Underwear thieves and calls on the night road ... Women who are afraid of "small crimes" who are not arrested Women are not arrested by underwear thieves? How to investigate the "Find Fine Man"

"I finished overtime on that day, and came home around 12 o'clock in midnight. If I watched my favorite Korean drama, it would make a loud noise from the entrance."

CASE1 During the midnight doorknob gacha gacha man's fear

 The doorknob was shaking up and down.Isn't someone from the outside hitting the door with a donn and trying to open it?

"Even if you look at the peeping holes, you don't know who you are in the dark. It was a panic what was going on."

 Iwai recalls that he couldn't even do the 110th due to too much upset.

"Call a close girl friend and say," How do you call the police?"In the meantime, the door continued to be moved, and I got a kitchen knife for self -defense ..."

 Is it a robbery?Is it a rape devil?Or ─.The intense metal sound echoing from the entrance door continued to fuel Iwai's fear.

"After the report, three police officers rushed in without 5 minutes. When I opened the door, I was sitting a stranger. I was immediately taken by a police officer., I think he was quite drunk ... "

 At a later date, Mr. Iwai heard from the police, "The man was a resident on the upper floor. The police seemed to be drunk and mistaken for home, and the police said," I am also reflecting on myself. "There is no word for the direct apology. "

 Police judged that there was no incident.

"Since that day, I'm afraid of being at home alone at midnight. I guess I was probably a stalker, so I couldn't sleep."

 Mr. Iwai, who had been prescribed a sleep -induced agent for a while, has not yet recovered from the shock.

 Mr. Iwai's case is called "subinstark" or "minor crime".In addition, "collisioned man", which aims for women only in the station premises, and voyeur in public toilets, has become a social problem.

 Unlike a murder case and other cases, there is no difference in life, and no money is stolen.However, the victim is forced to live a daily life with a deep wound in his heart.

 On the other hand, the perpetrators do not know such pain and spend their days with a face that does not eat.

CASE2 Salaryman -style man who appears on the night road

 Haruka Fujiki (40s, a pseudonym), a nurse living in Tokyo, confesses, "I'm still not good at walking on the road at night."She was two months ago, around 10 pm, on her way home, was damaged by a pervert near her home.

"I live in an old -fashioned residential area. It's said that the security is good at night, but the security is good ..."

 It was a middle -aged man in a salaried worker who suddenly called out to Mr. Fujiki.

"I say," I don't see my odor. "I can't forget the grinning face of the man."

 Mr. Fujiki, who was afraid of being close to his home, made a detour as if he had a man ...

"The man who was supposed to be behind walked in front of me. I guess I predicted my path and went ahead."

 Mr. Fujiki rushed to the police box for too much fear.

"On that day, a police officer sent me 5 people. I reported the damage and the police said that it would strengthen the patrol."

 However, the identity of men is still unknown.

"You may think that you just said something weird, but if you actually encounter such a thing, you are afraid. You can't have the police send you to your home every day, and you'll be arrested right away.I want you to get it. "

CASE3 underwear thief of coin laundry that repeats crimes

"Five years ago, I had an underwear thief in a coin laundry near the apartment where I lived at that time."

 It is Mayumi Kaneshiro (30s, a pseudonym), a company employee living in Okinawa Prefecture.

"The laundry was hard to dry in the rainy season. On weekends, I was laundry in coin laundry, from underwear to towels."

 It takes an hour to end from washing to drying.

"I went back to the apartment once because I had other housework and returned at the end of drying, but the amount of laundry was clearly reduced ..."

 Looking inside the dryer, T -shirts and bath towels remained the same, and only Kinjo's underwear disappeared.

下着泥棒や夜道での声かけ…逮捕されない「微罪」に恐怖を覚える女性たち 下着泥棒にドアノブガチャ男らは逮捕されない? 警察動かぬ『微罪男』を捜査させる方法

"I thought it was done. I wanted to deliver it to the police and consulted my parents on my parents on the phone. However, the opening of the opening is the best.I was afraid of my remorse, so I didn't want to report the damage. "

 The coin laundry has no security camera and no witnesses.

"As the sun goes down, I couldn't go to the coin laundry again when I thought," Maybe I was being targeted "or" Is my house is out? "The damage has continued in the neighborhood, and the culprit seems to be caught yet. "

 Since then, Kinjo has said that laundry has been drying out indoors.

Police are always short of manpower ... some circumstances cannot be investigated

 Why are the perpetrators who commit these small guilty arrested?Former detective Tadayoshi Numawa says:

"In the popular criminal drama, there was a line saying that" the incident is not big or small ", but the priority also changes due to the case. If a large incident such as murder, the case where the damage is small will be postponed.It's reality to get rid of it. "

 In the past, Mr. Numazawa himself was in charge of the incident, and he had arrested underwear thieves.

