"Social Credit System" Realized in China in 2020, World Created by Surveillance Camera Network Series: Bridge to China from BillionBeats | Business + IT

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    "Social Credit System" will be realized in China in 2020, the world created by the surveillance camera network

    Series: Bridge to China from Billion Beats

    In China, which is working to build a social credit system as a whole, there is a movement to implement punishment and incentives for compliance for credit-loss people in society. Under such circumstances, the city of Beijing announced the "Personal Credit Score" project for the entire resident population by the end of 2020. In the future, the time may come when this personal credit score can be combined with the latest technology to achieve the punishment for the credit of all the people.

    Professor, University of Foreign Economics and Trade Yusaku Nishimura + Billion Beats

    Professor, University of Foreign Economics and Trade Yusaku Nishimura + Billion Beats

    BillionBeats (http://billion-beats.com) is a social project that collects stories of Chinese people who are not news. Yusaku Nishimura, a partner, is a professor at the University of Foreign Economics and Trade. Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1974. After earning a PhD in economics from the Foreign Economics and Trade University, which is a key university of economics and finance in China in 2010, he is the first Japanese to be officially hired as a full-time lecturer at the university. After working as an associate professor, he has been in his current position since 2018. He is a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan Beijing Office. His specialty is Chinese economy and finance.

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    "Easy to do anything with trust" project start

    Did you know that the Chinese government is now working on building a social credit system as a whole? Currently, the construction of the Social Credit System by the Chinese government is being promoted in accordance with the "Social Credit System Construction Plan Guidelines (2014-2020)" (hereinafter "Summary") announced by the State Council on June 27, 2014. The goal clearly states that "punishment for penalties and incentives for compliance will work fully." Recently, new movements have been made towards the social implementation of this "encouragement" and "punishment" system. First of all, regarding "encouragement", the "Shinjuku +" project has started in June 2018, led by the National Development and Reform Commission. "I Ching" means "if there is something for" I Ching ", anything will be" I Ching "", and the idea is that people who protect their credibility will be more likely to receive convenience in various scenes of their lives. For example, "Xinyidai (easy to get a loan)" and "Xinyidai (easy to go on a trip)" are mentioned. In addition, the procedure at a public institution in China is complicated, and there are many cases where you have to wait for a long time or have to make a round trip many times due to some inadequacies. Then, it is said that trusted people will be given priority in being examined and procedures can be carried out online.

    You can't even fly without trust

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    On the other hand, the operation of "punishment" started from a relatively early stage. In China, "a person who has the ability to fulfill the obligations stipulated by law but does not fulfill it" is called a "credit loss executor", and in Chinese it refers to a person who stomps on a debt. It is commonly called. The "Some provisions regarding the promulgation of information on the list of victims of credit loss" promulgated by the Supreme Court of China (Supreme Court) have been in force since October 2013, and the names and ID numbers of the victims of credit loss have been enforced since October 2013. A part of is published on the net. Once you are identified as a "credit-damaged executor," you will be restricted everywhere in your life. This is because the "Some Provisions on Restrictions on High Consumption of Enforced Persons and Related Consumption" promulgated in 2015 restricts the consumption of some of the executed persons with credit loss. Specifically, the purchase and renovation of real estate and the renting of luxury offices will be prohibited, and children will not be able to enter private schools with high tuition fees. In addition, the use of airplanes and first-class sleeping cars is prohibited, and luxury hotels and golf courses cannot be used because they cannot travel. This "blacklist" has been reflected in the basic database of credit information of companies and individuals managed by the People's Bank of China Conquest Center since 2013, and is used by financial institutions nationwide. In 2015, it started sharing information with "Zima / Sesame Credit". This is the first time the list has been shared with a private credit bureau. [Next page] "Zhima Credit" business Zhima Credit, and surveillance camera network

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    「社会信用システム」が2020年中国で実現、監視カメラネットワークが作る世界 連載:中国への架け橋 from BillionBeats|ビジネス+IT
