Hiroshima sightseeing is OK with this! 30 Recommended Sightseeing and Gourmet Spots

Mapple Travel Guide Editorial Department

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Hiroshima is a world-famous tourist destination. Its appeal lies in its many tourist attractions, including the two World Heritage Sites, the Atomic Bomb Dome and Itsukushima Shrine, as well as museums and buildings that tell the story of history. Another reason for its popularity is the local cuisine. In addition to local foods such as okonomiyaki and soupless dandan noodles, there are plenty of delicious foods such as the blessings of the Seto Inland Sea's unique climate and rich nature. We will introduce recommended sightseeing and gourmet spots in Hiroshima that are full of such attractions. Before you go on your trip to Hiroshima, let's make a fun sightseeing plan by grasping the positional relationship of each area!

What kind of place is Hiroshima?

Hiroshima Prefecture is full of attractions in each area, such as Miyajima, where Itsukushima Shrine is located, and Hiroshima Town, where the Atomic Bomb Dome stands. First of all, let's understand the positional relationship with the representative tourist areas.

In December 1996, Itsukushima Shrine and the Atomic Bomb Dome were simultaneously registered as World Heritage Sites. There are plenty of trains and ferries, so you can tour two World Heritage Sites in one day.

With Miyajima at the top of the list, major tourist attractions such as Hiroshima Town, Onomichi, Shimanami Kaido, Kure, and Tomonoura gather on the sea side. If you want to fully enjoy the uniqueness of Hiroshima, "sea" is an indispensable keyword.

Hiroshima Prefecture is warm and comfortable. Even in winter, it doesn't snow much on the sea side. The mountains are covered with snow and there are many ski resorts. One of the pleasures is the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, which are nurtured by the blessed climate and rich nature.

We have packed a lot of sightseeing spots in Hiroshima that are full of charm into this video. First of all, let's press the point with this video!

Hiroshima's representative tourist destination, which is visited by 4 million people a year. Highlights such as Itsukushima Shrine, a World Heritage Site, and Mt. Misen, a power spot, are concentrated here. You can also enjoy famous gourmet foods such as maple steamed buns and conger eel rice.

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The largest city in the Chugoku/Shikoku region and the gateway to Hiroshima, where transportation facilities such as trains and ferries are well-equipped. There are also many tourist attractions such as the Atomic Bomb Dome and Mazda Stadium. Restaurants, shops, and hotels gather here, making it an ideal base for sightseeing.

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A city of gentle slopes, literature and movies. Recently, it is also famous as a sacred place for cats.

This town has been the setting for movies and novels, and is also known as the town of cats. There are old temples and scenic spots in the hillside area on the mountain side, and you can enjoy lunch and shopping at the shopping street along the coast.

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A sea road connecting the islands of the Seto Inland Sea

9 bridges connect 6 islands in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, in Onomichi City. It is a sacred place for cyclists, and there are still places related to pirates.

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A port town that prospered as a naval arsenal town. The facilities associated with the former Navy and the Maritime Self-Defense Force are worth seeing. You can also try the Kure Maritime Self Defense Force curry, which is rapidly gaining popularity as a local gourmet.

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Carefully selected by guidebook editors! Top 10 sightseeing spots in Hiroshima

Carefully selected by guidebook editors! Top 10 sightseeing spots in Hiroshima

Hiroshima has two World Heritage Sites, Itsukushima Shrine and the Atomic Bomb Dome. While it is known as the largest city in the Chugoku region, it is also an area where you can touch the rich nature of the sea and mountains just by walking a little further.

In this article, we will introduce you to Hiroshima's recommended spots carefully selected by a travel guidebook editor who continues to greedily collect information about Hiroshima, along with comments!

This ranking was created by the editor of Mapple Magazine.

広島担当編集者C大阪在住、紙にも電子書籍にも精通する中国地方担当編集者。アラフィフの女友達を引っ張って、広島のおすすめ情報を日夜収集している。 おいしいもの、お酒、温泉、街歩きが大好きで、よいお店や施設に鼻が利くのが得意技。路地裏の隠れた名店や知られざる景色も逃しません!

