Toyota and Honda's latest minivans collide!Which should you choose?

Competition intensification is inevitable

Honda launched a new "Step Wagon" teaser campaign on December 10, 2021, and announced its appearance on January 7, 2022 and an overview.In the future, the price will be announced in February of the same year and the reservation will be received, and the release will be delivered in April to May.

トヨタとホンダの最新ミニバンが激突! 選ぶべきはどっちだ?

Why do you take such time before selling a new step wagon?When asked the developer, he replied, "Noah and Voxy have changed the full model, so they announced that the step wagon will be a new model."Minivans are domestic products and compete in small markets.If one sells, the other will not sell, so we will be conscious of each other.So the new step wagon also performed a teaser campaign.

This time, I would like to compare such a rival new Noah / Voxy with the new step wagon.

The new Noah / Voxy has renewed the engine, hybrid system and platform.The developer says, "The conventional model has a long mechanism design, and the engine and hybrid system cannot be renewed unless it is changed from the platform.

The 2 -liter 2 -liter engine of the gasoline car is the same type as "Harrier", and WLTC mode fuel efficiency is 15..0 to 15.Achieve 1km/liter (2WD car).If you switch from the conventional type to the new model, you can save about 10 % of fuel costs in catalog values.

The hybrid system has been significantly renewed to the fifth generation, and WLTC mode fuel economy is 23.0 to 23.4km/liter (2WD car).If you switch from the conventional type, you can save about 17 % of fuel costs.
