Yajima Mini Review Cynthia "Rupu Sports Watch"


 I lost my watch.In the summer, the leather belt was stuffy, so he had to remove it during the exercise.So I was looking for a watch that could be used during exercise, and found this ultra -lightweight watch "Rupu".


 Rupu is a thin and small simple watch that can be attached with a wristband.A normal sport watch has a larger and rugged image, but Rupu has 15 color variations and seems to be not only sportswear but also everyday wear.The band is made of silicone rubber, so it is gentle on the skin and does not sweat or itchy.

やじうまミニレビュー シンシア「RUPU(ルプ) SPORTS WATCH」


 There are three sizes: 14cm around S size wrist, M size 16cm, and L size 18cm.This time I purchased M size.The area around my wrist is about 13cm, so I can afford a little, but it's not as buzzing.S size is suitable for women with thin wrists and children.When I measured the weight, it was just 10G.I spent my time commuting and work, but I hardly felt weight.


 So how about when you are exercising?With Rupu attached to my arm, I went to pressurized training once a week.It feels very hard even with a light load, so it is better not to put a clock if possible, but this time, after telling the trainer the weight of 10g, it is a story about trying to see the situation.rice field.I do not feel the weight of the clock at all during training.Perhaps because his body temperature shifted to the silicon band, it fits nicely on the skin, and there is no cool feeling like a metal clock.

 I continued my arms and leg muscle training for 30 minutes.He dressed in Banzai, became all four, swinging his arms, and moving quite aggressively, but no matter how he moved, Rupu did not get out of his wrist.After the exercise, he gradually sweated from the whole body, but because the band was thin, it did not get stuffy and itchy like a leather clock.Even if sweat or water drops, it was easy to wipe it quickly with a towel.Rupu is a daily life waterproof (3 air pressure waterproof), so it's nice that you don't have to remove it when you wash your hands after training.

バンドの裏には滑り止めがついている水滴が飛び散る程度なら問題ないが、水中での使用は不可とのこと売り上げの一部は“Save the Beach”という団体に寄付されるそうだ

 Next, when I returned to my grandmother's house in Obon, I got my grandmother to walk outside every day.Her grandmother says she wants to be as light as possible during walking, and she goes to walk with her mobile phone and watches in her home, so she may immediately have trouble knowing the time.For the time being, the pocket includes a 3D pedometer "Walking Style HJ-305" with a watch function, but it seems that it is troublesome to take it out.


 It seems that the M size was a little bigger for a thin grandmother, but the letters can be read enough.Her grandmother is allergic to metal, so she feels her silicon feels good.I was surprised to say that the price was 1,050 yen.In the unlikely event that you hit it somewhere and break it, or if you submerge it, it's a price that you can forgive.

However, when training or running, the band turns around and the dial turns around the back of the wrist.There is a non -slip behind the band, but probably the M size band itself was too loose.If you don't want the dial to turn, you should buy the right size.However, be careful not to overlook your wrist too much.

 Rupu is a design that can be used regardless of the scene, generation, or gender, so I think it is a watch that can be used according to the lifestyle of each person, because housework, jogging, walking, mountain climbing, golf, pool, festival.This year, which is said to be severe in particular, it seems that there are many turns outside of sports.It would be nice to put it in a different color for parents and children.It may be perfect for children who play outside.
