Suzuki Light "Wagon R Smile", I saw the intention of the body design

 Suzuki's new mini car "Wagon R Smile" released on September 10, 2021 has adopted a sliding door for the rear door to improve usability.In addition, a large window called "Front Quarter" was provided on both sides of the front window to increase the visibility in front of the vehicle.



図1 新型軽自動車「ワゴンRスマイル」 後部ドアにスライドドアを採用した。また、車両前方の視認性を高めるため、フロントウインドーの両脇に「フロントクオーター」という大きな窓を設けた。(撮影:日経Automotive)[画像のクリックで拡大表示]

 In the case of a wagon R body skeleton, the impact load at the time of the front collision is escaped to the rear through the front pillar or side sill.In order to prevent the crew room from deforming during a collision, the front pillar and side sill used a 980MPa -class high -tensile steel sheet (the same applies hereinafter).

 On the other hand, as described above, the Wagon R Smile (hereinafter referred to as the new car) has provided large windows on both sides of the front window to increase the visibility in front of the vehicle, and the width of the front pillar is thinner.However, if the pillar is thinned, it will be difficult to respond to the front collision with the wagon R skeletal structure.

 In the new car, "I changed a part of the body skeleton against Wagon R," said Daisuke Niimi, Deputy Director of Suzuki Four -Wheels, Part 1 Assistant CE.Specifically, the skeleton member was added to the lower part of the front pillar to increase the road path (transmission route of shock load).As a result, the load during a collision can be efficiently escaped to the rear of the vehicle.The added skeletal member is 1.2GPa級の高張力鋼板である(図2)。

図2 新型車のボディー骨格フロントピラーの下部に骨格部材を追加して、ロードパスを増やした。スズキの資料を基に日経Automotiveが作成。[画像のクリックで拡大表示]