Here is the list of recommended sightseeing spots in Hiroshima, selected by the editors of Mapple Hiroshima. I will introduce them in order from the 10th place.

A cafe and bar on the side of a narrow alley called "Neko no Hosomichi" in Onomichi. The exterior looks more like an abandoned house than an old folk house, which is a little surprising, but the interior has a unique atmosphere inspired by the world of Kenji Miyazawa, and you can immerse yourself in another world.

Alcohol is mainly hard liquor, but if you tell your taste, you can make a cocktail.

Cafe SAKA Bar

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A cafe in a guest house that was renovated from an old private house on Onomichi Hondori Shopping Street. As the name of the guesthouse suggests, this cafe is also long and narrow, imitating a school hallway, and the bare light bulbs and glass shoji create a strangely relaxing space.

You can enjoy simple meals such as curry and sandwiches, as well as alcoholic beverages, making it convenient to use during your trip.

Yawn Cafe

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広島【尾道】坂道カフェ♪ 窓から広がる眺めもステキ!

From the Koyasan Observatory overlooking the Miyoshi Basin, you can see a sea of ​​clouds called the sea of ​​fog in the early morning from autumn to early spring.

When you stand still from the dark hours before the sunrise, you can see the sky change from indigo to ultramarine blue and purple at the same time as the stars twinkle. The scenery spreads out.

If the weather is good, you can see it with a good probability, so it is recommended. However, you need a lot of cold protection!

sea ​​of ​​fog

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An old private house cafe located up a narrow slope from the five-storied pagoda in Miyajima. With a concrete floor, wooden chairs and tables, and a single piece of glass in the simple interior, the five-storied pagoda and Miyajima townscape spread out in front of you, making it a great location.

When the weather is nice, the glass door seems to be opened, so I think it's an even more open feeling. Refreshing beverages such as lemon mojitos and sparkling wine also match the scenery.

Oyster celebration

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An area dotted with many vast flower gardens. You can enjoy flower gardens everywhere from spring to autumn. The spring tulips at Sera Kogen Farm and the nemophila fields at Flower Village Kamu no Sato are especially spectacular. The Sera Kogen Hananomori is only open during the rose season, but it is lit up so you can enjoy it in a slightly mature atmosphere.

And perhaps because it is so vast, it is recommended that you can enjoy the flowers without feeling too crowded with people.

Sora no Hanabatake Sera Kogen Flower Forest

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Sera Kogen Farm

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A hotel on Osakikamijima that can only be reached by boat. The open-air bath facing the sea seems to be soaked in the Seto Inland Sea, making it the best location.

If you are lucky enough to get in when the moon comes out, you will be in the world of moonlight bathing. The quality of the spring water is only on a remote island. Keeps you warm after taking a bath.

The colors of the sea and the sky change depending on the time of day, and you will want to visit again and again.

Hotel Seifukan

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This restaurant is located about halfway between Peace Memorial Park and Hiroshima Station, 11 minutes by tram from Hiroshima Station. The beautifully plated local seafood, such as sashimi, simmered fish, and fried fish, is really delicious.

They also serve Japanese sake, mainly Hiroshima sake, according to their tastes and dishes.

The atmosphere of the shop is not too casual and not too formal. In terms of budget, it's a little expensive for an izakaya, but you can be convinced that it's cost-effective.

Ishimatsu III

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A small island on the Shimanami Kaido, known as the Setouchi Lemon Island. Lemon fields spread all over the island, and when the flowers are in bloom, the sweet and sour scent wafts across the island, providing a perfect healing effect.

There are also art spots all over the island, where you can casually enjoy contemporary art. In particular, the “Future Heart Hill” is surrounded by pure white marble and you can taste a foreign country. Doltier's citrus gelato is a must!

Island Museum

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Ikuchi Island

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広島・愛媛【しまなみ海道】絶景サイクリング! おすすめスポット!

