The surprising product of the Yamaha Motor, the episode on the back of the water treatment device "Clean Water System" in Africa is interesting!??

■ What is the “impression creative company” that Yamaha Motor aims for?

● Yamaha of musical instruments and Yamaha of motorcycles are separate companies

Speaking of Yamaha, many people think of musical instruments, but clicker readers have developed Toyota 2000GT, recognizing them as a motorcycle manufacturer!What a place, such as.The former is Yamaha Corporation, and the latter is another company at Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

If you follow the original, Yamaha, the instrument Yamaha and the motorcycle Yamaha, will be the same, but the Yamaha Motor is doing a lot of motorcycles, as I will tell you again.

In addition to motorcycle makers and motorcycle racing activities, Yamaha Motor is a Toyota 2000GT project in four wheels, and "performance damper" (although there are also motorcycles) for improving driving, etc. among manufacturers.It has been adopted beyond.Tuning and manufacturing Toyota engines for a long time have been around.

For fishing lovers and marine sports lovers, they are well -known as boats, yachts, outdoor units, and water motorcycles.

And there are many people in their 50s who do not leave their ears with the phrase "Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Yama -Happas".Yamaha PAS has been born as a pioneer in a breakthrough bicycle that supports rowing power by electricity, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the most famous electric assisted bicycle brand.

There are other surprising pools.A swimming pool for swimming with water.In fact, most of the domestic FRP pools are made of Yamaha Motor, and it is a field where FRP technology that makes a hull that does not leak water is alive.

Did you know that one of the products of the Yamaha motive is the "water treatment system"?

● Yamaha employees taught fishery!?

In fact, about 90 % of Yamaha Motor sales overseas (accurately as of December 2020 ⇒ 89).6 %).The Yamaha Motor / Overseas Market Development Division is active in more than 140 countries and regions, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central American, South Pacific, etc..We handle outspenies, generators, general -purpose engines, and clean water systems, which are water treatment.

The introduction of Yamaha Motor products in Africa, which was held in Africa by the Japanese government's ODA (government development assistance) in the 1960s and 70s.In the 1970s, at the time, he focused on out -of -ship business demand that Western manufacturers had not entered, and entered Africa in earnest.In 1975, the outdoor unit "Enduro" has been on sale.

At this time, the salespeople said, "Don't keep it on sale," said the main focus of wooden rowing boats, which are used for fishing and transporting rivers, and how to attach them to the boat and the Japanese fishing method.He told me.He told me that it was possible to arrive at the fishing ground early and bring the fish home while fresh.You can see the powerful Japanese businessman statue at that time.

From 1977, even with JICA (International Cooperation Agency) in South Yemen (now Yemen), "Fisheries Development", "Fisheries Development", introduces and teaching fisheries, and even "Fishery Journal", which introduces fishing methods.It was issued 3-4 times a year.


Thus, Yamaha's outsiders and boats had to blend into the area.

By the way, it seems that the country where drinking water is supplied from tap water nationwide worldwide is extremely rare, and Japan is one of the few drinking water.However, it is hard to imagine that many Southeast Asia and African countries are not.

● The goal is to provide clean water in SDGs!

The sixth SDGs, which we have heard like a recent buzzword, "achieves the universal and equivalent access of all the people by 2030 by 2030."There is a goal.

It seems that 2.2 billion people, which are about 30 % of the world's population, have not been able to use safely managed drinking water, for example, wells that are not sufficiently protected from the excrement of people and animals.It is said that they are obtained from water sources such as Izumi, river, and canal, and live in areas where they can not draw water without spending more than 30 minutes, including waiting time from home.Usually, just twist the faucet, you can see how happy we are, who can drink as much as we can.

The Yamaha Motor offers a "Yamaha Clean Water System" to countries that are not blessed with such water circumstances, but the reason for the fact that the motorcycle manufacturing plant was established in Indonesia in 1974 was established. To do. In the 1980s, the expatriates began developing a home water purifier to purify wells and tap water in order to respond to the voice that tap water is brown and turbid. start.

