"Tokuji Hayakawa", which created the first subway in Japan --- Following the life of the twists and turns [Part 2]

~~ Railway painful columns part 4 Tokyo Underwater Railway, Tokuji Hayakawa ~~

In the history of the railway, if this person did not appear, there would be a key man that would not develop so far.Tokuji Hayakawa will be one of them.

Tokuji Hayakawa is still longed for the "subway father".He foreseeed the future of the subway more than 100 years ago and set up Japan's first subway.Looking at the current subway network network, its achievements are immeasurable.The second part follows the relationship with Keita Goto, a rival, and his later years.


[Related article] "Tokuji Hayakawa", which created the first subway in Japan --- Life of the twists and turns [Part 1] "Keita Goto" -Na Nani, who built the foundation of Tokyu, the life of a man who penetrated the spirit

[Tokuji Hayakawa's Life ⑦] A lot of advanced technology was adopted

Subway route between Asakusa and Ueno Station, the first in Japan.At that time, many innovative technology and services were incorporated.It feels like Tokuji's ingenuity like a railway man from the root.Let's look back.

In the 1000 model, 10 cars were produced in 1927 (Showa 2) in 1927, and 11 cars were produced in 1929 (Showa 4), 11 cars, in 1929.Although it is now common sense as a subway vehicle, all vehicles were non -combustible vehicles made of steel.At that time, wooden structure was commonplace except for bogies and underfloor equipment, and it was surprisingly surprising.The color of the vehicle is yellow.It looks good in the basement and a bright color that makes you feel bright, and may have been considered for safety.

In addition, the first Japanese vehicle has adopted indirect lighting.It was a device that did not make passengers feel the glare of the lighting.

The 1000 type has three doors on the side.This door was an automatic door that was rare at the time.At that time, manual doors were natural.Automatic was unusual, and many passengers seemed to be confused by the movement that the door was automatically opened and closed.In addition, the interior was applied to the steel plate with wood grain.In short, it was a woodgrain interior.Even now, the interior is still well -used, and I am surprised by the stiffness.

The strap leather was called a rico -type suspension, and a method of bouncing up with a spring was adopted.When using it, passengers use it from the top.I remember seeing this strain as a child, but when the spring returns, the passengers were injured, broken glasses, and fingers were sandwiched between the spring, so the trouble occurred.Is disappearing.

The latest technology was also incorporated into the operation equipment and station equipment.For example, a device called the “Uchiko automatic train stop device” that has been used since its opening.It is a device incorporated to prevent trains, and when the train overlooks the red light and progresses, it is a device that automatically stops the train to stop the train.It is the introduction of "ATS" now.At that time, the routes that incorporated these safety devices were rare.It is a good device, and it seems that the Ginza line was actually used from the opening of the business until 1993 (Heisei 5).It turns out that Tokuji was very careful about the safety of the train.

The response to the user was also elaborate.For example, Japan's first automatic ticket gate (rotating ticket gate) was used for charges.When a 10 -coin coin was inserted into the machine, the lock of the cross -shaped wooden bar in front of me was removed, and only one person could enter.It is difficult to issue and receive tickets.So we may have introduced these machines.In the past, I thought that only Tokuji, who had an experience of ticketing on the spot, could manage to save labor.

Currently, the replica of this automatic ticket gate is displayed next to the subway museum and Ueno Station.

[Tokuji Hayakawa's Life ⑧] Use naming rights and directly managed stores

Tokuji had already adopted the ingenuity used by the current railway companies.For example, put the company name in the name of the station.It's a so -called naming right.The section named "Mitsukoshi -mae Station" in the section opened in 1932 (Showa 7).It is a station name that immediately shows that it is in front of the station in Mitsukoshi Department Store.

Although this naming right was offered from Mitsukoshi, instead of giving the company's station name, the station set cost was paid in full.At that time, it was also a very rare station.

