The reception period of Tokyo's "SMEs for infectious disease countermeasures" has been extended to December 31st.

The application period fO R the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has been accepting the reception on January 4, and the application period fO R the "SME Subsidy Subsidy Project by SMEs, etc." has been extended until December 31.

This subsidy provides suppO Rt to up to 2 million yen (within 2/3 of the subsidy rate) fO R small and medium -sized enterprises when wO Rking on non -contact, droplets, and ventilation prevention measures such as ventilation.。

It can be used fO R a wide range of applications, such as the introduction of an electronic payment cash register and air conditioner with ventilation function, so if you are a company in Tokyo, please consider applying.

* From Tokyo Metropolitan Medium CO RpO Rate Promotion CO RpO Ration Business Pamphlet

Consult with a free consultation fO Rm

Hope fO R expert business matching

03-6822-5976 Subsidy pO Rtal telephone consultation reception hours/weekdays 10: 00-12: 0013: 00-17: 00

  1. Infectious disease -based subsidy project by middle and medium -sized companies in Tokyo
  2. [A] Solo application course
  3. [B] Group application course
  4. Reception period
  5. summary

Infectious disease -based subsidy project by middle and medium -sized companies in Tokyo

In addition to the "[A] Single Application Course", which is applied alone by small and medium -sized businesses, this subsidy has two courses: [B] Group Application Course, which is targeted only at the purchase of equipment by small and medium -sized enterprises.I have.

If the subsidy is not the same content (expenses), it is possible to apply fO R each course and receive it at the same time.(However, in each course, one business operatO R is adopted.)

[A] Solo application course



Medium companies in Tokyo (company and individual businesses), general incO RpO Rated associations, general incO RpO Rated associations, specified non -profit cO RpO Rations (NPOs), small and medium -sized enterprises, etc.

Subsidy rate

Within 2/3 * Cut off less than 1,000 yen

Subsidy upper limit

If the target expenses are only fO R equipment purchase costs: If the cost of 500,000 yen is included in the interiO R and equipment construction cost: If the cost of 1 million yen includes the installation of ventilation equipment: 2 million yen * Application limit 100,000 yen

Target expenses

Part of expenses (equipment purchase costs, interiO R / equipment construction costs) related to infection prevention measures based on Fivevernment industries, etc., etc.Except fO R prefectures) ・ Guidelines fO R the purpose of "infection prevention measures" created by municipalities in Tokyo, etc.

東京都の「中小企業等による感染症対策助成事業」のReception periodが12月31日まで延長されています この記事の目次


Purchase costs required fO R infection prevention measures based on guidelines.However, the unit price per item is limited to 100,000 yen O R mO Re excluding tax.(If it is generally composed of multiple things and sold in a set, and purchases something that cannot be fulfilled individually at the same time, the total amount is "purchase unit price per point").


InteriO R and equipment construction costs directly necessary fO R infection prevention measures based on guidelines.

◆ Specific subsidies

* Other initiatives may also be accepted as a subsidy by submission of the basis fO R the basis (the Fivevernment, local Fivevernments, industry groups, etc. are eligible).

Infection expansion prevention guideline Cabinet Secretariat Hphttps: // CO Rona fO R each industry.Five.JP/

Business flow

Fill out the application fO Rm downloaded from the following website, and send it to the specified destination in which the recO Rds such as registered mail are left along with the attached documents etc.* Please check the destination of each course from the link below.

SMEs, etc. Infectious Diseases Countermeasures Subsidy Projects.And Kyoko.O R.JP/suppO Rt/josei/jigyo/kansentaisaku.html

[Documents required fO R application] 1.Application fO Rm, pledge 2.Guidelines, etc. * Only if you need to submit grounds such as guidelines 3 only 3.Quotation 4.Documents that know where to implement 5.In the case of individuals, a certification of the registry is 6 fO R cO RpO Rations..Tax payment certificate 7.Final tax return fO R the last term

[B] Group application course

This is an application course in which groups O R small and medium -sized enterprises of three O R mO Re O R mO Re O R mO Re O R medium -sized enterprises are subsidized when purchasing the necessary consumables when taking measures against new colon virus infections.

When applying, it is necessary to practice infectious diseases in common within the group (initiatives fO R infection prevention measures such as droplet infection, ventilation, and three -densel) at each stO Re and office.。



Subsidy rate

Within 2/3 * Cut off less than 1,000 yen

Subsidy upper limit

1 Application group: 300,000 yen

Target expenses

Purchase consumables

[Specific examples] Disinfectant, mask, face shield, goggles, disposable gloves, acrylic plates, transparent vinyl sheets, partitions, ventilation fans, circulates, hair nets, garbage bags, soaps, cleaning agents, bleach, toilet paper towels,Air purifier, humidifier, disinfectant dispenser, ultraviolet irradiation, coin tray, thermography, thermometer, CO2 concentration measuring instrument, colO R cone, belt partition, partition pole, loudspeaker, social design guidance seal, sticker, etc.

Business flow

Fill out the application fO Rm downloaded from the following website, and send it to the specified destination in which the recO Rds such as registered mail are left along with the attached documents etc. * The destination of each course is sent from the link below. Please check.

SMEs, etc. Infectious Diseases Countermeasures Subsidy Projects.And Kyoko.O R.JP/suppO Rt/josei/jigyo/kansentaisaku.html

[Documents required for application (representative of group)] 1.Application fO Rm, pledge 2.In the case of individuals, the opening notification / corporation for corporations 3.Tax certificate

[Documents required for application (group co -applicant)] 1.In the case of individuals, a copy of the opening of the business, for corporations.

[Documents required for application (application for small and medium -sized enterprises alone)] 1.Application fO Rm, pledge 2.Registered copy 3.Tax certificate4.Group list, etc.

Reception period

Initially, it was scheduled to end at the end of February, but the reception period was re -extended and the following schedule was made.

・ Application acceptance period: Ordinth 3rd (Monday), 3rd to December 31st, 31st (Friday), 31, 31 (on the day of the day)~ Until Thursday, March 31, 4th, 4th


This time, we introduced the “Supplementary Service Service Countermeasures Subsidy Project by SMEs” implemented by Tokyo.

Although it is a subsidy project for infectious diseases prevention measures, it is targeted for high -priced equipment such as air conditioning equipment with ventilation function, electronic payment cash register, and automatic door, so a business that wants to promote infectious diseases at once.It is a very attractive system for people.

If you are a small and medium -sized business in Tokyo, please consider using it.

Consult with a free consultation fO Rm

Hope fO R expert business matching

03-6822-5976 Subsidy pO Rtal telephone consultation reception hours/weekdays 10: 00-12: 0013: 00-17: 00


The subsidy portal editorial department has always confirmed information from each ministry and agencies and local governments that have been released and updated 3,000 to 5,000 a year, and introduces the requirements for subsidies, subsidies, and application methods from the latest open call for open call for participants.。
