The only reason "accident" was a major factor that was not only the reason for the taxi automatic door "hospitality"

A Japanese taxi where the door opens automatically when getting on and off.It is common for passengers to open in the world, but why is it an automatic door in Japan?It is said that "hospitality" at the time of the Tokyo Olympics triggered, but in fact other reasons seem to be great.


 When getting on and off, the door on the left rear opens automatically for general Japanese taxis.The driver is operating with the switches and lever at hand, but according to the Tokyo Hire Taxi Association, this is a "service that is rarely seen in foreign countries."

タクシーの自動ドア「おもてなし」だけが理由じゃなかった 実は...の画像はこちら >>個人タクシーの左後方に貼られた、自動ドアであることを示すステッカー(2019年10月、乗りものニュース編集部撮影)。

タクシーの自動ドア「おもてなし」だけが理由じゃなかった 実は「事故」が大きな要因

"Foreign customers are surprised at the door that opens automatically, if many foreign customers think they can open the door." (Tokyo Higher Taxi Association).

 It is said that taxi automatic doors have spread as services for a large number of foreigners coming to Japan in the previous "Tokyo Olympics" (1964), but that's not the only reason.Toshintech (Oguchi -cho, Aichi Prefecture), which manufactures automatic door system for taxi, says:

"It was true that it spread around the time of the Olympics last time, but at first it spread in practical aspects. In the old taxi, the driver gets off the car and opens the door for customers.], But there was an accident due to that. Also, the driver does not get off immediately because it requires safety confirmation to do the door service.If you open the customer's door automatically, it will be safe and will reduce the number of getting on and off, and another factor will be unusual. "(Toshintech).

 It is said that there are aspects that prevent passengers from drivers, as well as drivers.Because it is a "driver", passengers can prevent them from opening the door without sufficient safety confirmation or opening the door on the roadside.

 By the way, a taxi with automatic doors overseas is said to be almost unique to Japan, only running in Hong Kong, which was sold by Toshintech in the past.


Read the article at that time