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A remote island on the Tobishima Kaido that can be reached by car from Kure. The Mitarai district of this island is a townscape preservation district, and the old townscape from the Edo to Taisho eras remains, giving you the feeling of traveling back in time.

Weekdays are recommended because there are few tourists and you can quietly enjoy your own world. Hill Park overlooking the Mitarai area is, as the name suggests, the preservation area and the islands of the Seto Inland Sea.

Hill Park with a View of History

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Mitarai Townscape Preservation Area

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Itsukushima Shrine is a must, of course, but I would also like you to visit the nearby shrines and temples. At Toyokuni Shrine, the color of the ginkgo leaves in front of you is reflected on the polished floor, and you can enjoy it in every season.

Also, for some reason, I would like you to enjoy the tranquility even when there are many people. Also, the “Ryuuma no Matsu” in front of Tonooka Chaya is a 200-year-old pine tree that stretches about 30 meters horizontally. As the name suggests, it is as powerful as a dragon flowing.

Toyokuni Shrine (Subsidiary of Itsukushima Shrine)

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Itsukushima Shrine

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■ Start here! Standard spot

In order to travel efficiently in Hiroshima and Miyajima, which have many attractions, it is a cardinal rule to decide in advance where you want to go. How about planning your trip by referring to the "classic spots" recommended by Maple?

Itsukushima Shrine

It is said that it was founded by Saeki Kurashiki in 593, the first year of Empress Suiko (593), and was remodeled into its present form by Taira no Kiyomori in 1168. The mystical shrine that combines the splendid architectural beauty, the Seto Inland Sea that spreads out in front of you, and the natural beauty of Mt. In 1996, it was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site in recognition of its unparalleled scenic beauty.

Itsukushima Shrine

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Miyajima Aquarium

More than 13,000 aquatic creatures of 350 species, including finless porpoises and Humboldt penguins, which are symbols of Miyajima Aquarium, gather here. The sea lion live, which is held three to four times a day, is very popular.

Miyajima Aquarium

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five-storied pagoda

Standing next to Toyokuni Shrine in the background of Itsukushima Shrine, this cypress bark roofed pagoda stands approximately 27 meters high. It was built in 1407 (Oei 14). The exterior is open to the public, but the interior is closed to the public.

five-storied pagoda

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Peace Memorial Park

8:15 am on August 6, 1945. The world's first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. The Peace Memorial Park, which spreads out near the hypocenter, is a lush green area surrounded by the Motoyasu River and the former Ota River (the main river). The Atomic Bomb Dome and monuments are gathered in the park, and many people from all over the world visit it as a base for permanent peace. About 75 years have passed since "that day", and now it has become a place of relaxation for citizens. It's a peaceful time, so let's visit an important place that you want to see at least once.

Peace Memorial Park

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Ever since Kobo Daishi founded the mountain 1,200 years ago, it has been revered as the sacred object of Miyajima. There are virgin forests registered as World Heritage Sites and mysterious spots, and it is attracting attention as a power spot. Many people visit for the superb view and benefits from the summit.


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Miyajima Ropeway

From Momijidani Station to Kamiya Station, it takes about 10 minutes to walk in the air above the virgin forest. At Kamiya Station, change to a slightly larger ropeway and head for the final stop, Shishiiwa Station, while gazing at the Seto Inland Sea.

Miyajima Ropeway

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Senkoji Temple

A famous temple of the Shingon sect, which is said to have been founded in 806. It is famous for its vivid vermillion-lacquered main hall, which stands halfway up Mt.

Senkoji Temple

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Shukkeien Garden

Nagaakira Asano, the lord of the Hiroshima Domain, built it as a villa garden from 1620. The bridge over the rainbow is known to be strong enough to withstand the blast of the atomic bomb.

Shukkeien Garden

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■I want to know more about Hiroshima! Museum/Historical Building

Atomic bomb dome

The atomic bomb exploded 160m southeast of the dome. It miraculously escaped collapse, but the painful appearance of the collapsed outer wall and exposed steel frames touches the hearts of those who see it. It was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1996 as a symbol of the terror of the atomic bomb and the wish for permanent peace.

