Volvo's charm does not change.

Such 740 wagons were broken.Perhaps it was a "loss" individual.Because it is an imported car at that time, it would be no way to have "Atari" and "Lost".By the way, the current XC40 owned by my mother and the previous XC60 before that are troubled.Reliability has been greatly improved.


Every time the 740 wagon broke down, he was taken to the dealer by his parents.That was fun again.You can drink juice, play with LEGO, and ride a new car Volvo (you can sit).It was a paradise for me.Moreover, I got a souvenir.

Speaking of which, Volvo at that time was quite moist due to the 850 huge hit.The souvenirs were too luxurious now.The 850T5-R original watches were handed out at the fair.It is not a contract present.

I miss the camp sponsored by the dealer.Private the campsite of Lake Yamanaka and invite Ooner.There were various workshops, and campfires were held at night.My mother said, "I think it was free or quite cheap."My home also participated several times, so I remember somehow.It was a fun event, as if you made a Volvo plastic model in a workshop ...
