The whole picture of the "5G virtualization base station" developed by Fujitsu | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

Fujitsu corresponds to the 5th generation communication (5g) standalone (SA = single -use) method, and the control unit (CU / DU) virtualized with software (virtualization base station (virtualization base station)).() It has been newly developed and announced that it will be provided to telecommunications carriers in March.The proprietary technology that optimally allocates the calculation resources has achieved both low -power consumption and high performance, which was an issue at conventional virtualization base stations.Compared to the company's conventional base stations, the total emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) can be reduced by more than 50 % in the use of multiple units.

During FY2022, we will provide software that operates on a general -purpose server for verification for the development of each telecommunications carrier for the commercial service network.In addition, it will be exhibited at MWC Barcelona 2022, a mobile -related international exhibition that will open in Spain on the 28th for the global expansion.

富士通が開発した「5G仮想化基地局」の全容|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

The newly developed base stations have improved the communication speed by improving the core software control method, and the range of communication can be increased twice to four times.The software function will be updated sequentially, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through the support of carbonization of telecommunications carriers.

The server operating resources can be flexibly changed according to the usage status that changes in regions and time.We have developed a unique dynamic resource allocation technology that reduces surplus resources and reduces power consumption.Using artificial intelligence (AI), the use status of mobile phone users and applications (applied software) are estimated, and the optimal resource arrangement is realized.

One of the highlights of the quantum inspiration technology "Digital Anira" is also a highlight.It is possible to guide the optimal connection destination at high speed from the combination of wireless devices (RU) and CU / DU in an environment where radio waves of many base stations overlap.Regarding the advantage of digital anilla, "by optimizing resource allocation online while constantly monitoring the status of operation, the overall optimal cycle can be speeded up" (Director Masaki Taniguchi).

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun February 25, 2022