Atomic bomb dome

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Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

A facility that examines the damage caused by the atomic bomb from various angles and encourages visitors to think deeply. Many relics and materials related to the atomic bombing are on display. Currently, only the East Building can be visited, but there are temporary exhibitions of materials that were displayed in the main building, which is currently closed.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

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Hiroshima Castle

This castle was built in 1589 by Mori Terumoto, a military commander of the Sengoku period. The castle tower was completely destroyed by the atomic bomb in 1945, but the appearance was restored in 1958. In the history museum inside, there is also an experience corner where you can try on armor and helmets.

Hiroshima Castle

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Yamato Museum

The museum opened in 2005, the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, and its symbol is a one-tenth scale reproduction of the battleship Yamato. There is a floor where you can learn about the principles of science and technology through hands-on experience, and a theater showing the construction process of the battleship Yamato. From the observatory terrace on the 4th floor, you can see the remains of the dock where the battleship "Yamato" was built.

Yamato Museum

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呉【Yamato Museum】戦艦大和は呉で生まれた!

Maritime Self-Defense Force Kure Museum

Standing opposite the Yamato Museum, it introduces the activities of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force through various materials. In the hall, there are actual exhibits such as mines and equipment to remove them. Adjacent to the submarine "Akishio", enter the ship from the 3rd floor of the building. Volunteer guides, mainly former crew members, sometimes provide explanations.

Maritime Self-Defense Force Kure Museum

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Kosanji Museum (Kosanji Temple)

Kosanji A temple of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji school that was built by Kozo as his mother's family temple. Fifteen of the pagodas are registered as tangible cultural properties. You can see the Shoin "Shioseikaku" and the marble garden "Miraishin no Oka".

Kosanji Museum (Kosanji Temple)

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■ Recommended shopping spots

Since you've come all the way to Hiroshima, you'll want to buy souvenirs that are unique to Hiroshima. So, here are some shops where you can get memorable items and standard souvenir spots. You are sure to find a souvenir that will please you!

Momijido Nibanya

Sweets such as fried maple and Uji Kintoki can be taken out. A popular item is the deep-fried maple ice cream topped with soft-serve ice cream. It has a cafe space.

Momijido Nibanya

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A commercial facility located above the railway tracks and under the overpass of Hiroshima Station. Approximately 130 shops such as souvenirs, restaurants, side dishes, miscellaneous goods, and fashion are gathered here.


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Ladle house

A shop specializing in the Hiroshima specialty, Shakushi. We have a wide variety of products, from practical rice scoops to professional ones. There is also a ladle with various prayers and decorations. The most popular item is the rice scoop strap, which you can write your name on.

Ladle house

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Orizuru Tower

A tourist facility with 13 floors above ground and 2 floors below ground located to the east of the Atomic Bomb Dome. On the top floor there is an observatory where you can overlook the city, and on the first floor there are shops and restaurants that sell Hiroshima specialties.

Orizuru Tower

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Carefully selected by guidebook editors! Hiroshima Ramen Shops You Should Try When You Go to Hiroshima

Introducing two famous Hiroshima ramen shops that the editor goes to every time he visits Hiroshima.

A popular restaurant serving soupless dandan noodles. At first glance, you may be a little surprised by the amount of chili oil, but it is delicious with the sansho pepper and other flavors that are entwined with the rich sauce.

At the beginning of eating, the sweetness of sesame prevailed and I didn't feel much spiciness, was it a little unsatisfactory? I think, but after that the spiciness of the Japanese pepper comes into play, and it's irresistible for those who like spicy food!

Chinese noodles Kunimatsu

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A long-established store that is said to represent Hiroshima ramen. Hiroshima ramen's standard tonkotsu soy sauce-based straight thin noodles, with a mild taste that even I, who doesn't like strong flavors, can eat up.

