What are the characteristics of rental properties with soundproof rooms?There is also a method of rebuilding an ordinary room into a soundproof room

Is the structure important?Features of highly soundproof buildings

The soundproof performance varies greatly depending on the structure of the building itself.Therefore, in searching for a room with the soundproofing in mind, the structure is a point that you want to look particularly.

Here, let's take a look at the relationship between the structure of the building and the soundproof performance.

But reinforced concrete structure with the highest soundproofing performance


Some of the properties classified as reinforced concrete structure have other steel reinforced concrete, but there is little difference in soundproofing performance.Most of the properties with high soundproofing performance are one of these, so it is important to first hold down structural features.

Features of rental properties with soundproof room

Rental properties with soundproof rooms have different characteristics from normal properties besides the structure of the building.Here, we will look at the structure of the room and explain the main features.

Characteristics about the construction of walls


This is designed to provide a layer of air inside the wall with a lightweight steel frame, spread the sound absorbing material, and attach a gypsum board.Normal properties often have wallpapers directly on concrete, so the hollow double structure greatly improves sound insulation in the next room.

Features on the structure of the floor and ceilings



Characteristics about the construction of windows


 Features of rental properties with soundproof roomとは? 普通の部屋を防音室につくり替える方法も

In addition, some high -performance soundproof rental properties have Mie sashes.The big advantage is that it is possible to insert a louder sound, and the anxiety of noise problems can be further reduced.


It is also possible to rebuild a general rental property into a soundproof room


Here, let's take a look at how to change ordinary rental properties to a soundproof room.

Can you do soundproofing even in rental properties?


The main construction content is to attach sound absorption and sound insulation sheets on the wall, and apply soundproofing to ventilation and windows.If you try to prepare all facilities, it may cost more than 500,000 yen, so be careful when you get an estimate.

Precautions for construction with rental properties




Be sure to obtain permission from the landlord or management company in advance to avoid unnecessary troubles.

One way to install a commercially available soundproof room


However, the soundproofing performance varies depending on the material and size, and may not be as effective as expected.In addition, even if there is no problem in restoring the original state, if you use it without permission, it may be an unexpected trouble.

Therefore, when introducing a commercially available soundproof room, it should be properly obtained in advance.

Precautions of the soundproof room in rental properties

Properties with soundproof rooms are in place, so you can expect soundproofing at a certain level or higher.However, it is also true that the user needs to be careful in order to avoid noise problems.

Here, we will explain the precautions when renting a property with a soundproof room.

Point 1: Do not overestimate soundproof performance

Depending on the structure of soundproofing equipment and buildings, the sound may leak in the soundproof room.In the soundproof room, there are many cases where the real estate company handled is measuring the sound insulation performance, so be sure to check it in advance.

It is also important to take soundproofing measures yourself as needed.For example, when using instruments such as pianos and electronic drums, there is a method of laying sound insulation and anti -vibration mats on the floor.

Point 2: Protects the rules and manners properly

Even if the property with a soundproof room is, various things may be restricted in use.For example, there are many cases where it is separated by time, such as "playing musical instruments until 22:00", so be sure to check the terms of use in advance.

In some cases, the types of instruments are limited.Even if a piano or guitar is recognized, the rules vary depending on the property, such as the banned brass instruments and percussion instruments with large sounds.

For example, even if there is no soundproof problem, there are many properties where ground pianos are prohibited from the weight and the carry -on route.Therefore, if you are considering playing musical instruments, check the usable types.

Point 3: Pay attention to humidity control

In properties with high soundproofing performance, the airtightness of the room is high, so the circulation of air tends to deteriorate.It is important to manage humidity frequently, as the effects of moisture may deteriorate musical instruments and acoustic facilities.

It is also important to check the mechanism of ventilation along with soundproofing performance when searching for a property.


Let's understand the characteristics of rental properties with a soundproof room correctly!

Here are the points of this article.
