[Thorough discussion] How do you keep the corpse of a big monster?Meat, bones, Shisha bar!? Specialists really spoke

[A huge monster who was afraid of humanity died suddenly one day.What do you do with this corpse?]

The movie "After the Great Monster", which is scheduled to be released in February 2022, is a work depicting the story of the "after" monster, which was never spoken in the past.

Should I process the corpse of a huge monster in the first place?Who is the processing?How do you ...?The government -related person who repeats such discussions, and the protagonist of the Special Affairs Corps (Ryosuke Yamada), a member of the Special Affairs Corporation who is assigned to the secret mission of corpse processing.

Can Arata successfully succeed in the "big monster after Shimatsu" while being swayed by a variety of thoughts?This work, which has been talked about in unprecedented cuts, has been a very great response before the release, centered on SNS.

A specialist realized the "Morishimatsu plan" realistically

Specialists gather around the skin model of a large monster!

In the main part of the movie, the "Special Affairs Corps", which is under the direct control of the Prime Minister, and the government's "Defense Force", will take various measures, but this time, as a special edition, we, who are ordinary people, want to challenge "Large Monster After Shimatsu". I think.

I got up with a strong habit, such as geography, wasted, hunting, and Kiri.If each knowledge is combined, what will the ending will be?

Here, another "Great Monster After Shimatsu" begins!

・ Geographer (Cite -Jin) Representative of the Geographical Institute of Geographer Co., Ltd.He is a fantasy map writer who has been drawing a map of cities that has not existed since the age of seven for over 30 years.He has been involved in TV dramas, game geographical supervision, and map production, as well as writer activities.

・ Marina Fujiwara (Marina Fujiwara) A content creator and writer.She is a "waste making" professional that creates unnecessary things.Until now, more than 200 "wastefulness" has been created in the world, and the total number of SNS followers exceeds 450,000.

・ Takuya Sano, “Hunting & Cooking Expert” Running Gibie izakaya “Sanoya” in Yamanashi Prefecture.He has acquired a huntsman, and he can do everything from hunting deer and wild boar to blood, dismantling, and cooking by himself.A specialist of how to handle living creatures and delicious eating.This time, I participated in remote.

・ Manager (Tencho) A web writer, a specialist of Daikiri.He has started Daikiri since his school days, and he had a runner -up experience at the Tenkaichi Budokai "Tenkaichi Budokai".Daikiri's overdoing, he repeated universities twice.This article will be the moderator.

Lucky to fall on state -owned land!?

Manager: Thank you today.First, let's review the premise.The theme of this theme is named "hope" because of the desire to be "valuable environmental resources and want to lead to future" hope ".

Manager: In this way, "hope" is dead on a first -class river.The overall length is 380m, which is about 1 of Tokyo Dome.It takes 5 times the length of 5 times, and it takes 5 minutes for humans to walk.In addition, the height in the falling state is 155m.About 1 of Tsutenkaku.It is 5 times the height.It can be said that it is a big size that is undoubtedly "super".We will have you discuss how to do this as much as you want.

Geography: Wow ...

Fujiwara: That's big.

Sano: I see.* All four have only a minimum knowledge of the movie "Large Monster After Shimatsu", such as information on the trailer.

Manager: First of all, in my opinion, I'm honestly troubled even if I die all the time.Neighboring residents are evacuating, so it's a good idea to return to the place where you lived as soon as possible.Isn't it better to carry it inland and bury it?

Geography: No, it's difficult to carry such a big thing.If the big monster arrived at this place in the first place, the way would be a big deal.

Fujiwara: In the trailer, the skyscrapers were burning, and apparently the big monsters have moved from the city center.

Manager: Well, the city center and infrastructure may be destroyed ...

Geography: By the way, this looks exactly like the Tone River in Japan, but it's not Japan, right?

Manager: Yes, it's a "parallel world similar to Japan".

