Very popular!User love seen from "G-SHOCK restore service".Casio's love.

On October 5, the Casio Computer launched a restore service to replace the bezel band and batteries of the G-SHOCK impact-resistant watch "G-SHOCK".The company is positioned as "a service that responds to the user's feelings that will love G-SHOCK for a long time", but honestly, it seems that it is not worth it as a business.Is it really a hidden aim for a company that should pursue profits?The roots are rotten ... No, I'm doubtful, and I visited Casio headquarters directly.

What is G-SHOCK restore service?


The two who responded to the central figure of this project were responded.Kazuya Namba of the Casio Calculator Quality Planning Department, which considers the technology and mechanism of this service, and Daisuke Obayashi of the watch marketing department who was in charge of marketing and promotion projects.

Before you get into the main subject, let's briefly touch on the contents of "G-SHOCK restore service".In response to the fans' requests to clean the damaged parts of G-SHOCK and want to use it again, the old model bezel (including decorative screws), bands, and batteries are replaced for a limited time.Services are already being implemented and will be provided for a limited time until January 18, 2022.

The target model is the DW-5000 series, a G-SHOCK early 8 model with a so-called urethane resin square bezel.The fee is 10,560 yen (tax included/return shipping fee is required separately).However, there are restrictions such as black bezel and color after restore, such as blacking and waterproofing in waterproofing.For more information, please see the separate article, "Casio, a restore service that revives the G-SHOCK of memories for a limited time".

――― Why did you decide to carry out this restore service?

Mr. Namba: "I was originally in the service department, and I felt that there were many people who want to use old products and are still brought to repair. However.There are quite a few cases where the parts are gone and maintenance cannot be done and I have to refuse. However, there are people who want to use it even if so, so I just need to have a band.There are quite a few people who say.


For this reason, during the 35th anniversary of G-SHOCKK, I was in charge of the development of the DW-5000CDW-5600C bezel restore service as a special project.This was also a limited time project, but in addition to having received a considerable application, "I want you to do it after the application period, so I want you to do it now."I received such inquiries like every month.We also found improvements in services and new technologies, so we wanted to do it soon. "

Mr. Obayashi "In addition, G-SHOCK has developed various services and events such as" SHOCK THE WORLD "to advocate" brands that value fans ". However, the influence of the new colon virus infection.With the evolution of digital marketing, the movement of connecting each customer in a different direction with one to one (one to 1) in the company has grown in the company.

Until now, I could only grasp the products I actually purchased and what models sold.But now, there are contacts in digital media such as web and SNS.This makes the face of each G-SHOCK fan clearer even clearer.In other words, I thought that we could make a deeper proposal as a manufacturer what kind of support and services could be provided.It was this timing that such quality planning and marketing thought just overlap. "


――― I also interviewed the restore service of the 35th anniversary of G-SHOCKK in Namba.You used a bezel made by molding the actual DW-5000C and the DW-5600C, making a mold, and a optical mold.I guess it was quite difficult because each one was handicraft.

Mr. Namba: "Moreover, I applied more than expected, and it was so happy and hard (laughs).We have adopted a method to create a mold. Of course, at that time, there is only hand -drawn drawing, so we make mold data based on CAD, but the image is different from the finished product.Do you say that the slope of the slope is harder than the real thing or the delicate nuances of the end are different. "

――― Actually, the craftsman had made various corrections when carving the mold.

Mr. Namba "I think so. So, I modified the mold data while comparing the real thing with 3D scanning."

――― This is, this heat is Casioism!



Obayashi: "However, the color is also an important factor for G-SHOCK. It may be meaningful because it is that color for customers. For example, put out the popular yellow G-SHOCK in the restore and turn black.I was quite worried about what would I think when I came back. "

――― I also pay attention to the actual restoration work.


Namba "When the customer G-SHOCK arrives, first check whether it will work and whether it can be responded in the restore. If there is no problem here, if there is any problem with it.I will contact the customer and ask, "What will you do in this state?"

You say that people who actually work are nervous.After all, everything is a product that has your thoughts, and it would be difficult if you put it on a wound. "

――― By the way, can you see the astringency of the buttons pushed in?

