What is semi-formal? Explain the indispensable wearing skills of men's suit

With the continuous development of social life and more and more contacts, the chances of being invited to activities and parties will also increase. What is active at this time is a semi-formal costume. In this article, we will discuss semi-formal basics and coordination points.

What is semi-formal?

What is semi-formal?

Semi-formal is the abbreviation of semi-formal clothing, which is called "quasi-formal dress" in Japanese. In order to formally express as a "formal dress", it refers to a situation that is one level lower than the formal format.

For example, imagine a wedding. The wedding is a formal occasion, and the parents of the bride and groom are required to wear formal clothes. On the other hand, the boss of the bride and groom and other guests of the main guest is not formal, but semi-formal dress is more appropriate. According to the intention of the bride and groom, all members will also attend in a semi-formal style.

As a semi-formal costume, the standard is the director's suit during the day and the evening dress at night. In addition, black suits, which are considered lower-end than these, are also regarded as semi-formal style in Japan.

What is the semi-formal scene?
