Virus A Co., Ltd., which sells business cosmetics, cooperates with ZENMARKETPLACE distribution business in its sales support business to overseas buyers.

Category: products and services

業務用化粧品販売を行う「株式会社ウイルエー」、海外バイヤーへの販売支援事業で「ZENMARKETPLACE」と業務提携 企業リリース

Issuer: Mori Market Co., Ltd.

"will-A" Co., Ltd., which sells cosmetics and beauty equipment for its business, has reached a business cooperation with overseas EC platform "ZENMARKETPLACE" in sales support to overseas buyers. We will outsource "merchandise purchase" inquiries from overseas buyers to ZENMARKETPLACE. ZENMARKETPLACE will be fully responsible for multilingual sales, overseas shipments and cost recovery to overseas buyers. First of all, we will provide overseas sales support at Beauty World Japan West, the largest comprehensive beauty fair in West Japan, which will be attended by WilA Co., Ltd. 1. Multilingual sales (corresponding to 8 languages) 2. Overseas shipments 3. Cost recovery will outsource all the above three topics that occur when dealing with overseas buyers to "ZENMARKETPLACE". "ZENMARKETPLACE" has created flight pictures in English and Chinese for foreign customers at the booth "Beautiful World Japan", a comprehensive beauty exhibition. "virus-A" Company Information Company name: will-A Chairman: Xiuji Nakano Business introduction: business with beauty equipment manufacturing wholesale sales, health food wholesale sales, cosmetics sales relaxation salon, beauty salon, beauty salon and other shop operation support TEL:06-6535-3120 "ZENMARKETPLACE", 4 / F, Nishimoto Central Building, 1-13-13, West District, Osaka City, Japan, 0011. "ZENMARKETPLACE" is an overseas-oriented EC platform that sends performance to 135 countries around the world. Corresponding to 8 languages, distribution to China, no initial costs, monthly fees and so on. When the order is set up, after delivery in our domestic warehouse, we only need to charge 10% of the payment for goods, and we can open overseas multilingual stores without risk. Including interaction with overseas customers, the troublesome part is all carried out by fraud companies, so it can be used in the same way as domestic mail order. Language: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Ukrainian, Chinese (simplified / traditional characters) corresponding currencies: us dollar, Russian rouble, euro, Chinese yuan, a total of 16 currencies are sent to the corresponding countries: 135 countries around the world send performance store login page as follows. Https:// [company summary] Company name: Mori Market Co., Ltd. Founded: April 2014 Capital: 20000000 yen address: zip code: 20000000 yen address: postcode: 1-3-11 generation Teville 2F antiquities dealer license No.: 621150153358 sales: June 2018 2.1 billion yen consulting unit public relations officer's phone number: 06-4560- 4003 Corporate Press release details go to the top of PRTIMES


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