There are 3 main methods of vehicle theft! "What exactly is the rapidly spreading CAN Invader?" [Thorough resistance to car theft 1st]

Understand the ever-evolving tricks of the thieves and fight against them!!

The regular reports of vehicle thefts on news programs, etc. It is nothing but because the damage of being carried away is constant. Until now, methods such as "code grabbers" and "relay attacks" have been introduced to the public, and countermeasures have been conveyed while being somewhat obfuscated. And what is being shouted out loud in recent news reports is the unfamiliar coined word “CAN Invader”. Modern cars are increasingly electronically controlled, and CAN, or controller area networks, are stretched throughout the body. Even a blinker is controlled by CAN, which leads to improved convenience such as failure diagnosis. However, this convenience can be said to be a double-edged sword, and if you want to abuse it, you can put the entire car under control from a single wire. And the point that is absolutely different from conventional methods such as "code grabber" and "relay attack" is that "CAN Invader" does not need the radio waves emitted by the smart key. This allows the thief to easily approach a parked vehicle, connect the device to the CAN wiring, and impersonate the owner. Will it be possible to put an end to this endless battle?

There are three main methods of vehicle theft What exactly is the rapidly spreading CAN invader? [Thorough resistance to theft of your own car Part 1]

Unlocking by grabbing (grabbing) radio waves emitted by keyless key operation from a distance [Code Grabber]

Picking up weak radio waves from smart keys and stealing key ID codes in a relay format [Relay Attack]

Direct access to the vehicle's CAN communication without even needing weak radio waves from the smart key!? [CAN Invader]

[Style Wagon Dress Up Navi Editorial Department]

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