The most secure safety equipment is Nissan Luke's & Mitsubishi EK space!Thorough comparison of safety equipment for super -height light cars

Super I light car with overwhelming indoor space and back seating and descending.

The most popular super -height mini -car charm is the dignified styling and presence of a box -type minivan.

もっとも安全装備が充実しているのは日産 ルークス&三菱 eKスペースだ! スーパーハイト系軽自動車の安全装備を徹底比較

It is a spacious interior space that overwhelms the rear seats and descent by both sides sliding doors, and the medium -sized sedan, etc., approaching the M -class box -type minivan.

If you choose a turbo model, the long drive with a full ride will be comfortable.It is a national car that can be a first car that represents Japan.

The price is expensive in mini cars (about 150-2 million yen), but it can be said that it has too much productivity to make up for it.

However, some people may be worried about safety because they are mini cars.I have been present at the N-BOX collision test site, but the collision safety performance of mini cars is now dramatically improving.

I want to compare Luke's/Mitsubishi EK space).

>> Look more at the exterior and safety equipment of the Super Height car!
