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Used car purchase [2019.08.10 UP]

The latest car technology [I want to check here for future used car selection! ]


Contents of this article
  1. Modern safety equipment and how often it can be used ]
  2. Supporting daily driving [Comfortable equipment is essential these days]
  3. Buy a car with the latest equipment at a good price [How to aim for a registered unused car]
  4. impression [I actually experienced it on a public road! ]

There is an image that a used car is an old car, but that is not the case. Once a car with a number is distributed, even a virtually new car will be treated as a used car. Therefore, the choice of used cars is really wide. In this special feature, while introducing the latest car technology and equipment, I would like to think about purchasing a used car equipped with them.

Driver assistance and safety technology have evolved surprisingly

Used cars themselves have a lot of choices Guide how to choose the latest equipment!  Nowadays, there have been many reports of accidents involving the elderly, which have become a social problem, and fully automated driving in the near future. To put it bluntly, it's a mistake to think, "I'm not looking for a new car, but a used car, so it doesn't matter." Even new models that have just appeared can be sold as used cars in some cases, and safety equipment such as driving support equipment that leads to automatic driving and collision avoidance and damage mitigation brakes have been installed in vehicles for several years. is increasing. Therefore, if you think about buying a used car these days, except for cases where you are aiming for an old car, it would be nonsense to choose without paying attention to the latest equipment. Therefore, this time, I would like to divide it into two categories: "safety equipment" and "driving support equipment" that increase driving comfort. In addition, we actually drove the latest model and tested driving support and safety equipment on public roads. How useful is it in the real world? "I would like to make a report." If you are thinking about buying a used car, please read carefully and check what equipment you need and choose a used car.

If it's not safe, it's not a car!? Mandatory safety equipment

In the past, manufacturers were reluctant to install safety equipment, and it became popular mainly due to the compulsory implementation by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. In that respect, automatic (damage mitigation) brakes are showing a favorable spread as the needs of users are increasing and the number of vehicles equipped with them is increasing. Depending on the manufacturer, the installation rate of new passenger cars has reached 90%, and it seems that the government's target of "raising the installation rate of new passenger cars to 90% or more by 2020" will be achieved ahead of schedule. Even so, automatic (damage mitigation) braking will be obligatory in the future. This is because the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has agreed to a draft regulation that will require its introduction. Forty countries and regions, including Japan and the EU (European Union), have agreed, and its adoption will progress worldwide. In addition, auto lights that automatically turn on and off according to the brightness of the surroundings will be mandatory for new passenger cars from 2020.

Modern safety equipment and how often it can be used ]

Safety equipment 1 Collision mitigation brake

Usability ★★★★★

Important equipment for which the era of necessity is imminent! Finally, in 2020, automatic (damage mitigation) braking will become mandatory for new vehicles. According to data from Subaru, which was one of the first vehicles equipped with EyeSight, from 2010 to 2014, the number of accidents with EyeSight Ver. In other words, many accidents could have been prevented if automatic (damage mitigation) braking had been installed. It's a feature that most new cars now have, but not all have the same features. Most of the radar sensors and millimeter-wave radar-only types now have only minimal functions that are "better than nothing". In addition to the type and combination of cameras and sensors, there are differences in pedestrians, nighttime, response speed and functions. Monocular cameras are advantageous in terms of cost, and are often used in light vehicles, and some are designed for pedestrians at night, which will become indispensable in the future. Subaru's EyeSight, which aims to eliminate fatal accidents by 2030, and the stereo camera system used in Suzuki's dual-camera brake support, are more sophisticated, and of course, it also supports pedestrians at night. In particular, the EyeSight boasts the top-level performance of domestic cars. Although it is an imported car, Volvo's brake system and Intellisafe are also quite excellent. Combining a monocular camera and millimeter-wave radar, automatic braking detects pedestrians, cyclists, and large animals. The number of functions is more than 16 and continues to evolve day by day. There is also the compulsory automatic (damage mitigation) brake mentioned earlier, and it will be essential equipment if you buy a new or used car from now on. Also, considering that you will be riding for a long time, the higher the functionality, the more you can continue to ride with peace of mind. If you have a car without automatic (damage mitigation) braking, it would be wise to switch to a car with automatic (damage mitigation) braking as a first priority. Reducing accidents is not only for yourself, but also leads to the safety and smoothness of society as a whole. When selecting equipment, what is the corresponding speed range? I would like to be concerned about whether it is compatible with pedestrians at night.

