The tail gate is open with your feet and the sliding door is opened by hand, the mysterious gesture equipment of "Honda Odyssey"

Slide door that does not open with your feet

The new "Honda Odyssey" has two new equipment that can be operated with gestures.

テールゲートは足で開けてスライドドアは手で開ける 「ホンダ・オデッセイ」のジェスチャー装備の不思議

One of them is hands -free tail gate.Although it is no longer necessary to explain, it is a comfortable equipment that opens the tailgate just by putting in and out of the toe under the floor, and it is the most frequently requested function in this improvement.It is often introduced, "Even if both hands are blocked with luggage ...".

One is "Gesture Control Power Slide Door".In Japan, this item, which is equipped by Odyssey for the first time, can lock / unlock by holding a hand over the LED indicator on the sliding door, and slide the hand when unlocked, and the door will follow it.It is a new machine that can be opened and closed.

The operation is smooth and there is no feeling (so much) that "it is faster to open it normally".At least not as frustrating.The sensor uses an electrostatic capacity type, so it is okay not only in the palm of your hand, but also on your elbow.It works even if you hold your face, and it is OK for pork rose blocks.

However, what is worrisome is why to use "hands".I think it makes sense to open the tail gate by operating the feet, but there are many cases where you want to open the sliding door with your luggage closed, and you think about the situation where you hold your child.It is.In fact, the same Honda's "Fried" and "Step Wagon" have sliding doors that can be opened with foot gestures (optional).

I asked the development staff about the circumstances around that.
