The act of "throwing away dust" from the upper floors of the condominium ... "Reverse Gilet" Residents "no solution" = South Korea

The act of "throwing away dust" from the upper floors of the condominium ... "No solution" for "reverse gilet" residents = South Korea (Image courtesy of wowkorea)

マンションの上階から「ほこりを捨てる」行為…“逆ギレ”住人に「解決策なし」 =韓国

People living in the same apartment are angry at the residents who throw away the "dust" of the vacuum cleaner from the upper floor. On the 24th, a sentence titled "Woman throwing vacuum cleaner dust downstairs" was posted on the Korean online community bobaedream. [Photo] See more photos in this article Posted by Mr. A revealed that he lives in an outer corridor-style apartment, saying, "A resident on the upper floor who has two medium and large dogs who moved around the end of February 2020 , Throw the vacuum cleaner trash downstairs, knock blankets, clothes, rags, and shoes outside the rag, which causes dog hair to collect downstairs. " He continued, "Because I live right underneath, foreign matter such as dust collects in the parapets and corridors of my house, and when the wind blows, it dances." "Call the aunt (Mr. B) above from the management room." Then, he said, "Why isn't it good even though I'm paying the management fee? Other people are also doing it." He also said, "I came home saying that I had complained. I have two elementary school children taking online classes, but I shouted,'Open the door,' and said,'Do you complain because you have nothing to do?'" I hit the front door ... I was surprised and soothed my child, so I couldn't even think of saying it back. " After that, the management office presented a guide saying "No garbage throwing in apartment buildings", but the next day it was removed without permission. Mr. A revealed her regrets, and she complained, "There are other things, but there is no solution." Internet users who saw the sentence responded, "The ward office is also abandoning their duties," "beyond the line," and "you wouldn't know if you didn't meet the same thing."

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Last updated: WoW! Korea