"There are mainly two factors behind the difficulties in investigations in light crimes. One is less evidence. Arrest warrants are originally issued if the court needs a forced investigation based on various evidence.I will do it. And if you have this arrest warrant, you will be able to arrest the criminal, but in the reality, you often do not get evidence until you get there. "

 Can't catch it even if the criminal is reflected in the security camera?

"I don't know the name or home in the video. In the actual investigation, it takes a huge amount of time and human resources, such as analyzing and listening to past images. In the first place, the perpetrator's fingerprint itself remains.I don't have a lot. "

 Another cause is a matter of police shortage.In Ibaraki Prefecture, where Mr. Numazawa was, there is also data that more than 600 citizens must cover each police officer.

"The current situation of police is that there is always a shortage of human resources on the spot. When I was active, the overtime hours of the month had exceeded 360 hours.I want you to know that it's not just an excuse. "

 Next, let's look at the difficulty of punishing the perpetrators from the legal aspects.Hitomi Sugiura explains:

"In the case of the previous case, the doorknob gacha gacha is a residential invasion (attempted), and underwear thief is a theft.I am. There is the idea that the act of a crime and the penalty for being imposed when committing it must be set in advance by law. "

 This is called a prison statutory principle.

"In the past, in the medieval society, the king was able to punish the people without any grounds. In other words, the national power is evidence just because" that person may be suspicious "and" anxiety because he may be attacked. "It is difficult to arrest or punishment without any. It is difficult to suffer damage, but damage alone does not punish the perpetrators. On the other hand, we have the freedom and rights of our citizens.Is also protected. "

Summarize the facts and submit evidence when consulting

 So, if we are damaged, how should we ask for salvation?

 According to Numazawa -san,

"If you want to consult the police over the phone, please consult with the Life and Security Division. It is also important to gather evidence when consulting. For example, from the perpetrators left on the victim's smartphone.E -mail and telephone history will also be a great evidence. "

 Even if there is no physical evidence, such as hugging or bumping, it is also an ant to summarize the facts in writing when and how and what happened.

"However, if you take a arrogant attitude," If you are a police, you will be able to investigate silently, "you will lose your mind. It is better to refrain from swinging excessive rights."

 Sugiura, who appeared earlier, gave me the following advice.

"Just complaining that" I feel bad "will not be able to move the police. If possible, you may want to investigate the laws and ordinances yourself and consult with you.Victims may promote the activation of the police. "

 Now, on the net, you can easily see the contents of the minor crime law and the inconvenience prevention of each local government, so you can put it in one corner of your head.

"In addition, it is possible to appeal in civil affairs to prevent the victim from crying and fall asleep. You can claim damages as illegal acts specified by the Civil Code.

 You may think that it is low to claim money, but the scary feelings will not disappear.The law only allows ways to convert money and rescue. "

 In order to recover the wounds received in the heart, "There is a one -stop victim consultation center by police and local governments nationwide. Depending on the content, we will introduce specialized institutions."(Sugiura Lawyer)

A man who repeats harm to satisfy self -esteem

 Some perpetrators have repeated problems.Akika Saito, a mental health worker and social worker who pioneerly practicing recidivism prevention programs for sex criminals such as molesting and voyeurism, analyzes the perpetrator's psychology as follows.

"The problem behavior of those who commit faint guilty is one of the actions of stress -stressful actions. We want to satisfy self -esteem by choosing a person who does not seem to complain or who is weaker than himself.I am thinking. In addition, the parenthesis of underwear can be found in the background of "distorted approval desire" that "stealing can feel the connection with women". "

 For them, it is also important to be able to deal with stress.

"I repeat because I can do it immediately in my daily life. Each time the hurdle to the target act goes down.

 Is the perpetrator actually rehabilitated?

"The perpetrators will only lead to treatment after a criminal case, so I don't want to lose my work, home, social trust and the world rather than guilty. I work for me.At the Enomoto Clinic, addicts such as molesting, voyeurism and underwear theft are regarded as sexual addictions, and provide a reconnect prevention program. Treatment takes time, but long -term continuers who have been visiting the hospital for more than 3 years.There are very few people who have recidified. "

 The victim may be responsible for "because I was like that" and "I was walking on the night road".Mr. Saito pointed out that "the background of this idea is to imprint the male -female society," Women should be like this. "

 The unreasonable guilty for the victim is to be reported to the police and the rehabilitation of the perpetrators is steep.

 However, without despair in the reality, the wisdom is the biggest weapon and self -defense measure.

・ Mental health worker / Social worker Akika Saito has been working as a social worker for Enomoto Clinic for many years and has been involved in various addiction issues.She has been in charge of the incident for about 20 years under the book, such as the reason for the reason for a man to become a molester, a disease of pediatric love, and a sex addiction.Currently, a detective office specializing in DV and bullying issues, "Non -Jojin Own Express Society" and an artist's activity support facility "ART SPACE" is an operating lawyer, Hitomi Sugiura, Tokyo Advocacy Law Office.As a lawyer, she has many litigation in the field of socially vulnerable human rights, such as children, disabled, crime victims, and women.

 Interview / sentence / Akemin
