Susukino's sex shop "Unlocking" Investment 700,000 yen Enter from the window for about 5 months to steal a safe ... 34 -year -old former employee arrested

 A 34 -year -old man was arrested on February 15, invading a non -locked window in a Susukino sex shop in Chuo -ku, Sapporo, and stealing a safe with a cash of about 700,000 yen.

 The man, 34, who was arrested in Chuo -ku, Sapporo, was arrested for allegedly entering the building and theft.


 The man invaded a non -locked window in Minami 5jo Nishi 5 -chome, Chuo -ku, Sapporo, from around 4:00 am to around 4:30 am on September 6, 2021, and about 700,000 cash.There is a suspicion of stealing a safe with a circle.

 The employee of the store went to work and noticed that there was no safe, and reported to the police and discovered an incident.

 After that, he was arrested on the 15th, about five months later, confirming that a male car was reflected in a nearby security camera investigation.

 According to the police, the man is a former employee of a stealing sex shop, stealing for living expenses.

 In response to the investigation, the man admitted that he was "no doubt," and the police are investigating the details.

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