The battery has risen!What should I do in such a case?[Car bean knowledge, 2022 version]

■ Trouble that falls even if you are careful, the battery lurking in the immediate vicinity

Every year, the top of JAF's emergency dispatch is the trouble of the battery.

For the annual reasons for annual dispatch in 2020, the total reasons for the dispatch are 41.It accounts for 69 %, and the first place is a problem with overcharge battery.Trouble due to dirt and deteriorated battery is ranked third, and the battery trouble is nearly 50 % of the total dispatch.

This time, I will explain how to deal with a battery trouble that may be going down tomorrow.

● It is no exaggeration to say that cars are moving on electricity

Most functions of the currently used car do not work without electricity.You need electricity to start the engine, turn on lights, listen to audio, lock and unlock the door with a smart key, open the trunk, rear hatch, and open electric sliding door.Is necessary.When a battery rises, all these car functions may stop.

● What if the battery is empty and you can't open the door?

There are two types of battery rise, lights and audio can be used, but there is not enough electricity to start the engine, "the battery has a little electricity remaining in the battery", and "Electric in the battery or the audio does not move".Is almost zero state.

バッテリーが上がってしまった! そんな時はどうすればいいの?【クルマ豆知識・2022年版】

Many recent cars use smart keys and remote control keys, so you can unlock or lock the door lock by remotely control and touch the doorknob, but if the electricity is in the battery, smartly the smartkan.You cannot unlock the door lock with the key.If you can't enter the car, you won't be able to open the hood to do the rescue work.

If the door lock cannot be unlocked by the smart key remote control, you need to insert the physical key directly and unlock the door lock.Each smart key is equipped with a general key that is called a mechanical key, so use this key to open the door.

A mechanical key is also installed on the card keys that are partly adopted in luxury cars.Once, check your car's smart key and check how to take out the mechanical key.It is also described in the problem of the battery in the instruction manual.

In addition, some models are hidden in the doorknob with cover due to the design of the car.The keyhole appears by removing the doorknob cover or pulling the doorknob, so check the location in the instruction manual.

● How to deal with the battery rise

Here are some ways to open the bonnet and start jumping when you get on the car safely.This is a way to separate electricity from other cars and start the engine.What to prepare is a booster cable, a car with a healthy battery, and a battery.

This method is a jumping start method for gasoline engine vehicles, excluding hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, and hydrogen vehicles.This is not the case with hybrid cars.

1.Close the cars with rescue wheels and batteries.2.The engine of the rescue wheel is started and left during the rescue.3.Prepare a booster cable and attach the red line of the booster cable to the plus terminal of the battery battery with the battery.Four.Attach the other side of the red line of the booster cable to the positive terminal of the battery on the rescue side.

5.Attach a black line of a booster cable to the negative terminal of the rescue battery battery.6.Attach the other side of the black line of the booster cable to the metal part of the car with the battery raised (engine frame, etc.).At this time, be careful not to connect the booster cable to the negative terminal of the battery of the car with the battery.7.When all are installed, start the engine of the car with the battery raised.8.After confirming that the engine has started, remove the booster cable.In the opposite procedure when installed, remove the black cable of the car with the battery raised, remove the black cable of the rescue vehicle, the red cable of the rescue vehicle, and the red cable of the car with the battery.。

If you have a battery -up car, just start the engine for a while or run a little so that you can charge the battery.Also, the battery that has risen once may be weak.The battery will be inspected at a car dealer or a gas station, so you will need to check it out early, and if you do not have the power to charge or weaken, you will need to replace it.

● The battery goes up with a little carelessness

Even a car that has been moving well until a while ago can cause the battery to rise due to changes in temperature, forgetting inadvertent lights, and deterioration of the battery.Keep in mind how to deal with it so that you don't panic in case of trouble.

(Sentence: Photo Wataru Sasaki)

* This article was re -edited on February 4, 2022.

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