What is the content of drone deregulation? Expansion of use at steelworks

In order to expand the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles "drones" in the construction and logistics industries, the government is promoting deregulation of drones.

By promoting the use of drones, the problem of lack of human resources will be resolved, and safe inspections and efficient logistics flows will be built, making it possible to promote business with reduced costs and personnel. .

On August 27, 2021, the contents of the manual for infrastructure inspection flights by drones were partially revised. As a result, the use of drones by steel companies is expanding.

In this article, we will introduce the contents of the revision, the background, and examples of expanded use.


  • 2 Cases of expanded utilization due to deregulation of drones
  • 3 Summary
  • What is the background to the deregulation of drones? Commentary on revision of the Civil Aviation Bureau standard manual

    On August 27, 2021, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced revisions to the Civil Aviation Bureau standard manual.
    As a result, steel mills are now able to use drones 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by applying for a blanket application once a year.

    Background of Deregulation

    Because steelworks are large and have many skyscrapers, they are ideal locations for drone utilization.

    However, in infrastructure inspection using conventional unmanned aerial vehicles, there were restrictions such as flight altitude and assistant placement in addition to administrative procedures for flight application.
    Because steelworks operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it was difficult to use drones flexibly.

    Therefore, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation gathered the requests from the steel companies, and consulted and coordinated with related organizations.

    As a result, deregulation was realized under certain conditions for areas that are clearly separated from residential areas and thoroughly managed for safety and crime prevention.
    Steel mills can now utilize drones 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by submitting an annual blanket application.

    Details and changes of the revision of the Civil Aviation Standard Manual

    〇 In the "Japan Civil Aviation Bureau Standard Manual 01 (infrastructure inspection)" for the purpose of infrastructure inspection flight by unmanned aircraft, infrastructure inspection and equipment maintenance ( It will be repositioned and maintained as "Japan Civil Aviation Bureau Standard Manual 01 (Infrastructure/Plant Inspection)" for plant maintenance).
    We have clarified the application procedure for flying within the managed premises of steelworks, etc., where safety management is thoroughly implemented, such as preventing drones from deviating from the route and prohibiting third parties from entering.

    Quote: https://www.mlit.go.jp/koku/koku_tk10_000003.html

    The flight of an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) assuming conventional infrastructure inspection was manualized in the following form.

    What is the deregulation of drones? Expansion of use at steelworks

    "Unmanned aerial vehicle manual (DID, nighttime, BVLOS, 30m) Applicable to applications for the purpose of infrastructure inspection (without specifying the location)"

    The newly created manual is as follows.

    "Unmanned aerial vehicle flight manual (around airports, etc., 150m or more, DID, nighttime, outside the line of sight, 30m) Applicable to applications (specified locations) for the purpose of infrastructure inspection and equipment maintenance (plant maintenance)"

    It is now possible to fly drones in a wider range of situations within the premises of steelworks that meet certain conditions.

    One of the newly added rules is the item about "the system necessary to ensure safety". In other words, it is an agreement about the flight environment of the drone.

    Be aware of the following when flying a drone at a height of 150m or more above the ground or water surface.

    ・Keep in touch with relevant organizations (airport office, air traffic control department) at all times

    In addition to this, there are changes from the previous manual regarding points to note when flying over a third party.

    Even in areas where the entry and exit of third parties is strictly controlled, those who fly unmanned aerial vehicles must be aware of the following.

    ・Do not fly if it is not clear that a third party is not under the route, or if measures have not been established in case the drone strays outside the premises

    When the above measures are strictly observed can also change the placement of assistants.

    According to revisions to the Civil Aeronautics Act, etc., the contents of the "Civil Aviation Bureau Standard Manual" will be updated as needed. Make sure to check the latest manual.

    Unmanned aerial vehicle flight manual (DID, nighttime, out of line of sight, 30m)
    Applicable to applications for the purpose of infrastructure inspection (without specifying the location)
    https://www.mlit .go.jp/common/001396469.pdf

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Manual (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Civil Aviation Bureau Standard Manual ①)

    Examples of expanded use of drones due to deregulation of drones

    The deregulation of the use of drones this time has had the effect of promoting the use of drones at steelworks.

    I will introduce specifically what kind of work is possible and how it will spread in the future.

    Kansai Works Wakayama Area

    Nippon Steel has implemented a comprehensive application for the Kansai Works Wakayama Area.
    It seems that other steelworks will also apply in sequence.

    In response to the deregulation of drones this time, we plan to incorporate the use of drones in the following work.

    ・Inspection at flight altitude (150m), which was previously regulated
    ・Extensive inspection by automatic operation
    ・Inspection of revetments and equipment by seaside flight of steelworks quay

    By expanding the use of drones, workers can save the trouble of setting up scaffolding when performing inspections. In addition, it is possible to automate inspections in a wide range of roads, railways, and belt conveyors, and to inspect embankments without using ships.

    In addition to greatly reducing the workload, you can expect cost reduction and high safety. Also, as a countermeasure against the new coronavirus infection, it will also have the effect of avoiding the three Cs.



    Drones play a very important role in supporting the infrastructure of the country.
    For this reason, there is a growing movement to use it in many fields such as governments, local governments, and private companies.

    However, the rules are often different depending on the usage situation.
    Furthermore, in 2022, the Aviation Act will be revised, and the flow of drone use will change significantly.

    We will continue to bring you the latest information about drones.
    Please check it out.

    [2021 Latest] A must-see for drone beginners! Commentary on 12 recommended aerial drones, regulations, and licenses recommended by the editorial department

    Viva! Drone Editorial Department

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