The first batch of photovoltaic power generation projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Huating City, Gansu Province: the minimum supporting 5% energy storage facilities can continuously store energy for 2 hours

Source: 2021/12/15 13 :22:33I want to contribute Keywords: Photovoltaic energy storage system energy storage facilities

News: It was learned that on December 14, Huating City Development and Reform Bureau issued an announcement on the competitive allocation of the first batch of photovoltaic power generation projects in Huating City's "14th Five-Year Plan". The project requires a minimum of 5% energy storage facilities, and the continuous energy storage time of the energy storage facilities is not less than 2 hours. The estimated total investment is 200 million yuan.

The original text is as follows:

Announcement on the competitive allocation of the first batch of photovoltaic power generation projects in Huating City during the "14th Five-Year Plan"

In order to accelerate the development of the new energy industry, standardize the investment and development order of the photovoltaic power generation market, and give play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of photovoltaic resources, according to the "14th Five-Year Plan" of the Pingliang Municipal Development and Reform Commission "On Doing a Good Job in the First Batch of Wind Power Photovoltaic Power Generation in the City" Notice on Project Development and Construction Relevant Matters" (Pingfa Gai Electric Power [2021] No. 185) and "Notice on Issue of Construction Indicators for the First Batch of Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" (Ping Fa Gai Electric Power Letter [2021] No. 294) ) in the spirit of the document, in order to carry out the competitive allocation of projects in an orderly manner and ensure the smooth progress of the first batch of photovoltaic power generation projects in Huating City during the "14th Five-Year Plan". The relevant information is hereby announced as follows:

1. Project situation

Project name: The first batch of photovoltaic power generation projects in the "14th Five-Year Plan" of Huating City.

Construction scale: a new 50,000-kilowatt centralized photovoltaic power generation project, with a minimum supporting 5% energy storage facilities, the continuous energy storage time of the energy storage facilities is not less than 2 hours, and the estimated total investment is 200 million yuan.

Construction site: relevant townships in Huating City.

Construction time limit: start construction before the end of December 2021, and be completed and connected to the grid before the end of June 2022.

2. Competitive requirements

1. Investment enterprises must have independent legal personality, and consortiums are not accepted.

2. An energy development enterprise with strong technical and financial strength, with photovoltaic power generation and other new energy construction performance and operation management experience, and to promote industrial development, industrial technological progress and lower power generation costs.

3. The investment enterprise shall provide preliminary project materials such as application report, project feasibility study, obtained supporting documents, enterprise credit certificate, and enterprise business license.

4. The investment enterprise must issue the enterprise credit report of the People's Bank of China Credit Information Center and the Credit China website, as well as financial statements (reports) or audit reports for the past three years.

5. Enterprises that have violated laws and regulations such as unauthorized changes to investment entities, pre-transfer and reselling procedures, etc. shall not participate in competitive allocation.

6. Pay social security and housing provident fund according to regulations, have no disputes in labor arbitration, and have ecological environment and safety production qualification levels.

7. Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, companies that cannot register on the spot can submit scanned copies of the original documents with official seals (see the attachment for the list of documents).

3. Time Schedule for Submitting Competitive Configuration Information

Start time: from 08:30 on December 14, 2021.

Deadline: Please submit the application materials in hard copy to Huating City Development and Reform Bureau (Energy Unit 227 Office) before 12:00 on December 17, 2021. The application materials are bound in 7 copies. book. At the same time, scan the application materials into PDF format and send them to Overdue applications will not be accepted.

4. Open the response file

When: December 17, 2021

甘肃华亭市“十四五”第一批光伏发电项目:最低配套5%储能设施 连续储能2小时

Venue: Huating City Development and Reform Bureau (Conference Room 306, 3rd Floor, Tongguan Building, No. 2 Zhenhua Road, Huating City)

V. Organizational Review

Based on the information submitted by the enterprise, the applicant enterprise will be evaluated in terms of enterprise capability, advanced equipment, preliminary work, declared electricity price, energy storage configuration, social and economic contribution, etc., and the project owner will be selected based on the best.

6. Announcement period

5 working days from the date of this announcement.

7. Competitive configuration consultation method

Unit name: Huating City Development and Reform Bureau (Office 227, 2nd Floor, Tongguan Building, No. 2 Zhenhua Road, Huating City)

Contact: Liu Yong

Tel: 0933-7821102

Attachment: List of Enterprise Application Materials

Huating City Development and Reform Bureau

December 13, 2021

Attachment: List of Enterprise Declaration Materials.docx

List of business declaration materials

1. Application report

The application report consists of six parts: enterprise capability, advanced equipment, preliminary work carried out, declared electricity price, energy storage configuration and enterprise's contribution to society and economy. Among them: enterprise capabilities include the business scope and shareholder composition of the enterprise; the net profit, assets and liabilities of the enterprise in the past five years, etc.; the performance of wind power and photovoltaic power generation in the domestic provinces and regions; the performance of the wind and photovoltaic projects in the past five years , social reputation, etc. The advanced equipment includes the selection of wind turbines, the selection of photovoltaic modules in line with the direction of technological progress, the rationality of technical solutions, intelligent control operation and maintenance, decommissioning and dismantling plans. The preliminary work that has been carried out includes whether it is included in the overall planning of the province and city, the preliminary feasibility study of the project, the acquisition of preliminary supporting documents such as land, etc., the name of the photovoltaic power generation project to be configured, the construction site, the installed capacity, the estimated investment and the local impact of the project construction. Economic, social and environmental impact analysis, etc. The declared electricity price includes the calculation and income analysis of the 20-year fixed on-grid electricity price within the minimum guaranteed hours approved by the country in the resource area to which it belongs. The energy storage configuration is mainly that centralized photovoltaic power stations are encouraged to allocate energy storage according to 5% of the installed capacity of the power station, the continuous energy storage time of energy storage facilities is not less than 2 hours, and the equipment such as energy storage batteries meet relevant industry standards; Forced matching. The social and economic contributions include the investment enterprises in the past five years in paying taxes, solving employment, and other contributions considered by the government of the project location.

2. Information on competitive factors

1. Enterprise capability: enterprise business license, financial audit report of the previous year, list of wind and photovoltaic projects that have been completed and connected to the grid, credit information report, payment of social security, housing provident fund, labor arbitration without disputes, ecological environment, safety production qualification level and other relevant certification materials Wait.

2. Equipment advancement: main equipment selection and technical parameter data, intelligent control operation and maintenance, decommissioning and dismantling plans, etc.

3. Preliminary work that has been carried out: project feasibility study report, primary and secondary design reports of grid access system, obtained framework agreement, land planning and other supporting documents.

4. Declaration of electricity price: The original letter of commitment to the on-grid electricity price signed by the legal person of the enterprise (or authorized representative) and stamped with the official seal of the enterprise (the quotation unit is RMB/kWh, accurate to three decimal places).

5. Energy storage configuration: subject to the feasibility study report, at least 5% of the energy storage facilities should be equipped, and the continuous energy storage time of the energy storage facilities should not be less than 2 hours.

6. Social and Economic Contribution: Documents proving that the enterprise pays taxes, solves employment and other contributions in Gansu Province.

3. Corporate Commitment

The applicant enterprise shall make a commitment to the authenticity of the application materials, the project promotion plan, and not to resell or illegally transfer the project indicators, etc., and issue a letter of commitment.

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