The soy sauce-flavored char siu is thin and melts in your mouth. The inside of the store is simple but clean, and even women will not be bothered by it.


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■ Recommended gourmet spots

Hiroshima is full of delicious things such as affordable local food and fresh seafood! Okonomiyaki, conger eel rice, oysters from Miyajima, and more... Here are some of the best restaurants where you can enjoy local specialties unique to Hiroshima!

Micchan Souhonten Hatchobori Main Store

After the war, the shop's owner, Ise, started out as a street food stall and created the prototype of Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, devising sauces, adding cabbage and Chinese noodles. There is a steady flow of customers from inside and outside the prefecture seeking the taste of a famous restaurant.

Micchan Souhonten (Hacchobori Main Branch)

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【広島名物】お好み焼き! ふわっと系&パリッと系の人気店!


A long-established store with over 100 years of history. Rice cooked in dashi stock made from the head and bones of conger eel, grilled plump conger eel, and sweet and salty secret sauce that preserves the traditional flavor create an exquisite harmony in the box. The conger eel bento that originated at this store is perfect for exploring Miyajima.


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After the war, the predecessor of Okonomimura was a gathering of 50 stalls that opened in Shintenchi Park. Even now that the tenants have moved to the building, the lively appearance is the same as before. The basic okonomiyaki price is the same for all tenants.


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Grilled Oyster Hayashi

Founded over 70 years ago. The oysters used are original 3-year-old products from Jigozen. Enjoy plump and rich oysters. There are also dishes other than oysters and conger eels, and we have a variety of menus.

Grilled Oyster Hayashi

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oyster shop

A restaurant specializing in oysters, using large, richly flavored oysters grown in the prefecture for all dishes. The grilled oysters are grilled over high heat in one go by the most experienced oyster griller on the island. There are also alcoholic beverages that go well with oysters, such as white wine.

oyster shop

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Soupless tantanmen specialty Kingken

A specialty store opened by the representative, Mr. Watanabe, who loves soupless dandan noodles. The original blend of sansho pepper is ground in the morning of the day, and five-spice chili oil that has been aged for over a month is used to provide the ultimate taste.

Soupless tantanmen specialty Kingken

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Petra Potara Honpo

A store specializing in deep-fried rice cakes with a mysterious texture. "Petarapottara" is Miyajima's new specialty, made by combining oysters and conger eels from Setouchi with glutinous rice and non-glutinous rice from the prefecture, coated with a secret sweet and spicy sauce, and grilled over charcoal. Please take a walk with you.

Petra Potara Honpo

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Conger eel rice Hanabishi

A store specializing in conger eels that uses domestic natural conger eels. We use a traditional cooking method that uses grilled conger eel with a secret sauce and boils locally produced rice with dashi stock. Sea bream rice, which is limited to 20 meals a day, and oyster rice from Miyajima are also delicious.

Conger eel rice Hanabishi

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Okino Suisan

Directly managed by a seafood industry, the quality is highly trusted. Grilled oysters using far-infrared rays are exquisitely plump. The tartness of the lemon that comes with it enhances the flavor of the oysters.

Okino Suisan

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A ramen shop in a long shopping street in front of Onomichi Station. We recommend the tempura chuuka, which has slightly curly, ultra-thin noodles topped with small shrimp kakiage. There is also thick curry Chinese.


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Restaurant Tairyo

Located in front of Oyamazumi Shrine, this popular shop is bustling with worshipers and cyclists. The seafood selected by the owner of a former fish shop is cheap and fresh, and is popular with local customers. Arrive early, put your name on the reservation list at the entrance, and wait your turn.

Restaurant Tairyo

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Kure Haikara Restaurant (Hibiki no Sato)

The cafeteria on the second floor of the Yamato Museum visitor parking lot. In addition to being served in uniforms of the Maritime Self Defense Force, Teppan Curry tableware uses iron plate trays that are actually used by the Maritime Self Defense Force.

Kure Haikara Restaurant (Hibiki no Sato)

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