The communication power that CA met Common points of high passengers, What is the "dignity" that dwells in casual conversations?

 Even if you say "conversation", the topics of choosing and speaking in the relationship with the other person are different, such as whether the other person is the first time or have met many times, is a close relationship or not so much.

 It's good to talk to a private and close friend, but the first important thing in the official scene of business is to use polite language, whatever the relationship you are.

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 The most common is, some people are extremely broken in order to draw the other person's interest.The tension on the spot may be relaxed, but depending on the other person, you may be accepted as a rude and rude person.Especially if the opponent who meets the first meeting has such an impression with the first impression, it is very difficult to dispel that impression.That alone can be lost as a business person.First, let's review your usual language.

 If the language is polite, the probability of thinking that this person is not good at the first meeting will decrease.The first bad impression that I had is only adversely affected by business.

 Basically, replying to "yes" instead of "yeah" or "yeah".And it is important to thoroughly speak carefully, such as speaking in "it" and "masu".

 Polite language is one of the business manners.This is not only a compassion for others, but also a way to protect yourself.Just pay attention to the language, you can feel the dignified person at once, and there is no manners that can be so easy.

 Furthermore, conversation is important.The beginning of business negotiations, presentations, and everyday conversations are often used for "ice breaks".This is a basic business skill that does not start to talk about the business suddenly, but enters the main subject from a light topic like a public story, relieves each other's tension, and promotes the next conversation.

 When I was a Chief Perser on JAL's international flight, I was stopped by customers and talked abruptly while walking in a business -class passage on board.

"Kimi, the chief? You're quite young. How many years have you been flying? Where are you? Husband pilot? ..."

 Not only was it suddenly talked about, but he also asked questions like water on a standing board.If it is the current age, it is quite a bitter content.

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 I don't think it's bad at all, and it's just a recognition of having a fun conversation, but this makes it a disgust and distrust of the other person rather than enjoying the conversation.At this time, I thought, "I'm a person who can be a lot. Let's stay away."

 Communications that misunderstand the friendliness and the irritability will make your opponent uncomfortable.


 This may be an extreme case, but such exchanges can be found in everyday life.One -sided person who asks only what he wants to hear, and vice versa, who talks only about what he wants to talk about, turns all the topics on themselves, and does not hold their mouths.。He may not have noticed, but this will get tired of the person who talks.

 Conversation is not possible alone.It is the first time that you can throw words with the other party and make a two -way exchange properly.

 It is often compared to catching balls, but catching balls do not throw super fast spheres from the first ball.You start throwing it by adjusting to make it easier for your opponent to receive, and when you get used to each other, you can enjoy a ball or a ball that is difficult for the opponent to get a little.

 In a conversation, if you suddenly throw a straight ball in words, your opponent is confused and sometimes closes your heart.Ice break is a warm -up before starting a conversation.In addition to relieving tension, it is also a smooth oil that explores the other person's feelings in unreasonable public stories and greetings in the weather, and smoothly communicate.

 You have the opportunity to talk with various customers during the flight.Especially on long -distance flights on international flights, you may talk to customers who have extra time.Now, not only the first class but also all the classes, the seats are equipped with personal TVs and the entertainment is substantial, but there are surprisingly many customers who want to enjoy conversation with CA.

 Customers who are good at conversation have some commonalities.That is, the "beginning" and "end" of the conversation are smart.

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 The first is the timing to talk to.If you only have the business scene, you can only see if you can talk to the other person's situation, or to see if you can talk to you, or whether you can talk directly, "Can I talk now?"to change.

 Many customers who can talk on the plane can talk at the timing of this situation."Is it a little good now?"With this word, the other party can be happy to respond to the conversation without feeling abrupt.

 And the timing of the story is also important.If you're a friend, it's fun to talk to you without worrying about time, but you need to be careful about business.

 Depending on the content of the story, even if the conversation is booming and it becomes a long story, it is important to understand the other person and round up the story moderately.During the conversation, when the other party starts to fidget or begins to show a clock, it is a message from the person who is boring and long.Instead of keeping talking forever, it is smart to tell the other party, "I'm sorry to go down" or "The story has become longer" and cut it up in a timely manner.

 In this way, simply being aware of the "beginning" and "end" of the conversation, you can give the impression of a polite person who respects the other person's position.

"Conversation" is the basis of human relationships.In private and business scenes, you can heal and cheer up people with one word.On the other hand, you can deeply hurt people with unwilling words.

 "Conversation", which handles words carefully, creates trust and communicates well.First of all, it is important to ask the other party to think that it is comfortable to talk to this person.As it accumulates, it will change into the trust of "If this person says," and "I can listen honestly if this person says."

When it comes to polishing "conversation skills", it's easy to care only about the content of speaking and how to speak, but just by being aware of the "words catch ball" of interacting with the timing of the conversation and the polite words, the other person is against the other party.You can give a good impression.The "conversation skill" that the other person feels comfortable is a high communication skill.

※この記事は2021年7月6日に公開されたものです。Related Stories「落日の小池百合子」は国政に向かう、都民ファ“健闘”でも前途多難ひろゆき氏の電話不要論に大賛成、電話は「不愉快で不適切」な5つの理由まん防の「飲食3つの制限」を即刻解除せよ、根拠も責任もぐずぐずの日本