Ukraine situation What is the impact on the Niigata Prefecture economy?Gasoline rises for 8 weeks consecutive weeks

[Director of the Bank of Japan Niigata Branch Higashi -Yomei Branch] "The uncertainty is increasing in the impact on Japan's economy in the future."

 ウクライナ情勢 新潟県内経済への影響は? ガソリンは8週連続値上がり

At the conference on the 2nd, the BOJ's Niigata branch manager talked about the situation in Ukraine.

Niigata Prefecture has pointed out that Russia's proportion of import and export is larger than nationwide, and the economy may increase.

The situation in Ukraine has also influenced the fuel price, and the gasoline price in the prefecture announced on the 2nd is 0.8 yen higher than the previous week and 171.1 yen per liter.

The price has risen for eight consecutive weeks.

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