What about Apple Watch for funerals and interviews?Manners and digital are incompatible with funerals, and Apple Watch is an ant or pear

Why is smartwatch a bad or digital gadget?If the evolution of technology is not accepted in the business site, the future of Japan is not bright.

What about five years after that?

At least around me, it seems that the number of people who wear smartwatches (although almost Apple Watch) has been overwhelmingly increasing.It may be one factor that I do digital work, but I have seen a business person in a suit wearing a smartwatch in the city.

■ Acts to shine the display at the funeral ceremony

The wearing scene is certainly increasing, and its universality is steadily increasing.However, the day when smart watches become commonplace are still far away.There are a certain number of people who have not been able to use them correctly.

The other day, there was a person who had a smartwatch for the funeral attendant.It is good itself, but it is not used.Despite the place where the funeral manners were emphasized, he laid down the display and opened a message app.

Such insane usage reduces the status of smartwatches.I often see the same sights at weddings.Each time, the resentment of the job hunting era has revived and makes me feel depressed.

However, if you think about it, you have not talked about the "smart watch's current location".That's why I felt that it was necessary to consider how far the smartwatch was worn and how far it was out.

Specifically, there are three scenes: smart watches in 〇 〇, smart watches in ceremonial occasions, and smart watches as fashion.Let's explain what kind of usage is actually used.

■ Manners and digital are incompatible


First of all, I would like to clarify whether or not we need the manners mentioned earlier.

In the first place, a digital gadget has the image of a "new one".On the other hand, manners are closely related to tradition, that is, "old ones."In other words, the compatibility between digital gadgets and manners is not good.

However, the position will not change if the digital gadgets are new and have various functions, leaving "manners".I guess, I don't have to shy away, so I just need to devise how to use it.

While thinking so, I repeated research and heard the opinions of experts.An acquaintance who has experience as a formal wear sales clerk and an acquaintance of a funeral official said, "Although there is (even smartwatch is a ceremonial occasion), the color is based on black and the material of the belt is skin.The board is calm. "

It is the same as being careful when wearing a so -called watch.Of course, it is a story after observing the natural manners, such as turning off the notification function.

In other words, the smartwatch at a ceremonial occasion is not "there" or "none," but "what to choose" and "how to use".

If you think about it, digital devices are just "digital", but they are perceived as "toys", and they tend to be shunned in places where formal and manners are needed.But isn't the essence in the "use"?

You should start thinking from uses that do not cause harm or discomfort, not the things themselves.

■ Can you use it to be stronger when used?


The dial of Androidware (Huawei Watch) is the same as a normal business watch

葬式や面接にApple Watchはどうなの?マナーとデジタルは相性が悪い 葬式にアップルウォッチは、アリかナシか

Again, today, it is not rare for those who wear smartwatches at work.No matter where you wear it, such as workplaces and training, business negotiations and dinner, you will not be interfered with anymore.

So why do they work with smartwatches?Also, how are you using it?

I heard that many people use all the functions.What I use is mainly the "notification function".

It is a simple feature to know which title email or message has come from which app is a simple function, but it is very useful for work efficiency.It is extremely difficult to check the contents that reach hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds of hundreds every day with a smartphone.

Also, depending on the app, you can easily reply by tapping the registered fixed sentence in advance.You may think, "Well, but that's it?", But most of them are that (although many people use electronic payment function except for business tools).

However, even "that is the case" increases work productivity.By knowing what kind of email coming in advance, the grasp and priorities after opening the e -mail on a PC will be overwhelmingly faster (I'm a very annoying type, so it's a fixed type.I often get a reply with a one -tap).

Recently, the number of things that do not have a display on the body, like Apple, and are not seemingly invisible to smart watches.Sony's Wena is a representative.If you are still reluctant, you may want to choose a suit from these things.

Maybe many people think that the display is small, or that a smartwatch with no display in the first place cannot be used.Still, it's worth trying.The notification function alone should be lighter the daily work load than expected.

Personally, just enjoying smartwatches as fashion is very welcome.However, it is a story if you follow the manners.

Let's give it to the next chapter for details.

■ Collaboration with Nike and Hermes


Finally, I would like to consider smart watches as fashion.

Today, not only Apple, Samsung, Sony, but also watchmakers Tag Hois and Fossil are making their own smart watches.There are also fashion brands such as Mark Jacobs.

Also, although the company's brand does not put out the smartwatch itself, the brands that everyone knows, such as Nike and Hermes, collaborates with Apple Watch and creates original belts and dials.

The DIFA, a web media specialized in digital and fashion, has a special feature that introduces the real dressing technique of Apple Watch called "29People 29WAYS".

In this way, the smartwatch market has more fashionable movements, but most people actually wear Apple Watch in default, and meet people who enjoy changing the type of watches and bands.There are few opportunities.

The case of a smartphone is now different.For example, some people often see cases that are "cute and difficult to hold as a case."In my impression, when the smartphone just came out, everyone used a simple clear case.I guess I wanted to brag about the smartphone itself.

If the smartphone was replaced by the phone, it may be in a transitional period.

Devices become commonplace (there is no discomfort) → more options for various designs will increase → Enjoy the design.I feel that it will change to enjoy the design in that order.

■ To become more "natural"

However, I believe that there is one task for smart watches to be established as fashion items.

In the first place, those who like watches have several watches and change the watch worn by the mood and coordination of the day.In the case of a smartwatch, the "change" action leads to a bitter experience.Such a problem occurs because the apps and platforms managed by each smart watch are different.

For example, if you change from Apple Watch to Androidware (Android Wear), you have to review the notification settings, just like switching your smartphone.Healthcare -based life logs also change, so the transfer of data is lost.So even if you can change the band, it is difficult to change the smartwatch body casually.

In the future, if platforms and apps are linked or integrated with various smartwatches, the possibility of enjoying as a fashion in their original sense will increase.

With the idea of thinking of a smartwatch as digital, the situation does not change.If you lose your bias and face it and face the task, it will be a natural item as a "dress".


土屋 亘ITガジェットジャーナリスト1991年生まれ。法政大学デザイン工学学士。早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科ジャーナリズム課程修了。百貨店勤務。デジタル部門所属。スマートスピーカー、スマートウォッチ、VRをはじめとした最新ガジェットをそれぞれ複数台所有。最新のデジタルサブスクリプションサービスを駆使して、デジタルが生活に溶け込むライフスタイルを研究中。


(IT gadget journalist Wataru Tsuchiya)