He is not only in the subway profits, but also on diversified management.For example, in 1929 (Showa 4), a Kaminarimon building with a subway cafeteria directly managed in Asakusa was established.The following year, the Ueno Subway Store, the first underground shopping street in Japan, was held on the second floor underground on the Ueno Station.Subway stores are also provided in Nihonbashi and Shimbashi.

For users, you can easily shop by standing back and forth, so it is a story that shows that the eyes are sharp.

[Tokuji Hayakawa's Life ⑨] The extension is completed to Shimbashi Station.And next

Japan's first subway route, which began between Ueno Station and Asakusa Station in 1927, gradually extends the route section.First of all, Ueno Station on January 1, 1930 (Showa 5) ~ Manseibashi Station (provisional station) 1.The 7km section has opened.0 from Manseibashi Station (provisional station) to Kanda Station on November 21, 1933 (Showa 6).5km has opened, and the temporary station Manseibashi Station has been abolished.


As I followed only the event extension of the subway, I think that the life of Tokuji after opening between Asakusa Station and Ueno Station was smooth sailing.However, his life is not so sweet.In particular, the life of a person can be greatly influenced by the background of the times and the economic movement.

When Japan's first subway was born, it was just a turning point in the global economy.From 1929 to the following year, the world is wrapped in a depression, and in Japan it is called the Showa Depression.

In November 1930, the route was extended to Kanda Station, but the Tokyo Subway was struggling with funding.It was Tokuji who ran west of the west on the cash flow until the end of the year, but he couldn't help.It is said that he rushed to the Tokyo Branch Manager of the local bank of the local region and asked for a loan.He has also been able to get a loan safely on New Year's Eve and escapes bankruptcy in the dimensions.

Later, after the formation of the subway loan, the construction of the route was successfully proceeded.

0 between Kanda Station and Mitsukoshi -mae Station on April 29, 1932..7km, between Mitsukoshi -mae Station and Kyobashi Station on December 24.3km opens.In addition, on March 3, 1934 (Showa 9), 0 between Kyobashi Station and Ginza Station.7km is 0 between Ginza Station and Shimbashi Station on June 21.9km is open.It was 53 years old Tokuji.It's been 20 years since I first met the subway in London.

Currently, the Ginza Line runs between Asakusa Station and Shibuya Station, but Tokuji was trying to build a route between Shimbashi Station and Shinagawa Station in the future.If his dream came true, the Ginza Line might have been running between Asakusa Station and Shinagawa Station.Also, if the subway route construction progresses smoothly, that may have become the "subway king".However, there was a man standing in front of Tokuji.

[Tokuji Hayakawa's Life ⑩] Competition with Keita Goto has begun at Shimbashi Station.

It is Keita Goto, the founder of the Tokyu Group.Goto's life follows a road that traces the Tokuji life.Originally, he aimed to be a teacher and stood on the podium, but he did not seem to have sex and quit.And to the railway clinic.It seems that Tokuji applied for a subway license, and there was already a point of contact around here.

Later, the Railway Institute retired, and at the time, he was asked to participate in the railway route plan scheduled for the rural Chofu, which Eiichi Shibuzawa was promoting, to be a residential land plan.Probably the business road was in the water.After that, we will summarize companies such as Ikegami Electric Railway, Meguro Kamata Electric Railway, and Tamagawa Railway, and will build Tokyo Yokohama Electric Railway (currently Tokyu Corporation).

Whether Keita Goto foreseeing the future of the subway, he embarked on the management of a subway company called the Tokyo High Speed Rail.It was established on September 5, 1934, and opened between Shibuya Station and Shimbashi Station on January 15, 1939.

"Tokyo High Speed Rail" is a company divided by Keita Goto, and vehicles are built in practical use.The first vehicle was 100, but the electrical components were shared with the group company Tokyo Yokohama Electric Railway, the indoor lights were incandescent lights, and the vehicle was made of steel, but the floor was a tree.On the other hand, the electric motor is more than the 1000 type of the Tokyo Subway.Therefore, it was excellent in driving performance.In this area, you can see the character that values Goto's real interest.

Goto gave Tokuji to join at Shimbashi Station, but Tokuji would have been the will of the starting group.He didn't listen stubbornly.