(Geographer talking about land around the river)

Geography: I see.Even so, the large river is the key to logistics for a long time, so many towns should have prospered for a long time.The Narita Airport in Japan is probably crushed by a big monster.The largest airport in the country has been bumpy, and you may have been confused.

Sano: At that point, supplies from overseas will not reach immediately.

Fujiwara: In such a state, what to carry such a big thing ...

Manager: Wow.

Geography: But I was lucky to have fallen on the first -class river.

Manager: What do you say?

Geography: It's not a private land.If this guy falls on someone's land, you can't do anything.There are so many fields and farmers around the Tone River in Japan.Nevertheless, if you don't know this, if the body fluid is in the soil, you may not grow your crops.In that case, it will be a problem of compensation, and I think it will be quite rubbed.

Manager: I see ...!

* The voice from the residents has already been assumed

Geography: Riverbed is a state -owned land, so there is no such problem.In anticipation of floods, you can't make a residential land.It's a land that can't make anything, so it might be the best spot to destroy a big monster.

Manager: Well!Is it better to leave it as it is!?

Fujiwara: As expected, local residents will not be convinced, and if the body fluid of the big monster flows to the estuary, it may affect the fishery.

Geography: Certainly, it will be a compensation problem ... it's difficult.

(Here, Gibier huntsman, Mr. Sano opens his mouth)

Sano: The only way to carry this size is to dismantle it into a small meat.Even though it is a big monster, I think the meat inside is probably cut.

Manager: Well, can the monster cut!

Sano: Yeah, meat!But the problem is the epidermis.Even large animals like elephants and giraffes can be dismantled as long as the knife passes the skin.I think it's the same for monsters.But this big monster seems to have a blade through the skin.What should I do?

Manager: If it is so big, you may need a machine instead of a knife.

Geography: Speaking of which, on the sea side where the big monster falls, the industrial area is expanding in Japan.

Sano: Oh, if the industrial area is near, there are many tools!Let's use something that can be used!If there is a laser scalpel or a machine that cuts a stone with water pressure, it may be cut with a large monster skin.I want to make it small enough to carry with a dump car.

Fujiwara: I think the bones are quite thick, can you cut it?

Sano: No, no bones are cut.When dismantling wild boars and deer, the bones just remove the joints.You only have to peel the meat.

Manager: As expected, the huntsman of the professional job ...!

Let's pull out the internal organs of the big monster

However, there are still many issues.

Geography: In any case, removal of this monster will take a year.I have to be aware of the New Normal (new normal condition) of the big monster.

Sano: First of all, it's better to pull only the internal organs.Whether it's a deer or a wild boar, the internal organs will be removed first.Because the dead odor is amazing.

Fujiwara: I've never smelled dead, but is it so strong?

Sano: It's not strong!If you die somewhere, you can see it even if it is 20-30m away in the forest.

Manager: Oh.

Sano: I don't usually smell it, so I think it smells strange at first.Only when approaching, "Wow, smell!"That's why it's a deer and wild boar, so it's unusual to become a big monster.But it's lucky to die on the river too!

* It seems that the huntsman, Mr. Sano, is also paying attention to the river on the river.

Manager: Are you lucky from the huntsman's point of view?

Sano: Yes, if you're dead in the river, I don't think corruption is so fast.Because the body temperature of the prey goes down.

Geography: It is quite good to call a big monster "prey".

Sano: In fact, some huntsmans are immersed in the prey in the river!If you remove the internal organs, fermentation by microorganisms will be suppressed, and your body temperature will be even more likely to lower.I wonder if the meat is peeled off.

Fujiwara: The speed of corruption is likely to change depending on the temperature and humidity.Looking at the clothes of the characters in the movie, it's about spring or autumn.

Sano: I don't think it will rot in a month from autumn to winter.In the meantime, I want to remove at least from the stomach.The lungs and heart are not fermented by the "contents", so it is okay to postpone.

【徹底議論】大怪獣の死体、どうやってあとしまつする?肉・骨・シーシャBar!? スペシャリスト達が本気で話してみた

Geography: It seems good to take out the "contents" first and transport it.