Safety equipment 2 Misstep prevention device


The number of devices that can be retrofitted may increase in the future Currently, there are many tragic traffic accidents that are thought to be caused by mistakenly stepping on the accelerator and the brake. The advanced safety support function that may have prevented this from happening is the "misstep prevention device." Even if the driver steps on the accelerator vigorously toward an obstacle such as a wall while the vehicle is stopped, the sensor judges that it is a "misstep." There are two types of operation from there, which can be divided into those that only throttle the engine output and those that even intervene in the brakes. Of course, the latter is more functional and safer. Nissan Dayz and the new Daihatsu Tanto are among the first minicars to adopt front and rear brake supports. Even if the vehicle is not equipped with the function to throttle the output, it can be retrofitted to Toyota's Prius (years from May 2009 to December 2015), Aqua (years from December 2011 to April 2018), etc. Some models are available (about 55,000 yen). It is expected that the number of compatible manufacturers and models will increase in the future. It is especially useful for novice drivers and elderly drivers.

Toyota has gradually expanded the number of vehicle models that can be equipped with the aftermarket "Pedal Misapplication Acceleration Control System" that has been in place since FY2018, from 5 to 12 models.

Safety Equipment 3 Blind Spot Monitor


Useful safety features when merging  Actually, the "blind spot monitor" seems to be necessary next to the automatic (damage mitigation) braking. Its function is to detect vehicles running next to it, vehicles in the rear that are difficult to see in the door mirrors, and vehicles that are approaching rapidly using radar sensors installed in the rear of the vehicle. indicator lights up. At that time, when you operate the turn signal, the LED indicator flashes and it is an advanced safety support function that calls attention. Furthermore, there is also a model that not only alerts but also automatically corrects steering to return to the original lane by steering assist and assists in collision avoidance. However, at present, blind spot monitors are mostly installed in luxury cars. However, as an exception, although it is a compact car, it is firmly adopted in the latest Mazda Demio. It is a function that can be used more often than the automatic (damage mitigation) brake on a daily basis.

It detects vehicles approaching from the rear blind spot, which is difficult to see with the door mirrors, and warns the driver. It's a must-have feature, just like automatic braking.

Safety Equipment 4 Lane Departure Prevention Support System


Advanced function that warns and assists when the vehicle strays from the lane The lane departure prevention support system uses cameras and sensors to detect the lane (solid and dashed lines) and detect when the vehicle is about to stray from the lane. , It is one of the functions that are closely related to autonomous driving. However, overconfidence is prohibited as it may not work depending on the vehicle speed and degree of curve. In fact, this function is also roughly divided into two types, one that only calls attention with a warning sound and steering vibration, and the other that has a high function that the steering assist intervenes and pulls you back into the lane. Also, unlike automatic braking, it has an ON/OFF function. If you feel annoyed, you can turn it off, but it is an advanced safety support function that is indispensable for semi-automated highway driving functions like Nissan's ProPILOT.

The system activates when you try to change lanes without operating the turn signals, which helps improve traffic manners.