For this reason, Shimbashi Station on the Tokyo High Speed Rail was established at the time of the opening of the Tokyo Subway Station and a single wall.The passengers were inconvenient to get to the ground and enter the basement again.

Tokuji and Goto seemed to be similar, and their personality seemed the opposite.He met many times about his ride, but did not compromise on each other.It was a train built so that you could run on the tracks of each other immediately if you connected the wall of Shimbashi Station and connected the tracks, but the discussion was not organized.

[Tokuji Hayakawa's Life ⑪] It was Tokuji who left the company to be chased

Tokuji will come to Keihin Kyuko Electric Railway (then Keihin Electric Railway and Shonan Electric Railway) to make a subway line between Shimbashi Station and Shinagawa Station, and try to prevent Goto's entry.

Goto, on the other hand, ran to buy stocks on the Tokyo Subway.It was Goto's common practice to buy the stock of a hostile railway company, but the nickname of Goto is Keita Robber.Tokuji is irresistible if you are hostile by force.

Finally, Tokuji also started direct operation between the Tokyo Subway and the Tokyo High Speed Rail on September 16, 1939.The Shimbashi Station platform, which has been used for eight months after the opening of the Tokyo High Speed Rail, has been used since then.Although it still remains, it is a phantom home, and the old railway is a detention line, and the platform has not been released (sometimes a tour).

Despite direct operation, the two companies were in inconvenience in various ways.Therefore, Eisaku Sato (later Prime Minister), who was the director of the Railway Clinic Director of the Railway Agency, launched the arbitration.In June 1940, the two companies were presented to the two companies, and Tokuji Hayakawa, who had been appointed president, left the Tokyo Subway.I was 59 years old.

In fact, this arbitration was behind the scenes.Goto also quit the officers of the Tokyo High Speed Rail, but it was a temporary one that could be interpreted again.On the other hand, when Tokuji quit, such words were not included.It can be said that it was focused on arbitration from posterity.Then, I couldn't say that Goto got it.

1941 (Showa 16) On July 4, the Teito Expressway Transportation Corporation (Subway Subway) was established, and the operation of the Tokyo Subway and Tokyo High Speed Rails was inherited by the company.The subway was an organization invested by the government and Tokyo.Both Tokuji and Goto were used as a country and Tokyo city.The result was painful.

Tokuji Hayakawa, who built the subway with our hands, was chased by the company, but seemed to be a very longing for employees.In May 1941 (Showa 16), the following year, a bust was made at Shimbashi Station, gathering donations from shareholders and volunteers.Although the donation was not enough for the bust structure, it is said that Fumio Asakura, a sculptor called "Oriental Rodin", was produced with his thoughts.In 1977, it was moved to a concourse at Ginza Station to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the subway opening.

The history of the Japanese subway that began with Tokuji Hayakawa.Currently, the Tokyo Metro route is 195 km, the Tokyo Metropolitan Transportation Bureau is 109 km, and a 304km subway route is extended.Subway networks are being circulated in major cities nationwide.

What would you think if Tokuji Hayakawa, the father of the subway, knew this prosperity?

Finally, let's touch on Tokuji's later years.Tokuji, who left the president of the Tokyo Subway at the age of 59, received the Green Ribbon Medal this year.Just two years later, on November 29, 1942, he died at the age of 61.I was aiming to build a youth dojo to grow young people in my hometown.

Finally, the man who achieved the big business of opening the subway was a very sad and lonely end.


Until March 13 (Sunday), the subway museum (Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, Kasai Station, the 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Hayakawa's Birth "will be introduced with various materials.If you are interested, why not visit?Although it is limited to Friday, there is also a special film screening of Japan's first subway construction, which is looking back at "Tokyo Subway Railway Construction Status" from 14:30.

* Objectory title in the sentence * Reference: "Subway Birth Birth Birth of Tokuji Hayakawa and Keita Goto" / Kenji Nakamura (Kotsu Shimbun), "Underground Star" / Keiki Kadoi (Shinchosha)