Mr. Namba "I want to return it as comfortable as possible, so when I feel a bit cool or bad, I am doing maintenance."


――― Is the aim of this service a service to be purely communicated with your fans or to love G-SHOCK for the rest of your life?As long as you can talk, I feel that Casio doesn't fit at all.I was actually thinking that there was something else.

Obayashi: "It's really a purely user service, and it is a means of communication with customers (laughs). Honestly, we have received the number of applications that exceeded the forecast this time, and we have a lot of time for our customers.But I'm glad. As you mentioned, the business is very far, but many people have a clock that can be fixed for nearly 40 years after the release, and many people have it., All employees are surprised. Oh, I feel that G-SHOCK is still loved.

G-SHOCK is digital, but it is recognized as a watch.It's an item that you want to use for a long time or have some books.We want us to be a product that can be passed on from parents to children."It's a low -priced model, so if you sell it until then," isn't it too lonely? "

Obayashi: "G-SHOCK will also celebrate the 40th anniversary next year. As a brand with a long history, we will implement these projects and services this time based on the fact that we want everyone to get closer and use it for a long time.I would be grateful if you could think of it. "

――― No, this vision is the viewpoint of a luxury watch manufacturer.

Namba: "The price is actually not so relevant. Even if it is around 10,000 yen, I understand the desire to give up what I like to my child, and even in this restore service word of mouth, I died.There were people who wanted to fix it because it was a father -in -law, so I think it was good to be proud to be able to respond to memories and thoughts on many people."


――― I was a little impressed.If you read this article, I think you'll be more and more like Casio and G-SHOCK.(The author who cried unintentionally)

Obayashi: "Well, I'm glad if those who have been using this for a long time will take this opportunity or continue to use it continuously. As a marketing person, I want a clock again.At the time, I would be grateful if I could consider G-SHOCK (laughs). "

――― Well, I think you can say that much (laughs).


Mr. Obayashi: By the way, I would like you to understand this as a result theory and reference data, but looking at the site patrol data of the people who visited the rest page this time, it turned out that one interesting thing was interesting.

The restore service is applied for those who have a stronger attachment to the watch body than the price.However, there are naturally some people who think it would be better to buy a new one at this price.If you want to buy a new one anyway, you may want to buy a new model in the same price range.For example, "GA-2100", which is popular with slim case and 8-square bezel.However, everyone is chosen the original square model.

After all, you have been using the 5000 series for a long time, and you are very interested in this shape, design, and wearing comfort, so you may have a lot of feelings, so you can choose a new one.That's a model of the same genealogy.

Another interesting thing is that in October, the Blue "DW-5600RB-2JF" and Khaki "DW-5600RB-3JF" as the original revival model of the original color in October, and the yellow "DW-5600REC-9JF" in November.It was released.Then, the popularity was concentrated on these.

This is really a coincidence, but from the marketing aspect, it may be said that the releasing of restore planning and revival models could be linked well.You can see that the users at that time wanted the origin and purchased it again.

Isn't this also a place related to human beings?I couldn't buy it at that time, but now I can buy it, or I miss it when I used to use it.You want to look back on your life.

---I understand.I also buy plastic models made as a child even now.But, in fact, I'm looking for myself at that time, which was projected on the plastic model from the plastic model itself.Do you buy memories or regain your time?It's a little time slip.

Obayashi: "This restore service is also 80 % of those who have applied and those who come to see the site are in their 40s and 50s. Therefore, those who had or used it came. Therefore, they come.I wonder if there are more people who are more attracted to the origin than the new model. I felt this was a very interesting result. "

――― G-SHOCK, a square model, is also a thing that calls on your memory.Oh, I was absorbed in the story and became a long manuscript after a long time (laughs).Finally, please give a message to the readers.

Namba: "Thank you for taking care of G-SHOCK so far. One of the first time, please keep it without throwing it away (laughs). We have also continued to provide better things.I think

Obayashi: I feel that G-SHOCK is a brand that has been walking with fans. I thank all of those who have long been patronized the products, such as products and services that can meet the expectations of fans.I would like to continue thinking about the project that can be done. Thank you for your continued support of G-SHOCK.

――― Thank you both today.

Click here for details of G-SHOCK restore service

[PR] Provided: Casio Calculator
