Sustainable Brand Japan | Sustainable Brands JAPAN's site invasion of Ukraine in Russia Global companies, humanitarian support from humanitarian support and accelerated 50 companies

Russia's unreasonable military invasion of Ukraine has changed the world.One week after the war on February 24, global companies have also reached a turning point.Financial companies such as VISA and Master Cards have stopped services in Russia, and transportation and logistics companies such as DHL also announced their business suspension.As Russia attacks nuclear facilities, the company, which initially stated only humanitarian support for Ukraine, has announced one after another in Russia and Belarus.This movement will accelerate this week.Here, we will focus on the movement of global companies that show the direction of brands and businesses on stakeholders on corporate sites and official SNS.(Sustainable Brand Japan Editorial Bureau)

Technology Entertainment

Google (Alphabet) Humanity support for Ukraine, and sales of online advertisements (search services, YouTube, etc.) in Russia. The company said, "The invasion of Ukraine in Russia is a tragedy and humanitarian disaster. Colleagues and their families who support Ukraine people through products, protect from cyber security threats, expose high -quality and reliable information, and work locally. We are working on a 24 -hour system to ensure safety and security. " According to the company, cyber attacks on the Ukrainian government site and Liveuamap, which can confirm the invasion and attack information of Russia, are continuing. It provides humanitarian support for $ 25 million (about 2.9 billion yen), and donates $ 10 million (about 1.148 million yen) to organizations that provide humanitarian and long -term support in Poland. In addition, the provision of $ 5 million (approximately 574 million yen) advertisements (about 574 million yen) has been strengthened so that humanitarian support organizations and government organizations can deliver support information. Announced humanitarian support for Microsoft Wk Liner and suspension of new sales of all products and services in Russia. "As with other countries in the world," as well as other countries in the world, we will be fear, anger, and sad about the images and news of the war in Ukraine, accusing Russia to blame unjustly, unbalanced invasion. " The company is actively working to protect Ukrainian cyber security, the most effective means. Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been dealing with cyber attacks on more than 20 Ukrainian governments and financial sectors and threats to private sites. The company is concerned that cyber attacks against civilians violate the Geneva Convention. Humanity support is also provided from both technology and funds. Closed stores in Apple Russia and stopped selling products. Services such as Apple Pay and Apple Maps are also restricted. Downloading the Russian state -owned media "RT" and "Sputnik" app makes it impossible. "We are deeply concerned about the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, together with all people suffering from violence. We support humanitarian activities, provide assistance in the ongoing refugee crisis, and in that area. We will do as much as possible to support the team. " Shipment of smartphones and chips to Samsung Russia. According to Bloomberg, Samsung cited the "geopolitical situation." The company's smartphone market in Russia is larger than Apple, and a policy to donate $ 6 million (about 689 million yen), including home appliances worth (about 115 million yen). 。 All projects and acquisition planned in Netflix Russia (Reuters) will be stopped (Reuters). The company has been required to distribute 20 Russian national broadcasting 20 channels since March 1, but has refused. Music streaming services in Spotfylosia will continue, but in February, the domestic office just opened in February was closed indefinitely. "RT" and "Sputnik" were deleted from the content. Sony Sony Pictures has stopped screening a movie in Russia. The Sony Group donated $ 2 million (about 230 million yen) as humanitarian support for Ukraine and surrounding areas. In addition, the company donates employee donations by group companies, and the company donates the same amount as the donation collected. "I hope this emergency will be resolved as soon as possible, and we hope that peace in Ukraine and the world will be regained." Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Mihailo Fedrov has called for withdrawal from the Russian market to Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox accounts on Twitter. Sony has been reported in some reports last week that it has stopped selling a new PlayStation game in Russia. The movie was shown in Disney Pixar's latest work, "I Tokori Red Panda". "In consideration of the invasion of Ukraine, the tragic humanitarian crisis." The company will cooperate with NGOs to work on emergency assistance and humanitarian support for refugees.