In 2000, the community using rivers and the like is not a wealthy who can buy a water purifier, low -income groups that can not even buy water purifiers, and people in rural areas are overwhelmingly high for safer water.Started developing a water purification device for the purpose of providing safe water.In 2010, the "Clean Water System" was launched in Indonesia, and it was launched globally in 2012, and as of 2021, 42 in 15 countries, including Southeast Asia and Africa, are operating.

The system removes mud and garbage, increases the dissolved oxygen by photosynthesis of algae in a bioter tank, removes metal and bacteria with microorganism films and sand tanks using the surface of the gentle filter tank, and sterilizes sterilized by hypochlorous acid.A simple thing to disinfect.

Hypochlorous acid = chlorine powder for the last sterilization and disinfection is inexpensive and is located locally, and needs to be supplemented to tanks every other week.Tanks are mainly carried from Indonesia, and sand and gravel need optimal ones, so they are surprisingly transported from Japan.

The feature of the "clean water system" is that the running cost is low, without using a coagulant or filter, no replacement of sand or gravel.Easy maintenance.And it is possible to operate independently by residents.In addition, the power supply of the pump power that pumps the necessary water can be covered by the solar panel.

There are two types of systems, large, small, large, 8000L/day, and small, 2500L/day processing power.As a guide, this is a large one, about 400 households, and about 125 households, as well as small, can be covered with WHO standards.

What happens when installed?First, improvement of hygiene awareness.Diarrhea, illness, and decrease in skin diseases.And open from water labor, such as drawing water and transporting women and children.In addition, it can lead to a water housing business to a nearby village.

Even after installation with Yamaha Motor, even after installation, the need for the management committee is advocated in the village, to some extent maintenance, and the collection system of water rates as operating expenses for purchasing and putting chlorine powder, and the illness is reduced.We are also conducting surveys on the number, and here too, the spirit of "no good without selling" seems to be alive.

● Employees communicate the importance of water by skit locally

There is a very interesting episode for the introduction of such a "clean water system".

It is important for the local people to understand how clean water is needed in a place where the Japanese are almost unlikely to come, the water and electricity circumstances are not good.Because, if you have no experience to use clean water and do not understand the benefits, you will not be willing to introduce a water treatment system or operate it.As a result, there is no less disease that gets sick without knowing.

Therefore, the actions taken by Yamaha's motivation employees in such an inconvenient locality do not rely on the Internet, tablets, or TV, but by picture -story and skites, "If the water is bad, the stomach will break or get sick.Yeah, "Yeah."Not only was it popular with the children, but the person in charge was very rewarding and it was a highly satisfying job.

It was surprising that I was doing this kind of body.Before the Internet and mobile phones were born, I imagine that there would be such an episode to be able to understand with local people in 1974, when a motorcycle manufacturing plant was established in Indonesia in an era when international telephones were not so easy.However, it seems that it has not changed at all, even now, where Showa has become the two previous era.

It is natural if you think about it.In order to make you understand what you haven't seen yet, it is the best and best way to express your body in front of you, and the best way to express your body should not change with the times.

If you twist the faucet, drink water will come out of course.If you connect to the net, you can easily get information.We tend to forget that such natural is not natural in the world.It's not because it's an era where it seems to be easier, so it's not so, it's still a rewarding to go to the area that is still growing and get the local people to be happy.It is a moment when you feel happiness when you achieve it.I think there are many difficulties, but I envy the people involved.

One of the excitements that can be obtained by the Yamaha Motor's product users who create and deliver the "Clean Water System" for the product users of the Yamaha Motor, which is the company's purpose, is the birth of the "Clean Water System". Did.

(Clicker editor -in -chief Kazuhisa Kobayashi Society: Yamaha Motor)