Supporting daily driving [comfortable equipment is essential these days]

Cruise control

The point is whether it has a traffic jam following function Cruise control has been around for a long time, but currently ACC (adaptive cruise control) is the mainstream. The difference from simple cruise control is that radar and cameras measure the distance and speed difference with the vehicle in front, automatically accelerate and decelerate, and maintain an appropriate inter-vehicle distance that can be set arbitrarily. It is an advanced safety support function that follows and runs. To be clear, in Japan's traffic conditions, it can be said that a simple cruise control that only sets the vehicle speed is useless. However, I would like to pay attention to whether ACC also has a "traffic following function". In fact, while cruising at high speed, the benefits of ACC are most felt during traffic jams. ACC with a traffic jam following function frees you from complicated pedal operations in traffic, and automatically restarts within a few seconds after a complete stop (depending on the manufacturer). After that, the function is restored simply by pressing the switch or stepping on the accelerator pedal. Another point is the re-acceleration performance after decelerating during follow-up driving. For example, if you follow the car in front of you through a toll booth, slow down, and then accelerate again, if the acceleration is too slow, you will end up having to step on the accelerator. Even in such situations, Subaru's ACC shows smooth re-acceleration, and BMW's (5 series, etc.) ACC accelerates powerfully and loudly. Currently, the difference in re-acceleration performance is quite large depending on the manufacturer and model, but ACC can be said to be an essential equipment for those who often drive at high speeds.

Cruise control is now standard on most new cars. There is no problem without it, but there is a big difference in comfort.

Latest car technology [future used Check here when choosing a car!] For the latest information on used cars, new cars, and industry news, see Goonet Magazine!

Connected features

At the touch of a button, you can reach the operator directly!  In addition to the advanced safety support function, the connected function will be an indispensable equipment in the future. In other words, a function that connects with the outside of the vehicle. The most convenient is the operator service. By installing a dedicated navigation system equipped with a communication device (SIM), you can connect to the operator with the push of a button, talk to the operator, remotely set the destination, introduce nearby restaurants, and remotely set the destination. Make settings, make emergency arrangements, etc. For Toyota, "T Connect Navi" is equivalent, and for Nissan, "Nissan Connect Navi" is equivalent. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with all cars, but it can be said that it is a convenient and safe advanced function. For example, in addition to the above-mentioned operator service, Nissan Connect Navi has a remote door function that gives you peace of mind even if you forget to lock the door, a function to notify you of the warning light to a smartphone at a remote location, a Gmail link function, and the current location of the car. There is also a function such as "Kokodesu car mail" that can be sent to a smartphone and convenient for meeting.

Digital outer mirror

Excellent visibility!? Door mirrors of the future The world's first "digital outer mirrors" used in the Lexus ES as a mass-produced vehicle. By projecting the image taken by the camera on the monitor installed near the pillar, blind spots are reduced compared to the naked eye and visibility at night is improved. However, it is difficult to get a sense of the distance from other vehicles and it takes time to get used to it. Especially when changing lanes or merging with the main line, you need to get used to it. Considering the cost of repairs in the event of a breakdown, it is undeniable that it is premature before it becomes widespread.

Forward Vehicle Start Warning

In Japan, a country with a lot of traffic jams, there are many stop-and-go cars, and if you think that the car in front has stopped, you may start immediately. Prevents inadvertent delays in starting.

 While waiting for a traffic light or stopping, the vehicle in front detects the start of the vehicle ahead using radar, etc., and if the driver does not press the accelerator pedal, the vehicle in front notifies the driver of the start of the vehicle with a sound and display. Start notification function. During a temporary stop, you may inadvertently not notice the start of the car in front, and the car behind you may sound the horn, but with this function you can avoid that. However, do you really need the equipment? "If you ask me, it's better to have it than not to have it..." Rather, the sign recognition function seems to be more effective and convenient for preventing violations.

What is an SOS call?

 The ``SOS call'' that was first adopted as a mini vehicle in the Nissan DAYS is attracting attention. A state-of-the-art automatic emergency call operator service that automatically connects when airbags are deployed. If you do not respond to the call, request the police, fire department, doctor helicopter, etc. With the SOS button above the driver's seat, it is also possible to request assistance from the operator arbitrarily in an emergency such as tailgating.

