To enjoy the movie with confidence!Summary of Corona countermeasures in movie theaters [Movie theaters you want to know]

  1. Movie theater infection prevention measures
    1. Risk evaluation of contact infection and droplet infection
    2. Countermeasures in various places in the facility
    3. Measures at the entrance of the movie theater
    4. Ticket window measures
    5. Lobby and rest space countermeasures
    6. Toilet measures
    7. 売店(コンセッション及びグッズ売り場)の対策
    8. 清掃・ゴミの廃棄
  2. 来館者に関する感染防止策
    1. 来館者の把握(上映前の対策)
    2. 周知と広報(上映当日の対策)
    3. 来館者の入場時の対応(上映当日の対策)
    4. 来館者の感染防止策(上映当日の対策)
    5. 上映中に感染が疑われる者が発生した場合の対応策(上映当日の対策)
    6. 来館者の退場時の対応(上映当日の対策)
  3. その他、イベントなどに関する感染防止策
    1. 登壇を伴う舞台挨拶
    2. 中継付き上映・ライブビューイング
    3. 応援上映
    4. 上映後の対策・保健所との関係
  4. まとめ

A new colon virus infection that has changed our lives.From the end of 2019 to the present (April 2021), the world has fought this unknown virus.

Initially unknown routes, which were initially unknown, have been gradually established, such as wearing masks, thorough disinfection, and avoiding three -denses (sealing, dense, and closely).Each entertainment industry, which has been concerned about the density of people, is currently being conducted in a new style that assumes infection prevention.

So what are the cinema Corona measures?Here, we will introduce measures to prevent the expansion of the new colon virus infections in the movie theater based on the guidelines created by the National Enforcement Hygiene Unions for Movie Theater.

安心して映画を楽しむために! 映画館のコロナ対策まとめ【知っておきたい映画館のこと】

Click here for the new colon virus infection prevention guidelines in the movie theater

Movie theater infection prevention measures

Risk evaluation of contact infection and droplet infection

Risk evaluation is to see how bad events are likely to occur during a specific period and how serious the results are occurring.The facility manager of the movie theater is taking measures to judge the following two points.

Countermeasures in various places in the facility

Since there are various facilities in the movie theater, each has a detailed countermeasure plan.

Common measures in the facility

Countermeasures in the screen are recognized for participation up to the capacity of the cinema, because it corresponds to "the assumption that there is no loud cheers and cheers".However, it is necessary to take additional measures when providing a meal with a detention rate of 100%.Specifically, it is as follows.

\ One point here /

The video below is very easy to understand for the ventilation system of the movie theater.Please take a look!

Measures at the entrance of the movie theater

Ticket window measures

Lobby and rest space countermeasures

Toilet measures
