Square's Jack Dorsey donates $ 1 billion in personal assets to rescue Corona #startsmall

Pickup: Jack Dorsey pledges $ 1 billion of his Square stake for COVID-19 relief efforts

News Summary: Twitter and Square co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey plans for a charity fund "start small" related to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) on April 8. Was announced. He says he will donate $ 1 billion from privately owned Square (SQ.N) shares to the fund (start small LLC). This amount accounts for 28% of his assets. In addition, the activities of this fund (people who supported and those who received it) will be disclosed with high transparency through public texts.

In his announcement, Dorsey said that as the pandemic converges, the next perspective will be towards girls' health and education, universal basic income.

Topic point: The topic of the new coronavirus has not been waited for in Japan, but the world is gradually shifting from the peak out time of each country to the world after the pandemic has converged. In Wuhan, China, which started the city, the blockade of cities has been lifted, and consumption has begun to recover.

Squareのジャック・ドーシー氏、コロナ救済に個人資産10億ドル(約 1100億円)寄付へ #startsmall

Does that mean that you are required to take action to protect your loved ones, and at the same time, you are preparing to look to the next world in order to live? Relief activities such as donations by companies in each country are also active, for example, facebook announced $ 100 million in support for small businesses as of the latter half of March. Airbnb has also announced $ 250 million in funding to bail out canceled hosts.

On the other hand, this time Jack announced a very universal relief fund. As you can see from his personal wealth donations, he is calling for funding separately from the business. If the desired basic income is realized, it has the potential to become a cross-cutting support mechanism that is different from the national one.

The "America's Food Fund" established by Leonardo DiCaprio and others has already announced participation (although it is only added to the spreadsheet), and I would like to pay attention to what kind of millionaires will participate on a global scale in the future. is.

In Japan, the circle of support is expanding in Japan as well, with professional baseball players participating in the "New Coronavirus Infection: Expansion Prevention Activity Fund" launched by READY FOR.

Most expectations are for the long term, so the ability to predict the near future is likely to be tested in every direction.

* Correction: At the time of the first appearance, the title was "1 billion dollars (about 100 billion yen)", but at the time of writing, the exchange rate was around 109 yen per dollar, so it was "1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen)". Let me do it.

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