Buy a car with the latest equipment at a great price [How to aim for a registered unused car]

Check once when purchasing a new car! Possibility of purchasing at a good price If you want to buy a new car equipped with safety equipment as cheaply as possible, one of the options is a registered unused car. It is a vehicle that was registered in-house (reported for light vehicles) and distributed to the used car market in a virtually unused state. Most of the accumulated mileage is within 50km at the longest, and the condition of the car is naturally good. Many of the registered unused vehicles are light vehicles with a high inventory sales ratio. Current models such as N-BOX, Move, and Wagon R are also available, and many vehicles are equipped with advanced safety equipment. For example, for the popular N-BOX standard body GL Honda Sensing with enhanced safety equipment, the price of a registered unused car is often 1.3 million to 1.4 million yen. Since the new car price is 1,499,040 yen, the simple price difference makes it less advantageous to choose, but if you install the car navigation system and back monitor in advance, it will be a bargain. It is also advantageous for users who want to buy quickly and cheaply without negotiating discounts as much as possible. However, there are many eco-car tax exemption vehicles for mini vehicles today, and the tax amount to be paid at the time of purchase is reduced even for new vehicles. Second-hand cars are subject to acquisition tax if the acquisition price is 500,000 yen or more. Non-statutory expenses also differ depending on the dealer, so when choosing a registered unused car, you want to make a decision by comparing it with the purchase conditions when buying a new car. Also pay attention to the model year. Even now, vehicles registered in 2018 are sold, and compared to buying a new car, the model year is one year older. If you buy and sell it in about 3 years, it is better to choose a vehicle registered in 2019 because the old model is likely to cause disadvantages. Light cars are abundant in registered unused cars, but it is also easy to choose from models with large sales of compact/ordinary cars. For example, a registered unused car of Note e-POWER X costs 1.7 million to 1.9 million yen with intelligent emergency brakes installed as standard. Since the new car price is 2,021,760 yen, the profit and loss account will change depending on the discount amount of the new car and the equipment installed on the registered unused car. By using Goonet, you can easily search for registered and unused vehicles. Since the equipment installed in each vehicle such as car navigation and back camera is also described, it becomes easier to judge the profit and loss account.

What can drive recorders be used for?

 The drive recorder is a device that records the surroundings while driving. There is constant recording that records while driving, and event recording that automatically records when an impact is detected. The latter records before and after sudden braking or impact is detected, but you can also record any time with a switch operation. The types that can be recorded have also increased. In addition, there is also a type that can record speed, GPS location information, left, right, and rear. A drive recorder is equipment for accidents, but it is also possible to record when you go out for a drive. Users who enjoy circuit driving can also improve their driving by checking the line taken after driving.

Nowadays, wearing a drive recorder has become commonplace. An increasing number of drivers are installing it in the rear to deter and record driving such as driving.

impression [I actually experienced it on a public road! ]

How long can you use the latest equipment?

There is no doubt that it is practical, but there are still many improvements to be made. With regard to the intelligent cruise control function on highways, there is no big problem if it flows smoothly. However, it often feels sluggish when re-accelerating after the vehicle speed has dropped. Basically, there is no need to step on the brake, but there are frequent situations where it is better to step on the accelerator. Vehicle speed is adjusted in 5km/h increments using the accelerator or the button on the right side of the steering wheel. However, it is a drawback that it is easy to accidentally touch the "CANCEL" button in between, and if you press it, it is troublesome to reset the settings from scratch. The inter-vehicle distance can be adjusted in 3 stages, and of course the distance changes depending on the vehicle speed even with the same setting. Realistically, it's still a bit far, so it's easy to be cut in unexpectedly in heavy traffic. Regarding the steering assist function, which controls driving while maintaining the center between the lanes, the X-Trail is much more natural than the Serena, which was first released by ProPILOT. There is no doubt that the basic performance of the car itself has a great influence on that. In small R corners, it is unavoidable that the faster the vehicle speed, the more difficult it becomes to respond, but I think it makes sense from a safety point of view. Even if you put your hand on the steering wheel properly, after a while you will be warned to hold the steering wheel. Although the system itself gave the impression that it was reasonably reliable, in reality, it was a constant annoyance during use. I think that the area will be improved in the same "2.0" announced the other day.

ProPilot (Fast)

Pressing the ProPilot button on the steering wheel puts the car in standby mode. Maximum speed is 120km/h.

