To eliminate the fire! As a countermeasure to prevent fire, the materials of residential fire prevention and business fire prevention are made.

The number of fires in the past five years

 The number of fires in Ling and two years was 52, a decrease of 19 compared with the previous year, but fires broke out at a rate of about once a week.

The number of fires in the past five years

A breakdown of the causes of fire in the first and second years of Ling he

 In previous years, fires have been caused by cigarettes, bonfires, stoves, arson and arson, almost all of which can be prevented, and arson can also be prevented by creating an environment where arson is difficult. In addition, due to the reckless burning of cutting debris and garbage, a fire broke out due to a little negligence, burning into the building and losing important property.


Ling and 2 years of fire damage

 The total amount of damage caused by the fire under the jurisdiction of the Fire Department of Shenggu City in the past two years is 653,382,000 yen.

Pay attention to the amount of damage

 The amount of damage refers to the total amount of fire damage caused by fire, such as real estate (buildings), movable property (accommodation) and workpieces, including water damage and fouling caused by fire-fighting activities.

Ling and 2 years of casualties

 One person was killed and eight injured in the fire in Shengu City Fire Department for 2 years, a total of 9 people were injured. In the category of fire, one person died in "other fires", four were injured in "building fires", three in "other fires" and one in "vehicle fires".

Pay attention to the type of fire

 Fire is divided into "building fire", "forest fire", "vehicle fire", "ship fire", "aircraft fire" and "other fire". "other fire" refers to the fire other than the above-mentioned fire.

As a countermeasure to prevent fire, please refer to the following information.