Sano: That's good.First, somehow make a hole in the stomach and prevent the stomach from expanding the stomach due to fermented gas.Insert the machine from there and transport the piston.With this size, I guess the stomach can be empted in about 20 days.

Steamed large monster

Sano: In the first place, this big monster doesn't grow hair, right?Then it may be good to steamed without peeling the skin.

Manager: Visually, it feels like cremating the whole.

Sano: Yeah, steam until it is so soft enough to be eaten.Dig a hole of about 70m in depth with a heavy machine and push it into this guy like a Dutch oven.After that, a large fire like a campfire, and fire the fire with straw from above the body.

Fujiwara: I think it's good too!It feels more efficient than moving.


(Mr. Fujiwara, an expert in waste making to talk about efficiency)

Geography: If it is a riverbed, there is no building and it is partitioned by embankment, so it does not spread to the surrounding area, so I think it is safe.

Sano: Assuming that the skin is like an elephant, only the skin on the surface burns like charcoal and the meat burns.If the fire goes through, the meat will be softer, so it may be cut with a chainsaw!

Manager: It seems that it is quite easy to handle!By the way, if you eat steamed meat, how do you cook Sano?

Sano: I'm sure this monster would be lean, so I guess it's delicious or delicious.

Manager: It may look delicious normally.How many people can make it?

<10 million meals "Tatsuta fried in large monsters">

Sano: I don't know unless I try it, but I guess all the people in Tokyo can eat one.You can fry Tatsuta for 10 million people.

Fujiwara: If you say, "It's a monster meat," you want to eat it once, no matter how bad it is.

Manager: If it's delicious, no matter how many times the big monster comes, it may be "I'm coming again! I'm happy!"

Geography: Is that so ...?

(Here, a problem is discovered.)

Sano: Oh, but if you fall in the river, you may not be able to fire.

Geography: Eh!I was in trouble, I wanted to bake and fill it.

Fujiwara: It's a problem that you can't eat Tatsuta fried chicken.

Sano: The corpse of the monster has a wound, so if you pierce a lot of iron rods and pour electricity, the meat may burn.As an image, Kakuni feels like collapsed.

Geography: The fact that the factory area is near is likely to be an advantage here.Bringing electricity should not be a problem.

Sano: Sure!

Manager: By the way, do you have an electric power to the river and get an electric shock?

Sano: It's okay because there is no electrode in the river itself!If there is a metal part in the body of a large monster, it will be discharged, but it seems that it is not such a creature.In fact, boars also pour the electricity from the battery and fain.

Shisha BAR with the smell of a big monster

The stuffing is approaching, and the discussion is even more intense.

Fujiwara: If you eat the meat of the big monster together, you can't make the site in a tourist spot.Name a name like "Large Monster Ruins Park".The bones remain, and I want to make it a park where you can reinforce it.

Geography: There may be voices of residents who want to eliminate bones because they are negative memories.It's like "a philosophical park that thinks about human toughness".The entrance fee is 4,000 yen for the price for those who like things.

Manager: As a rare spot, ask someone who likes something unusual.

Sano: If the total length of the big monster is 380m, one spine may be 100m long.It might be cool to decorate in the center of Dawn and the park!

Manager: Big monster skeletal specimen!I want to see!

Sano: By the way, the most beautiful way to take the bones is to boil.If you put the chemicals in boiled water and boil them, the protein will melt and only the skeleton will remain.If you want to leave your bones in a beautiful state, don't use heavy equipment.

Geography: In that sense, it seems good to bake with electrodes and peel off the meat.

Fujiwara: Speaking of which, I just got a story about the smell.I tend to shy away from the sneak, but I want to smell it once.Anyway, if you want to be in a park, I would like to think of attractions that can smell that smell.

Manager: Attraction to smell the smell ...?