サステナブル・ブランド ジャパン | Sustainable Brands Japan のサイト ロシアのウクライナ侵攻 グローバル企業、人道支援から事業停止へ流れ加速 50社の動向


Visa stopped business in Russia. According to Reuters, VISA and Master Cards had about 4%of Russia in Russia in 2021. VISA's Al Kelly CEO, "Russia's unprecedented invasion of Ukraine and an unacceptable situation we have witnessed, have to take action. This has made Russian colleagues, customers, and partners. I regret that the store and users are affected. " Master Card Stopped business in Russia. The Master Card said, "The company stops business in consideration of unprecedented characteristics and opaque economic environments that are currently occurring. It was not an easy decision. Master Card has been operating in Russia for over 25 years. There are nearly 200 employees in the field, and employees have been working to make master cards important for many stakeholders. This measure will be taken and the service will continue to provide salaries and welfare. However, we will continue to focus on employee safety and wellbying. If the appropriate time comes and are allowed under the law, we will work on resuming our business by making use of their passion and creativity. Positive and production. He wants a peaceful future and goes one step toward the realization. " PayPal settlement service stopped. Dan Schulman CEO states that "support the people of Ukraine and blame the Russian violent military invasion with the international community," states that it will expand the area to collect humanitarian support using the company's system. 。

Car / motorcycle

Production in Volkswagen Russia and export to Russia. The company announced on Twitter that it would take the responsibility for Russian employees affected by it, and that all employees would provide short -term work allowances. In addition, he donated 1 million euros (about 130 million yen) to the German UN Refugee High Commissioner (UNHCR). The war in Ukraine, "I am accepting news with great discouragement and shock. I am continuing to hope to stop hostility and return to diplomacy. Sustainable solutions to dispute can only be found based on international law. I am convinced. " Stopped the joint venture in Fordrosia. The Ford Fund will donate $ 100,000 (about 11.5 million yen) to the Global Giving Ukraine Relief Fund to support evacuated Ukrainian citizens and families. "As a member of the international community, I am deeply concerned about the invasion of Ukraine and the accompanying peace and stability." Due to the Toyota supply problem, the St. Petersburg -Burg Factory has been operated and the import of completed cars has been suspended. Toyota showed his view on the corporate site. "I am worried about the safety of Ukrainian people just like people in the world, and I am watching the Ukraine situation as soon as possible, hoping that a peaceful and secure world will return. What we prioritize above all is the security and security of all employees, sales staff, and suppliers. " Temporarily stop exporting Honda Motor and motorcycle to Russia. According to Bloomberg, if the situation returns to normal, it will resume. Stopped exporting cars to Nissan Russia. According to Reuters, the operation of local factories may be suspended. Stopped exporting parts used in a joint venture with Mazdarosia's automaker Solers. The production and sales of cars to Volboroseia stopped. Stop selling and shipping cars to Aston Martin Russia. Shipped business and motorcycles in Harley David Songrosia.

Transportation / logistics

Stopped delivery service to DHL Russia Belarus. "I have a deep sadness in the situation of Ukraine. As a company that allows people all over the world to trade, aim for a more connected world with peace and prosperity of everyone." It has been expressed. Stopped delivery service to Fedex Russia and Belarus. The company plans to contribute $ 1.5 million (about 172 million yen) to humanitarian support. Frederick W. Smith CEO posted messages to all employees, including Ukraine, and announced that it would consider the safety of Ukraine employees as a company and provide support. He states, "I don't strongly aware of the meaning of Fedex's Core Value," Thinking each other, "and" doing something useful. " Delivery service to UPS Russia Belaruscape is suspended. Marks (shipping) Stopped reservations for cargo departure and departed from Russia / Belarus. Delivery of food, medical devices, humanitarian support supplies, etc. is excluded from this measure. MSC (shipping) Capture the cargo reservation departing and arriving in Russia. However, delivery of food, medical devices, humanitarian support supplies, etc. is excluded from this measure. CMA CGM (shipping) Stops the cargo reservation departing and arriving in Russia and Belarus.


