Sompo Japan et al. Started joint research on predictive detection of disasters using ICT sensing technology

Remote management and grasp of disaster signs

Non-life Insurance Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, Sompo Japan), Mainmark Structural Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, Mainmark SC), and Aero Asahi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, Aero Asahi) have been in business since January 2022. Through industry-academia collaboration with the city and Saitama University (hereinafter referred to as Saitama University), "based on the detection and signs of disasters caused by typhoons and heavy rains on infrastructure (slopes, steep slopes, etc.) that utilize ICT sensing technology. "Consideration of development of insurance products that contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation" will be started. By utilizing ICT sensing technology, disaster prevention and mitigation can be managed and grasped from a remote location, such as damage to slopes, steep slopes, bridges, etc. during typhoons, heavy rains, and heavy rains, and disaster signs such as sediment-related disasters. To consider the development of insurance products and services that are useful for disaster prevention. ICT sensor installed and constant measurement In this research, ICT sensor was installed on slopes and steep slopes in Fujisawa city, and data such as conditions, vibrations, and inclinations during normal times and natural disasters were acquired. , Always measure disaster signs (abnormalities). Evacuation orders issued by local governments when disaster signs (abnormalities) are detected, preparatory measures such as road closures, and consideration of insurance product development to compensate for the costs of proactive measures will be implemented. ing. (Image from press release) ▼ External link Sompo Japan Insurance Co., Ltd., Mainmark Structural Consulting Co., Ltd., Aero Asahi Co., Ltd. press release ● This News related to the article Category: Sompo Japan (Article provided by: Super Academy)


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