Fujiwara: For example, how about creating a device like a suction machine in an otolaryngologist and sniffing it directly?I want to make an oil that reproduces the smell of the monster and make a Shisha bar that can smell it.

Geography: Ge!!I don't want to get close.If you smell it directly, wouldn't you die?

Sano: De M!

Sano: Then, with the bones and skin of the big monster, you can make a chair of Shisha BAR and a table.It's a big bone that you can't imagine, so if you cut it out, it won't be about 50 chairs.

Geography: In terms of size, it seems that the teeth of the large monster can be turned into a chair as it is.

Sano: That's cool!Also, the most important thing is nails.Bear nails are very popular, as they can be a amulet.The big monster claws can be sold as a choker, or if they are used, they will sell!

Manager: The business concept has grown more and more.

Fujiwara: It seems that overseas people can also buy if the sales of accessories made with monsters lead to some support.Also, I want to make a perfume that smells like a big monster.I want to sell "the smell of that monster" in Donki.

Sano: The uncle who gave it said, "I'll be a monster tonight."

Manager: It's a peaceful but unpleasant world line.

Fujiwara: For those who can't come far, I want to put Shisha BAR in Tokyo and other local cities.Also, I would like to make effective use of the skin of the big monster.

Sano: The skin of the big monster is rugged, so if you put it on the wall, you can climb it?

Geography: Not only Shisha BAR, but also bouldering gym seems to be easy to make.

(The whole opinion that has come out is all about)

Manager: Finally, let's organize the discussion so far.Summary,

This is our style "Shimatsu after the big monster"!

Manager: First, we form a Yakura, bring out the "contents" by piston transport from the wound, and remove the internal organs.Next, hundreds of rods in which the current flows, bake the meat with electricity and peel it from the bones.For meat, the Tatsuta -fried chicken looks delicious, and about 10 million people eat it.The remaining bones are processed to make furniture, or sold as accessories.The smell of the big monster is reproduced with oil and open a Shisha BAR that can be sniffed at any time.Finally, the surplus skin is also effectively used as a bouldering gym.

Manager: Is that a place?

Sano: Good!Fujiwara: The best!

Geography: Well, it's a wonderful solution.

At the end

In this way, the special meeting of the "Large Monster" special meeting that closed the curtain in the large white heat.Later, one video was sent from Mr. Fujiwara.

Video: [After the Great Monster] Dialogue Planning Planning Waste Manufacturing Invention Marina Fujiwara's Kusa Shasha HTTPS: // YouTu.BE/Wi6jij19uea

I don't know why, but Fujiwara looks so happy.It would be nice to smell the big monster like this and it would be a world where everyone could laugh together.

By the way, this time, "After the Great Monster," which has reached such a ending.What kind of development did it happen in the main story?

If you are worried, from February 4, 2022 (Friday), the movie "Large Monster After Shimatsu" will be nationwide on a nationwide road show.

People who run away from a rampant big monster.Suddenly, a hero appears and saves the world.It is a regular development in a special effects movie that everyone longed for as a child.But what happened to the corpse processing of the defeated monster ...?

The first time in history, the movie "The Great Monster", which depicts such a "story of" giant monster "that everyone knows," the story of "after death". "The lead is Ryosuke Yamada of Hey! Say! JUMP, Taiho Tsuchiya as the heroine, and Satoshi Miki, who is known as the "Professional Police" series, will be the director and scriptwriter.In addition, Shinichi Wakasa, known for the "Heisei Godzilla" series and the "Ultraman" series, worked on monster modeling further.

"Flying special effects entertainment" that no one has seen before has been born!Please have a look at the theater!

・ Movie "After the Great Monster" This notice https: // YouTu.be/b-mp3kydz_4

Official site: https: // www.Great Kaiju.JP/Official Twitter: https: // Twitter.Com/DAIKAIJYU_Movie Official Instagram: https: // www.Instagram.com/daikaijyu_movie/

Thank you for reading until the end!(Writing: store manager, planning: fun corporation kayak, joint company -specific viewpoint)
