Mr. Moriwaki. Not limited to MDM, many recent system vendors use agents. By outsourcing sales and support to distributors, system vendors can focus on product development. But on the other hand, the distance from the user will be far, and the quality of support will decline.

On the other hand, iCubed Systems has continued to stick to its own support. Since the start of the service, it is precisely because of the accumulation of feedback from users that it has been able to provide excellent support and continue to improve the usability of the system. In fact, in a support satisfaction survey conducted by iCubed Systems, it is said that they have achieved a satisfaction level of about 90%.

Naniwa Unso aims for the future with smartphones and CLOMO MDM

It is possible to quickly scan barcodes and output and attach labels

The reason why Naniwa provided drivers with Android smartphones was not only because of the necessity associated with the replacement of handy terminals. The company has plans for advanced transportation services that look ahead to the next generation.

For example, they are thinking of a system that can quickly present a signature on a slip, which is indispensable for transportation, on a smartphone when the customer wants it. We have already achieved the point of scanning signed slips and storing them electronically, but we will need a smartphone to further develop this and "show it to the customer."

The company's main business is apparel delivery, but in large department stores and commercial facilities, there are times when the product is missing in the facility and does not reach the sales floor. In order to prevent such troubles, it is planned to build a delivery system to the sales floor and an "in-house delivery system" that can disclose information that products have been delivered to the sales floor. If this is completed, as far as I know, it should be the first achievement in Japan.

In addition, the company's drivers often receive questions from customers at delivery destinations and pickup destinations, "Can you deliver packages to ●● prefecture ●● city?" Currently, drivers refer to paper materials to answer questions, but we are planning to build a system that can also be searched from smartphones and show the results to customers.

"The important thing is how we use the various data we obtain in the course of our daily activities, how we use it to improve our operations and increase our corporate value. We already have a vision for the next three years, so all we have to do now is move steadily toward the final form." (Mr. Moriwaki)

This is exactly the embodiment of DX. Using the latest digital technology, we will transform our operations and business, and create a solid position in the transportation industry. The future Naniwa Transport aims to serve as a model for many transportation companies.

And why the company chose CLOMO MDM from among many MDMs, the process and experience should surely be a reference for many shipping companies. I think many transportation companies are hesitant to introduce smartphones out of concern that drivers and employees will use them outside of work, but it's a shame. With "CLOMO MDM", all such worries become unfounded.

If you would like to see other DX examples of mobile utilization, click here for CLOMO MDM