The tweet with a link to the Russian state -run media is visualized with a label indicating a warning. We took measures such as restricting the display of the media. The company said, "While people are looking for reliable information on Twitter regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine, we understand and take it seriously. Our products are behind the content. In other words, it is necessary to make it easier to understand what the motivation and intentions are. " In response, Russia has restricted access to Twitter. Meta (Facebook Instagram) Limit the display of the Russian state -owned media account and posting. In response, Russia has blocked access to Facebook. Meta's spokeswoman Nick Cleggggggggggle, "Millions of the general public will be separated from reliable information, will be deprived of ways to connect with family and friends, and will be sealed. Recovers the service. I will continue as much as possible to do. "

Travel platform

Stopped working in Air Bee and Bie Russia and Belarus.Earlier, it was announced that up to 100,000 people evacuated from Ukraine will provide free housing for free.Accommodation is Airbnb by the company and users.It is said that it will be donated to the org refugee fund and the good intentions of the accommodation host.Stop working in Russia and Belarus.Glen Fogel CEO said, "The shocking events that are occurring in Ukraine will leave a dark footprint in history as a meaningless violence that ignores the lives of Ukraine people. Ukraine employees, customers, and partners.I'm deeply thinking. "Booking Holdings plans to donate $ 1 million (about 115 million yen) to the Red Cross International Committee's support activities, and donate the same amount of employees working throughout the Holdings and the same brand.

Fashion, cosmetics, daily necessities

イケアロシアとベラルーシでの生産・販売を停止。同社は「ウクライナでの壊滅的な戦争は人類の悲劇であり、影響を受けている数百万の人々に深い同情と懸念を抱いている」としている。ただし、親会社インカグループが運営する14カ所のショッピングセンターMEGAは、ロシアの人々が食品や食料品、薬などの生活必需品を入手できるよう営業を続ける。イケアの財団は国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)に2000万ユーロ(約25億1400万円)を寄付。グループ企業としても製品を提供し、現地で活動するUNHCRやセーブ・ザ・チルドレンにまずは2000万ユーロ(約25億1400万円)を支援する。H&Mロシアでの事業を停止。168店舗を展開している。「H&Mグループは、ウクライナでの悲劇的な事態を深く憂慮し、苦しんでいるすべての人々と共にある」。またH&M財団はセーブ・ザ・チルドレンやUNHCRに寄付を行うという。ザラ (インディテックス)ロシアの502店舗を閉鎖し、オンライン販売も停止した。同社は「現在の状況では、ロシアにおける業務と商業状況の継続を保証することができない」と説明(ロイター)。ファーストリテイリングUNHCRからの要請を受けて、11億5000万円の寄付を行うと発表。またヒートテック毛布やヒートテックインナー、マスクなど10万点と、国内店舗で回収したリサイクル衣料のうち防寒着など10万点を提供する。同社はロシアで49店舗を展開し、昨年12月に欧州最大の店舗をモスクワにオープンしている。LVMH人道支援を行うほか、ロシア国内の事業を停止。124店舗を一時的に閉鎖。ロシアでは従業員3500人が働いており、給与は払い続けるという(ロイター)。「LVMHグループはウクライナの悲劇的な状況に目を凝らし、この戦争で深刻な影響を受けたすべての人々と共にある」としている。LVMHは紛争の直接・間接的な被害者を支援するため、まずは赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)に500万ユーロ(約6億2800万)を緊急寄付する方針。従業員からも支援金を募る。ケリング人道支援を行うほか、ロシアで運営する2店舗を一時閉鎖。ロシアでは180人の従業員が勤務しており、継続して支援していく(ロイター)。先んじて、ウクライナ難民を支援するために、UNHCRに多額の寄付を行うことも明かしていた。傘下のグッチは、長年行うグローバルキャンペーン「Chime for Change」を通じてUNHCRに50万ドル(約5800万円)を寄付する。シャネル人道支援を行うほか、ロシア国内の事業を停止。17店舗を一時的に閉鎖。「シャネルは、平和とウクライナでの戦争により影響を受けた人々を断固として支持する」と表明し、200万ユーロ(約2億5100万)をCAREとUNHCRなどに支援すると発表。また財団としても、女性や子どもに中長期的支援を行う計画。エルメスロシアでの事業を停止。モスクワに3店舗を運営するほか、今年後半にはサンクトペテルブルクに新店舗をオープンする予定だった(ロイター)。ナイキ当初はオンライン販売のみを停止していたが、ロシア国内の全店舗の営業を停止。従業員には閉鎖中も給与を支給する(ブルームバーグ)。そのほか、ユニセフ(国連児童基金)とIRC(国際救済委員会)に100万ドル(約1億1500万円)を寄付する。プーマ当初はロシアへの輸出停止を表明していたが、100店舗の営業を停止。アディダスロシアサッカー連盟とのパートナーシップを停止。ロレアル避難民やウクライナの現地の人々を支援するために、地域のNGOや国際NGO(HCR、赤十字、ユニセフなど)に 100万ユーロ(約1億3000万円)を寄付。さらにウクライナ、ポーランド、チェコ、ルーマニアのNGOに衛生用品を届けており、今後数週間で30万個を寄付する計画。「ウクライナへの侵攻と戦争を強く非難する」としている。資生堂UNHCRに100万ユーロ(約1億3000万円)を寄付。さらに、同グループの全世界の社員に対して募金を呼びかけ、集まったものと同額の金額を会社がUNHCRに寄付するという。同社は「ウクライナで起こっている大変な出来事によって、日常を失い、行き場を失った方々が多くいることによる現状に深く心を痛めている。また現地のお客さまや取引先、そして社員はもちろん社員の家族や友人の無事を案じてやまない。ウクライナの人々に1日でも早く、平穏な日々が訪れることを願う」と発表している。これに先立ち、ファッション雑誌『Vogueウクライナ』はインスタグラムで、資生堂を含むLVMH、シャネル、エルメス、マックスマーラなど高級ファッション・美容ブランドのアカウントに対してロシアへの商品の輸出を直ちに停止するよう呼びかけていた。ユニリーバ500万ユーロ(約6億2800万円)相当の食料やパーソナルケア用品、衛生用品を寄付。また、グローバルで従業員による寄付を集め、会社もそれに上乗せする形で寄付をするプログラムを設立した。アラン・ジョープCEOは、「罪のないウクライナの人々に対する無分別な暴力行為に深い衝撃を受けている。ロシアの侵攻は近隣の主権国家に対する残虐な戦争行為であると非難する」と明言した。