Convenience during traffic jams is reasonable. Expect improvements in 2.0!

Depending on the conditions, such as stormy weather, there are situations where the original function cannot be used, such as the inability to recognize the vehicle in front, or the white line being visible to the human eye but not being recognized by the camera, making it impossible to use steering assistance. be. Also, there are scenes where the function suddenly stops for some reason, and once it falls, it is difficult to come back and it is difficult to determine the timing. In traffic jams, there is almost no need to step on the brakes, but you will feel more sluggish when re-accelerating, and you will be forced to step on the accelerator. If you stop for more than 3 seconds, you need to step on the accelerator or press the "RES" button to restart, but it would be helpful if it restarted automatically even if you stopped longer. When I change lanes, steering assistance is temporarily canceled, but I would appreciate it if it returned sooner. I can't deny that there are some points that I would like to improve overall, and I would like to expect future improvements. On the other hand, the "blind spot monitor" is really useful because it can reduce the burden on the driver because it can be left to the car to confirm safety when changing lanes. Door mirrors inevitably have blind spots, and they are definitely safer than looking at them with human power. I have tried it many times so far, but it has never malfunctioned and is highly reliable. However, depending on the angle, you may not be able to recognize the following vehicle, or other vehicles may suddenly change lanes, so do not be overconfident. In addition, the "Around View Monitor" is a truly "usable" item that can be easily and neatly stored in the frame, and it is also useful in terms of safety, such as whether there are small children around the vehicle. In my opinion, it would be even better if the image was a little more detailed so that the surroundings could be seen more clearly.

ProPILOT (during traffic jams)

In order to return from a stopped state, you have to step on the accelerator or press the RES button, but there is a slight lag from pressing to starting to run, so it is confusing for a moment.

Around View Monitor / Intelligent Parking Assist

Around view monitor that supports safe and accurate parking from above. The X-Trail is equipped with Intelligent Parking Assist, which automatically parks the car.

At last, the era of hands-free driving!?

 The launch of the new Skyline equipped with ProPilot 2.0 has been officially announced. What should be noted is the ProPilot 2.0, which has evolved into the second generation. The new system works in conjunction with the navigation system and 360-degree sensing information, and assists in branching routes on the highway set by the car navigation system and lanes when overtaking. It is possible to run.


How did you feel about choosing a used car from the latest equipment? In fact, collision avoidance/damage mitigation brakes have been deployed in many car models for several years, and other equipment is also being used in an increasing number of car models. Depending on the type of equipment, there is a huge difference in security and comfort with and without equipment, so when choosing a used car, do not compromise and look for a car that has the necessary equipment. I want you to.

*Used car prices are based on Goonet June 2019 research. Prices in the article are for reference only and do not guarantee used car prices. Text: Yoichiro Watanabe, Naoki Aoyama, Koichiro Okamoto Photography: Hiromichi Kimura

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Goonet Magazine Editorial Department

Since the first issue of the used car information magazine GOO in 1977, we are a group of professionals related to used cars, producing various articles such as used car related articles, latest news, test drive impressions of popular cars. . Goonet has a wide range of recommended information on purchasing used cars, from light cars to luxury imported cars. We are here.

In addition, as the latest information, we will translate and deliver the announcements of manufacturers such as Toyota and press releases of overseas manufacturers such as BMW. We will support your comfortable car life by taking advantage of the wealth of used car information, knowledge of used car purchases, and knowledge of the car itself that we have cultivated since the days when magazines were the main source of information.

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Since the first issue of the used car information magazine GOO in 1977, a professional group of used cars that has produced various articles such as used car related articles, latest news, test drive impressions of popular cars. is. Goonet has a wide range of recommended information on purchasing used cars, from light cars to luxury imported cars. We are here.

In addition, as the latest information, we will translate and deliver the announcements of manufacturers such as Toyota and press releases of overseas manufacturers such as BMW. We will support your comfortable car life by taking advantage of the wealth of used car information, knowledge of used car purchases, and knowledge of the car itself that we have cultivated since the days when magazines were the main source of information.

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