The important thing is why Toyota introduced a "rapid accelerator acceleration suppression function" to prevent accidents.

Should the elderly return the license?

As you know, many years of runaway accidents due to driving operation mistakes for the elderly have been featured in the media and have become a major social problem.For some reason, there are many "Toyota Prius" in the accident vehicle reflected in the press, so on the net, "Prius Misile" and "♯ Today's Prius" have been made, and even hash tags are made, and it is a situation where it is made.It is had.

大事なのは事故を未然に防ぐこと トヨタが「急アクセル時加速抑制機能」を導入した理由

Running costs are low in practical packages and small environmental loads.For this reason, the Prius is a brand with a high ratio of users.Nowadays, the variations of Hybrid cars are "more dolly", but many older people still use the 20 and 30 series that were sold when there were few options.

Comparing the 2007 Prius sold in 2007 and the recent number of license holders over the years, for example, in 2018, it will be almost more than 7.9 million in 2007.There is no doubt that the driver's rapid "aging" and the increase in such accidents are working together.And in 2019, all of the number of license holders decreased for the first time since the start of statistics, but this would not be irrelevant that the pressure on license return to the elderly has increased."It's dangerous for the elderly on the Prius to take a license," he said, but it is certain that such social air has been fostered based on the reports that are unfolding every day.

In democracy, freedom of movement should be equally treated as basic human rights.For terrain reasons, some European countries have been forced to escape from their own land due to the war, and some have established the right to move.What is the air that affirms such important rights spontaneously?Personally, I felt bitter about a series of events.

「急アクセル時加速抑制機能」の体験試乗会において、トヨタの交通安全に対する取り組みを説明する、トヨタ自動車 先進技術開発カンパニーの池田幸洋主査。