Why Apple Watch is disappointing for fitness

(This article was first posted and edited to the synthesized news service Ferenstein Wire. For inquiries about the article, to the author and contributor, Gregory Ferenstein).

In the last three years, fitness wearable terminals have been remarkable.Very accurate heart rate measurement, form tracking, energy calculation.Neither functions are included in the Apple Watch.Apparently, the Apple Watch at the time is only the most expensive pedometer on the earth.

Apart from the unstoppy heart rate monitor, the main fitness functions such as other run tracking, automatic coaching, and activity records are already on the iPhone.On the contrary, Apple Watch doesn't seem to assume the most important lifestyle and sleep analysis for athletes.

It's embarrassing, but I had a great expectation for the launch of Apple Watch, and was written as "Immediately approaching the fitness revolution."And even after actually trying it in the gym, I have not abandoned the hope that Apple Watch will be a useful fitness friend in the future.

But at this time, replacing the monitoring of the fitness goal left to the iPhone with Apple Watch has almost no advantage.

Heart rate measurement is not good

Walking and running are the most common training in the United States.It is a major exercise for more than one -third of those who have the habit of exercising.For walking and running, which is the key to American health, the iPhone is a great partner.The latest iOS automatically records walking and driving if you have the habit of carrying your iPhone.

If you exercise with an iPhone in a pocket or arm band, the Apple Watch -like fitness app, such as Endomondo, will use the iPhone to use the iPhone for most of the data, such as distance, pace, and climbing height.The image below is the data that I rushed to San Francisco's beautiful Bernal Heights without Apple Watch.

People who are enthusiastic about QS (Quantified Self) run with devices for heart rate measurement.Lowering the number of disturbing gadgets should have been a major promise of Apple Watch, but unfortunately the performance of the heart rate monitor is not good and the promise has not been fulfilled.

As I tried in the gym, I noticed that when the numbers matched the target heart rate zone in the favorite Polar chest strap, the Apple Watch seemed to be in calculation.The cover photo at the top of this post looks like that.I want to be exempted for my safety and mental health, such as seeing my wrist device many times while running seriously.

If you run for a long time in Hill Sprint (a gym test), you can measure your heart rate on Apple Watch.The numbers per 180 bpm were displayed.However, when I tried to reduce the speed, the iPhone did not warn that it was too easy.In fact, as shown in the image below, I didn't notice Apple's heart rate monitor even if I stopped running completely.

Apple Watchがフィットネス用として期待外れな理由

Training while measuring heart rate is based on a delicate strategy.An error exceeding 10bpm is unacceptable.Such a sloppy measurement does not properly digest the training menu.Especially in a high heart rate menu, one second and a second say.The Apple Watch is not so.

Device for fitness

Still, Apple Watch can be revolutionary terminals.However, its advantage is that the amount of data that can be measured is that it beats other fitness devices.The next evolution of the fitness world is form tracking.In other words, it is a wearable terminal that can evaluate the quality of the user's movements.

For example, Sensoria Smart Sock measures the pressure of the soles and coaches how to run.Thanks to that, I do not suffer from the heel pain the next day I ran.The automatic audio coach function gives instructions from the ear.

Amiigo automatically records the number of repeats of weight training by linking the wristband and shoe clip.

ATHOS Smart Shorts senses whether the appropriate muscles are working with an electrical signal.When I put it on, my spin bike form was evaluated as wonderful, but it was pointed out that the Olympic squat was too biased on one side and dangerous.The key to training your body while avoiding the risk of injury is to use your limbs equally.

Ultimately, Apple may be able to summarize these data, show the overall picture of user health, and find a pattern in high quality weight lifting and subsequent fat.Alternatively, it is possible to discover that bad running forms will lead to a decrease in the number of days you exercise, and suggest that you can rest your legs for a week.

All are theoretical stories at this time.

iOS is useful for general health

For general health, you can already measure important items on your iPhone.If you put your iPhone in your pocket, the software in the latest iOS will automatically record exercises such as walking, running, and climbing.There is also an application that creates simple statistics of sleep time from the time when the iPhone was pressed against the bed.

However, if you think that a new gadget will be your (, or your parents) a catalyst for your health awareness, buying an Apple Watch will be a great choice.IOS is perfect for those who can't exercise unless they suggested them every time, such as being careful about eating habits, stopping just sitting, or walking at night.

For example, Lark, one of the best new health apps chosen by Apple, promotes users to improve exercise and eating habits using proven psychological coaches.

If you talk to Apple Watch when you record a meal, Lark will give you a real -time advice.I was impressed that the latest health guidelines for Granola Bar were incorporated.The Granola Bar is now known as a sugar troy, so I would like to evaluate this point.

On the other hand, for training such as triathlon, waitlifting players, runners, cyclists, cross -fitter, etc., the effects of Apple Watch will be less effective -at least at the moment.Since Apple Watch is still the first generation, it is highly likely that it will evolve into a more useful fitness buddy.

Image provision: Greg Ferenstein for the Ferenstein Wire


* This article is reprinted from Readwrite Japan.Click here for the reprinting source.
