The unbearable lightness of the left wrist: What I can see from the first week I spent without a smartwatch

The beginning was that a small rash appeared on his wrist.One day, she thought she suddenly swollen red, and itching attacked.Did she touch something suspicious in hiking?

In the end, the rash eventually disappeared without spreading to a part other than the wrist.From there, I returned to my smartwatch again, but for a while, a red rash began to appear on her wrist again.

It was no longer a smart watch addict

That's why I have been living without a smartwatch, despite the many years I have worn some Bluetooth -compatible terminals on my left wrist.

I still don't know the cause of inflammation, but it's irresponsible to predict the cause.And at that time, he lived in Garmin's smartwatch or "Apple Watch" and bracelet.

Activity Tracking was no longer addictive.

Of course, you are the only one who is interested in the information gathered.Nevertheless, jogging, hiking, swimming, the number of waves riding in surfing, or walking in the downtown area seem worthless if they are not recorded on their wrists.


Nevertheless, the value of such activity trackers is not always worth the effort of it.I'm tired of having a dedicated charging adapter, and I have to charge it frequently.

What do you have to do for such an effort?Just to count the number of steps?

The more I think, the more I feel like I need to keep a distance from this terminal, which reminds me of a wristwatch -type "Tamagotchi".So I decided to say goodbye to my smartwatch.

However, I immediately missed my original life.

That day I felt that the future was pulsing with my wrist

It was in 2011 that the relationship between wearable terminals began.

At that time, the modern edition of "Fitbit Ultra" and "JawBone UP", which appeared with the spread of motion tracking and Bluetooth chips, were very popular.At one point, he was asked to write an article about Jawbone, and he became captivated by this wearable terminal.

Will this small device made of elastomer material be more than measurement of steps and poor sleep measurement?Will the user get tired in a few months?Is the measurement value of the wearable terminal correct in the first place?

By the way, during a certain period of 2013, I have compared the number of steps measured by four types of activity trackers in a spreadsheet.When I walked at the same distance with multiple terminals, I thought that a variety of measured values would come out.The result was as expected.

When Apple's smartwatch, which has been rumored for a long time, appeared in 2015, he flew to New York to obtain a terminal for preceding reviews, and in San Francisco to get Apple Watch before its release.I came back.On his return plane, he felt as if the future was pulsing on his wrist.

Certainly, there were some incidents at the airport where Apple Watch, which should function as a boarding pass, could not be read well.In addition, the light of this wrist -spoken future may actually be the same as the green optical sensor of other wearable terminals.
