Virtual schoolgirl in an autonomous driving car ... Aisin Seiki, Multi -Modal Agent

Aisin Seiki, a major automotive part, announced on March 2 that it has developed a multi -modal agent that is ideal for communication in the car.Aisin utilizes the agent to make it easier to live and comfortable not only in the automatic driving bus but also in the city and society as a whole.

The interface uses 3D / CG virtual high school girl "SAYA"

In developing this agent, Aisin focuses on "one step ahead of people" and "new values" in a society where new "movements" such as MaaS are required.The company states that it has been developed as an innovation realized by developing from a multifaceted perspective by applying the technology to be cultivated and collaborating with partners.The collaborations were Harmonized Interactions (Headquarters: Tokushima), Garateacircus (Shibuya -ku, Tokyo), IDEIN (Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo), Toyohashi Technology University, etc.

In this development, it is assumed that the automatic driving bus car will be popular in the future.Utilizing the camera image recognition technology (driver monitor system, indoor surveillance system) that Aisin is an strength to detect the movement of the crew's face and body, integrates images, audio, accumulated data, etc. using AI.Judgment for (multi -modal).The biggest point is to use the virtual high school girl "SAYA" created by "TELYUKA" based on the information determined.

"TELYUKA" is a 3D / CG artist unit that specializes in virtual human production, and has developed a mysterious high school girl "SAYA" and has become widely known.In fact, the closer the CG approaches, the more unnatural it is, and in some cases, the gap creates an "eerie".SAYA has been evaluated as a 3D character who has overcome the gap for the first time.


I am surprised at the realism that reproduces 100,000 hairs one by one

Looking at the SAYA demonstration, I am really surprised by the natural movement.Express not only the movement of the eyes and mouth, but also the movement of 100,000 hairs.She is as if she was talking to the person in front of her, such as when she was talking to her gaze occasionally when she was talking.

Personally, I felt that the expression would be a little bigger, but according to SAYA's character decision, according to the Aisin Seiki / Running Safety Daiichi Controller Chairman Shin Oasuka, "Children and the elderly.He sets Saya as an AI interface that is easy for people to treat. He aims to be a "sister" for children and a "grandchild" for the elderly. "

In this system, we will take three steps, assuming that Saya will guide and support on an autonomous driving bus.First, sensing the opponent with two cameras installed in front of the display and on the ceiling, where personal authentication is performed from age and gender.Next, judge whether the certified content is in the hand as a data.The result is to convey the result to Saya and respond with a natural behavior by CG.

According to Aisin, the aim of moving Saya was "natural communication with people."Utilizing the character called Saya was indispensable for the realization.

Naturally improves the ability to respond to interpersonal while exchanging flattering

Attention is that it fulfills a multimodal response that integrates images, sounds, and memories obtained by the camera.For example, if a person in the car is wearing a mask or sunglasses, it encourages Saya to remove it for authentication.Then, personal authentication is performed, the data is composed with the data in the hand, and if there is data, he understands that he is an acquaintance and calls his name.If you don't know, you're a stranger, so you ask for your name and say, "Mr. XX, nice to meet you."

In communication with Saya, conversations based on age estimation are exchanged.This is a personal certification that is performed by the recognition that estimates the age. For example, when you are younger than the estimated age, you subtract and say, "It looks young", and conversely, "There is dignity."I also exchange flatters.Indeed, a human -full response is being carried out through Saya.

We judge the situation inside the car and fulfill the appropriate response.When a stroller or wheelchair person gets into the car, encourage the person on board to open the space, and when the person on the boarding gets off, check the luggage and call out if there is something left behind.As we communicate with such communication, we will naturally improve the ability to respond inside the car.

According to Hiroyuki Fujii, a team leader of Aisin Seiki / Bodies Advance Development Department, "It is possible to respond even if there is or or not remote monitoring in the car, but in an emergency, everyone is the highest priority (on board).We believe that SAYA can be resolved by resolving. "

In this demonstration, it was implemented through examples of use in an autonomous driving bus, but if an automatic driving car that runs uninhabited is generalized, there is no doubt that communication in the car will become increasingly important.In addition, Aisin will make improvements so that the interface can be used in society as a whole, and continue to develop for a wide range of social implementations.
