GRAB in Southeast Asian dispatch service GRAB, procurement of 700 million dollars in dead to start a rental car business | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

GRAB, headquartered in Singapore, has announced today (October 20) that it will borrow $ 700 million to expand the rental car business.

The GRAB, a competing for Uber in Southeast Asia, is a leading player on the on -demand transportation system platform in the area, and aims to become the "largest rental car business" in Southeast Asia by this time next year.

According to Grab, if rental cars are available, driver's networks can be expanded in countries where the ownership of driving is relatively unrealized.If you do not own a car, you can rent one by renting it under your favorite conditions.The premise is to earn the funds necessary for rental fee while driving a car.

Specifically, what does Grab assign $ 700 million?Which rental car company is in Indonesia, and are you planning to buy vehicles to expand your car business?Grab's spokeswoman did not answer these questions.

In Singapore, the company is working with SMRT, one of the privatized public transportation.With this partnership, Grab driver applicants can use his SMRT vehicle.

Indonesia is the largest market in Grab, and the company believes that the rental business can develop in Indonesia.

東南アジアの配車サービス大手Grab、レンタカー事業開始に向けデットで7億米ドルを調達へ | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Since the rental business is already in partnership with a third -party company called TPI Rental in Indonesia, it is possible to expand based on this relationship or start a similar business.

Preference for rental car users?

Another question is that the Grab driver could regain the rental cost.

A spokeswoman told Tech in ASIA, which applies not only to the users of the textcar but also to those who have their own car.

According to the TPI Rental website, the company has 14 per day..It is said that a rental car can be used for $ 80 and can receive "priority work" from Grab.

This system may be a problem if those who work in Grab in their own car feel that the amount of work is decreasing due to this.

Grab's spokeswoman did not comment on whether there was a preferential treatment for drivers who use rental cars.

[Via Tech in Asia] @Techinasia

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