On the way to the decline ... Is there a way to rising the labor productivity of Nippon, how to see experts | New Switch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

Japan's labor productivity is declining.According to statistics compiled by the Japan Productivity Headquarters in December 2021, Japan's labor productivity in 200 years is 23rd of 38 countries (OECD) 38 countries (21st in 1970), and after 1970.I fell in the lowest ranking.For Japan, where population declines, productivity improvement is an urgent issue.The background of the decrease in labor productivity was inspired and explored the way to the rise.(Umeyoshi Makuii)

Long working hours "Work style reform" reduced time

The content of the "International Comparison of Labor Productivity 2021" compiled by the Japan Productivity Headquarters was shocking.Japan's hourly labor productivity in Japan was $ 49.5 (purchasing power = exchange rate based on goods and services), only about 60 % of the United States.In the seven advanced countries (G7), the lowest ranks are continued, and it is the same as Eastern Europe and Baltic countries such as the Czech Republic and Estonia.

However, this international comparison is "the high quality of Japanese products does not reflect the high quality" (Vice President of the Japan Research Institute of Japan), and some have pointed out the limits of international statistics.In particular, international comparison of services is difficult, and when asked about businessmen who have been living in the United States and Japan about services in the two countries, it is said that home delivery and cleaning are particularly higher than in the United States.However, in statistics, it is difficult to compare the quality of such services, so it is not included.

However, improving labor productivity is an urgent issue for Japan, which has continued to decline in population.Why is Japan low?First of all, there are many views due to the fact that the length of annual working hours is the factor.In Germany, which has many industrial structures similar to Japan, such as having many manufacturing industries in Japan, labor productivity per hour is 12th in international comparison.In the United States and France in the main developed countries.The average annual working hours are 1332 hours, which is small in Europe.

On the other hand, the average annual working hours in Japan are 1598 hours, up 266 hours above Germany.The calculation of labor productivity per hour is lowered in the denominator, and the longer the working time, the lower the value.

Effective utilization of investment high skills in intangible assets

Many experts point out lack of investment in human resources.Japan's high -education graduates do not have premiums such as wages as the United States and Germany, and there are few incentives to increase highly productive high -education graduates.Companies have not been able to make effective use of high -skilled human resources.Utilizing advanced female labor at the wage level according to the ability is also essential for increasing productivity.In order to overcome these issues, it is indispensable to change the awareness of working in a short time.This is a background that has been shorter working hours in "work style reform" in recent years.

IT investment is also important.The highest labor productivity among the major developed countries is aggressive in IT -related investment.In addition, investment in intangible assets, such as information environment and human resource development to master technology, is also eager.It will be helpful that the US government's IT environmental development policy is working.

低下の一途…ニッポンの労働生産性に上昇への道筋はあるか、専門家たちの見方|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

The Japanese government has finally expressed a direction to focus on developing ability and developing human resources in the IT field.The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's budget proposals will also recruit proposals from the private sector for some new human resource development support fund training programs for human resource development in the digital field.

A total of 10.19 billion yen has been recorded for "investment in people", including non -regular employment workers and career improvements and facilitations of labor movements in the growth field.The company plans to spend a total of 400 billion yen in three years.

[I see this]

◆ Japan Research Institute, Vice President, Hisaku Yamada

Japan's labor productivity is low because management resources such as human resources and funds are poured into existing industries and are not in a new field.It is also partly because companies are concentrated in the existing industries, they are involved in price competition, and the price of things does not rise.

It is effective to shift to the new field while promoting efficiency, such as choosing and concentration of businesses, to avoid price competition.Small and medium -sized enterprises are also required to create new businesses while cooperating in the same field.You should also take advantage of Japan's strengths, such as high quality.If this goodness is gone, labor productivity will decrease further.The government should build a vision of what kind of economic and society to share a wide range of viewpoints with the industry, regarding the digitalization and carbonization in the growth strategy.It is important to create an environment where human resources can easily move to these new fields.

The optimization of the transaction price is also an issue.In transactions, large companies may abuse superior status.To prevent this, the Fair Trade Commission needs to strengthen the monitoring.On the other hand, raising wages is indispensable.It is desirable to create a third -party committee, indicate the appropriate level of wage increase based on data evidence (scientific evidence), and cover the wage increase on the labor side.The optimization of the transaction price must be considered as a set.(Discussion)

◆ Dai -ichi Life Economic Research Institute, Chief Economist, Eio Kumano

The fact that Japanese labor productivity does not increase is that the labor for labor is large.The number of newly -laborated employees is the number of employment extended seniors and women who have re -employed, and these non -normal forms are noticeable.

If seniors and women develop their abilities and improve their skills, productivity should increase, but that is not the case.

In order to increase labor productivity, it depends on how companies will increase sales and profits.The only way to do this is to start globalizing in the new business and find a way.In the 1990s, middle and medium -sized companies entered China, Myanmar, Vietnam, etc. by large companies.Even if it is difficult to use small and medium -sized pieces, it should be considered that small and medium -sized and medium -sized bases will advance in groups.

The important thing is to expand overseas in anticipation of the mid- to long terms of 10 or 20 years.At that time, it is also necessary to support financial institutions such as regional banks.The government is required to boost funds through public financial institutions when the middle and medium -sized and medium -sized companies expand overseas.

At the feet, prices of raw materials are increasing one after another.Large companies are adding to export prices and producing profits.

On the other hand, it is difficult for small and medium -sized companies to respond.It is indispensable to strengthen the system that allows subcontracting small and medium to pass on the price to the large ordering company.(Discussion)

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun January 19, 2022
