Sputnik shock.It seems that Russia is already hitting Corona vaccine to people

Both the universe and the vaccine are the best.

The name given with such a wish is "Sputnik V (SPUTNIK V)".It's like a space war during the Cold War.

President Putin announced on the 11th that he had issued an OK to the COVID-19 vaccine to civilian administration, and in two weeks, he will be administered from medical workers first.I am.

In the world, 166 kinds of vaccines are being developed and the best is.It is a storm of accusations that "pe of the peer reviews and phase 3, which are all -scale, are completely dangerous," but the president does not seem to move, "I passed all the necessary tests."

The video of "Putin's daughter to hit the vaccine" is another person

I hit one of the two love girls, but it seemed to be pinching just because of a slight fever.As expected, the Putin family trained with ice water is different ...

By the way, the photos and videos of the girl in a red shirt that spread out as a photo of Putin's young lady on the web is a volunteer who receives vaccination at a military hospital, and seems to be a completely different person.


500 million books per year

The development of Sputnik V is jointly promoted by Moscow's Gamareya Research Institute and Russian direct investment fund (RDIF).On the 7 -Japanese language -compatible Sputnik V -dedicated site launched by RDIF, Kirill Dmitriev's Kirill Dmitriev's editorial is "the truth that the western media is not reported", and we hope for cooperation with the international community, not division.Is calling.

He added a number of past Sputnik shock events in the past, saying, "It was 30 years earlier than the United States that the vaccine was administered to Ekaterina II."At first, we started an international agreement by starting from 500 million a year. "

The clinical result of the phase will be issued this month in academic magazines this month.This is "in accordance with international requirements", and I am confident that it will be demonstrated that "everyone could secure 100 % immunity to COVID-19".Mass production will start in September and clinical will be held in three countries overseas.

... how many clinics ended?

What is worrisome is the specific number of subjects, but it is not written anywhere.According to the Russian clinical trial monitoring organization "Association of Clinicals Organizations (Acto)", which sent a letter to Mikhail Murashko Health and Social Development Minister, the Gamareya Research Institute is still a Russian clinical trial monitor100 people seem to be clinical, not over ...?ACTO's secretary -general of Svetlana Zavidova called this vaccine a "Pandora box", and told Bloomberg that Russian companies are proceeding with clinical rules out of clinical rules.。

On the other hand, the "secret" of the Gamareya Research Institute is a bi -engineer who has been a bi -engineer of existing adenovirus vector research.I mentioned the following:

Chemical & Engineering Newsによると、アデノウイルスベクターのワクチンは中国、英国、米国も開発を手掛けており、かれこれ30年以上前からある技法なのですが、まだ芳しい結果は得られていないのだといいます。試作品のワクチンで効果が得られなかったり、感染拡大につながることもあり、2017年のHIV臨床では最悪の結果になっています。

The fund side uses two adenovirus vectors instead of one, so Sputnik V should be better.The Gamareya Research Institute has a track record of manufacturing Ebola hemorrhagic vaccines in this method, but there is no clinical data to prove the effect (WHO, as of July last year), what will happen?

Director Anthony Fautch, director of the United States Allergy Institute, indicates that mass production will be Muri until the middle of next year.Also, the probability of "98%" is "not very high" for the effect, right?A spokeswoman WHO said, "We are now in a hurry to confirm with the Russian Hygiene Bureau."

Gizmodo also asked the Gamareya Research Institute and the Russian government to comment.I will add something if there is anything.

Sources: News Tube, Bloomberg, Chemical & Engineering News