Stop business in Accenture Russia. Russia has 2,300 employees (Financial Times). "Ukrainian people, governments, companies and individuals around the world, seeks an illegal and terrible attack of the Ukrainian people and its freedom." The company will donate $ 5 million (approximately 575 million yen) to an organization that supports refugees, and then add the same amount to the donations from employees. Stopped business in Boston Consulting Gruplicia. With about 400 employees (Financial Times). The company has begun to shrink the business scale and does not take on new jobs. Moscow Office will continue to open, and some of the employees will continue to support customers outside Russia. Announced that it provides its own refugee support, such as providing food and shelters. "I witnessed the impact of the wars in Ukraine in Ukraine, and I feel terrifying. I'm going to be a torn. I have to unite." Stopped business in McKin Zerosia. There are more than 400 employees (Financial Times). "We have been focusing on ensuring the safety of all Ukrainian colleagues and their families. If the rest of Russia is over, all customer service will be suspended." PWC Reuters and Financial Times reported on Tuesday that the company will withdraw from Russia. Earlier, he said, "I regret violating the international law and the invasion of Russia's Ukraine. We are with the Ukrainian people. 。 The company has been operating in Ukraine since 1993. There are more than 750 employees, and they provide legal and economic support. Withdrew from KPMG Russia and Belarus. There are more than 4,500 employees in both countries. The company plans to support Ukraine and local people affected by this war. "We are responsible for the continuous military attack on Ukraine by the Russian government. Many employees have been working in KPMG for decades, and it is very difficult to end the relationship. We will do as much as possible to support the affected employees. " He has published a statement on Deloit invasion and is considering business and presence in Russia. It also says that the Russian government does not provide services. "Deloitte is with Ukraine people. The invasion of sovereign state Ukraine by Russia is an act without any excuses reminiscent of the darkest days in Europe." Announced a statement of blame for the EY invasion. "Demonstrating the war in Ukraine and blaming the violation of international law. Russian invasion of Ukraine is directly opposed to the values ​​of EY's core. All parties work for peaceful solutions. I strongly ask for that. " He is supporting employees around the world where families and friends are involved in Ukraine employees and military collisions.

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